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RIM Guru
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Everything posted by ::Hitesh::

  1. Hardware Purchase Suggestion Requests

    ^^^ They wont harm you laptop, I have used 12 cell china made battery for my HP dv2000, it last 2 year with very good backup. even if your laptop is more than 3 years old, you wont get original HP battery, they are all OEM. Only you cannot say that compatible battery will last for specific time, by local purchase you may get 6 months or 1 year warranty, but its your luck, it will go for replacement every month or may not go even after a year. any battery for HP battery wont last more than 2 year. even brought from HP shop, it wont last more than 2 years.
  2. BBM Released For Android and iOS

    Many times it gives no connection error, and then after 4-5 tries it shows white screen for 10sec. Then it ask for email . And now item not found in Google play store !!! Lol blackberry why the hell u want us to wait .... What's app is working fine with us.
  3. BBM Released For Android and iOS

    Now they should make a pc client and beat whatsapp
  4. iPhone 5 with Data on Reliance CDMA?

    Lol I am too new for iPhone.....
  5. use http://www.cdmatool.com/apple iPhoneCDMAtool.com and cdmatool.com are different softwares. The tool being discussed in this topic is http://www.iphonecdmatool.com ydiddy is a developer at iphonecdmatool.com Thanks for clearing my doubt....
  6. How to send Email in Back date?

    Its outlook Express (not outlook from MS office pack) with Imap settings of Gmail. Also first save mail as draft and then shift to sent items it will show in sent item online, (first it will show old date but sync time of current g server) wait for 5min, then it will show as send on old date. now you can show our sent item to some one and proof that mail was sent, (you have not received it thats not my fault ) LOL
  7. How to send Email in Back date?

    ^^^ Let it be Fortunately !!
  8. ^^^ WE ? May know who all are included in this WE ?
  9. iPhone 5 with Data on Reliance CDMA?

    We ? May I know who all are included in we ?
  10. How to send Email in Back date?

    Lol Hope it works for other things , not just money ....... But fortunately we can't change our past !!! Future is in our hands lets try to change it !
  11. Which is better Data Technology? - CDMA 1X OR GSM GPRS/Edge

    1x is more stable compare to Edge but if you ask any GSM user, they will say edge is better , as he never used 1x. even compare to EV network to 3g gsm, ev users will say ev is better and 3g users will say 3g is better. here you are not comparing tech to tech, every one have their own views and uses, and every one says , what i am using is best ! (ego)
  12. Nexus 4 - The Next Google Flagship Phone is Official

    IF you are looking for nexus 4 equivalent cdma device, you can go with sprint LG optimus G Its almost same as nexus 4, also have bigger internal storage. side by side tech spec of both http://www.phonearena.com/phones/compare/Google-Nexus-4,LG-Optimus-G-Sprint/phones/7531,7100
  13. How to send Email in Back date?

    Mail in sent items of Outlook Mail in sent Items of Gmail Date Proof of mail was created today and showing 1jan 13 date Server date time stamp on same mail
  14. Handset for RCDMA - Rs 5-6K - Suggest Please

    Droid pro/xprt are good . I think you your self is having admiral. Its almost same as pro or xprt. Also around ur budget only . For warranty or dual SIM, u need to find Indian market handsets only.
  15. How to send Email in Back date?

    I think my post did not came up or its deleted. Last night did it successfully with gmail account only. Will post screen shots again.

    Happy BirthDay Ashok Bhai !! Have a Blast !!
  17. How to send Email in Back date?

    Outlook express with old system like xp . But depends on your mail server.
  18. ^^^ Files are encrypted now, its not a normal virus which effects EXE files, his DBF files are as it is but only wrapped in exe with encrypted password.
  19. I am no expert in FoxPro, but have you used DBF repair tool like DBF doctor ?
  20. Advice needed for using Palm Pixi Plus

    ^^^ Sorry could not reply u on gtalk, was busy with office work. hope *228 connection solved your problem
  21. ^^^ Are you asking or telling that it wont work. it should worked if you get proper access to SPC / Firmware

    Happy BirthDay Daaktar Babu !!

    Happy BirthDay Kapil Ji !!!
  24. Hardware Purchase Suggestion Requests

    If you already have sony charger with you, why dont you just buy a USB cable ?
  25. Share/Request Discount Coupons For Online Shopping

    XM7V4JUNHB XMAPD7P4FW XMW3CSUEGX 7%* discount on eBay India Coupon Validity till 31-Dec-2013