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RIM Guru
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Everything posted by ::Hitesh::

  1. How To Get The Device Listed On Android Market?

    If Market came pre installed the surely its register with google, other wise need to use other way around.
  2. ^^^ you are too lucky then, if your hero is ESN base then 786 only restores meid .
  3. How To Recover Changed SPC of Palm Pixi Plus?

    yes This is common problem of pixi, phone stop responding in middle, but it wont go off, it only goes in stand by mode (screen off) in bin file you can search for SPC even it is not complete. by the way what are the range used by u ?
  4. on hero do it on any radio any rom on incre easy way is to do it on 2.1 rom with 1.00 radio
  5. For Hero S-off is good, but not require while doing meid restore, as highest official rom is 2.1, and no issues for meid restore. still if you want more info go to http://unrevoked.com/
  6. Issue After Upgrading To 2.3.3 Of My Droid X

    @Gaurav Have you rooted and installed recovery when you where on 2.2 ? Also nand backup ? if you have your nand backup, just restore it and go back to 2.2
  7. As muffy said 786 is not the full solution for meid restore, if your device is only on ESN then only meid will come back and ESN stays same, best way is to root--->S-OFF---> Load 2.1 rom with 1.xx radio ---> then follow scanning method. This rom can be used after S-OFF http://shipped-roms....00_NoDriver.exe
  8. installling WebOS 2 on pixi is like 4 men seating on two wheeler bike, its slow device , so even we get thru it will be too slow and buggy. enjoy what u have !
  9. How to get Applications For Palm Pixi Plus?

    you can use quick installer and get apps from database in same app, to use you need to put pixi in developer mode and then you require novocom in pc with this app. look in pixi topics to get all softwares Novacom for 32bit OS http://www.ziddu.com/download/11546685/NovacomInstaller_x86.rar.html More info HERE
  10. Weird Issue With HTC Touch Pro 2

    ^^^ For 1st and 3rd issue u can try flashing stock rom, it may help
  11. For professional only BB
  12. That means you need a good handset with good battery backup, If you see almost all high end hadnsets dont have battery backup for more than a day. Few Handset like samsung epic got good battery backup, but its bulky with slide out keypad. one handset I am using is HTC Ozone (win mo 6.5), which is not that bulky but have qwerty kaypad, good battery backup, (as it use 1500mAh battery for non touch phone with qwerty) works on GSM and CDMA, BUT you may say its not rich looking (personal teats )
  13. Bomb Blasts In Mumbai

    TOI showing video, but not showing actual blasts , hope everything is normal !!
  14. @Raghu TATA is done by other ways, not same as reliance. @pintoo :- MEID is main thing, ESN is only for older network , which may not support MEID fully. also ESN shown under MEID is not actual ESN it is called pESN. your mobile cannot be used on pESN only mode. it should be ESN only. wana need more info, google for MEID & pESN
  15. How To Recover Changed SPC of Palm Pixi Plus?

    ^^^ Use old method , scan & dump with unicdma or cdmaworkshop and search in winhex.
  16. Palm Pixi + Touchscreen Stopped Working

    ^^^ not 2nd you are 3rd !!
  17. New Handsets Added In Profile Field

    i cant see ozone in list.
  18. Above config is really good. You can reduce some thousands by using Nvidia board, it will cost approx 2.2K, but board suggested by Rajan is rally good. Also cabinet you can reduce some bucks , depends on local market.
  19. Appeal To Reliance For Data Plans

    Looking for more at lest make it 500 !!
  20. Appeal To Reliance For Data Plans

    RimWeb users wake up !!! I was not active still i have signed 2 time, you guys plz sign only 1 time PLEASE !!!
  21. Help To Buy Refrigerator

    Gordrej has lost its quality in recent years, My parents used godrej for more than 10year without major repair. but now its not the same.
  22. ^^^ I think u got your solution !!
  23. Palm Pixi + Touchscreen Stopped Working

    Touch stone may have cause this problem but its not the Samsung charger. as i have faced this problem in past.there is only one solution to this, you need to change your front panel (LCD + Digitizer + front panel) , as you dont get only Digitizer . Cost of same is approx Rs 1500. and you can do it your self. Thanks
  24. Help To Buy Refrigerator

    every now and then models get changed, so some one who purchased recently can help you.
  25. Using 2-Way Walkie Talkie In India

    i am not looking for legality of it, just looking for a product available in India with warranty. license is 2nd .