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Everything posted by liquidnitrogen

  1. DID YOU KNOW: Windows VISTA Facts & Goof-ups

    I'd say thats a flaimbait . Well i have used both fiesty fawn, beryl and metisse (so much for affect, sorry if metisse is mispelled), have extensively used and programmed QT and know linux as a system admin and desktop user. If i didn't have had a msdn universal subscription i might have not installed vista ultimate on my laptop and would be running kubuntu, as it's free. As a Vista user, I would suggest you to give a shot at WPF or wait a few months and see how powerful it is. I personally feel windows XP is a much better desktop operating system then any other OS available out in the wild and you couldn't agree any more. Linux is still and always better on the server and security side. Vista on the other hand has filled up the gap, it sure has better security (for example system automatically do su before you change anything system critical). I think if linux catch up and come out with a better desktop, microsoft would not change over night and would still be going good, rather would comparable to IBM when Microsoft had come out with windows 95. I think that would be a long way to go. Windows has MSDN and Visual Studio that makes all our life easier, linux does not have anything quite close to it (i know and have worked with kdevelop etc) and that what kicks the meat of linux Cheers nitro http://cacheyourcash.blogspot.com
  2. DID YOU KNOW: Windows VISTA Facts & Goof-ups

    Vista Has Some Really Stupid Bugs Check out the post and the youtube video. Sure it was released with out extensive testing. http://cacheyourcash.blogspot.com/2007/04/...with-vista.html
  3. How Do You Take Multi Call

    I am using Nokia 6255, and when i try picking and answering the other call (by pressing the answer button) both of my phone call gets disconnected. Is there something i am doing wrong or do you guys face it too?
  4. RConnect & Linux

    Guys, I think surfing on linux is a pleasure when compared with windows. On linux both wvdial and kppp can be made configured to re-connect if the net is disconnected. I am using freedom at night plan and often the network will go down, with linux i can configure the same to reconnect but on windows i don't know how to do the same. Am using bluetooth dongle and nokia 6265 for the same. If any one is interested i can paste bluetooth -> hcid.conf etc, wvdial.conf settings. Cheers, nitro
  5. Whilst surfing yesterday with Rconnect i was able to receive a phone call and at the same time could dial to my friend. The phone didn't get disconnected as i could send and receive at the same time. If i remember correctly this never was possible before? Can anyone also confirm me please? I am using 6255 with bluetooth dongle.
  6. Unable To Connect My Modem When Using Linux

    how are you trying to connect? do you have a cable or bluetooth? I know how to do with bluetooth in a failsafe way! Either ways did you use the your LG modem specific init strings? You can pick the same from the advance tab of your DUN modem in control panel i.e. in windows.
  7. Nokia 6255 Blues

    For gawd knows what reason my phone powers off and starts again when opening the game folder. This has started from last night. If any one knows the reason and the solution to this please post back?? Also would like to know if firware upgarde on nokia can be of any help and will it interfere with Reliance firmware if there is any?
  8. What's This Wallpaper Showing System Uptime?

    lots of widgets konfabulator.com or some desktop widget (search on google) dhtml wallpaper
  9. Altec lansing ATP3 ... its a 2.1 for 3300 Rs and kicks a$$ of any 5.1 for less then 10K speaker set a good 5.1 will cost you 15K+... such as logitech Z series...
  10. Which Is The Most Expensive Software ?

    i think its SAP
  11. Nokia 6255 Blues

    even i have tried with other nokia battery... and it didn't give me any problem on this new handset.
  12. Nokia 6255 And Bluetooth

    Hi, Can some one please confirm if DUN works fine on Reliance 6255? I tried with bluetooth but to no avail. If you are successfull connecting to the net with DKU2/IR/Bluetooth please do point out. I could connect Nokia PC Suite via bluetooth and transfer files but was unable to connect to the net. If you know how to connect to net via bluetooth please jot down the steps. Thanks in advance nitro
  13. Blue Tooth Dongle

    I bought a blue tooth dongle with one year warranty for 700 RS. The net connection with bluetooth is faster then dku2 cable. I get max of 16.40 KBP/s. sowwie no idea about mini browser.
  14. All About Nokia 6255

    Man as being pointed on the forum this seems to be an odd bug. I talked to the nokia care center and they told they are receiving complaints every other day. We'd have to wait for a new firmware. Well i was lucky enough that they (Nokia care center i.e.) analyzed the fone and gave me a new handset. Well i would suggest not to install any jar files for the time being. The more you will play with it the more you have chances of reproducing the bitchy bug. BTW GUYS DIDJA NOTICE YOU CAN NOW CHECK YAHOO MAIL ON YOUR RWORLD???
  15. Nokia 6255 Blues

    hehe thanks mukul... i recalled the passwd and its finally unlocked ... thanks a ton for the pointers
  16. Nokia 6255 Blues

    am using the default card that comes with the handset
  17. All About Nokia 6255

    Hey Guys, As i was facing problems opening the game menu (because of the popular bug in 6255 the phone was restarting every time i used to select the game menu), nokia care replaced my handset with a brand new handset. Problem now is that i can not unlock the old MMC card on this new handset? Any pointers how i can unlock the MMC card? thanks nitro
  18. Nokia 6255 Blues

    Did you by any chance locked your MMC from your previous Nokia 6255. There is a feature to lock your MMC from your Nokia phone. Other wise you can not lock the MMC from the card it self. 41775[/snapback] i can't recall that thanks to the grey cells in my tiny brain. anyhow have found an alternative will try from home as i don't have the freakin bluettooth usb dongle. will keep you guys posted. Anyhow thanks to the nokia customer care my phone is up finally :'( they told i have to dial *228 to make the fone activated. it actually downloaded a programmed file (aka NAM).
  19. Nokia 6255 Blues

    Am kinda sick with this phone and the fu*ked up reliance service as my phone number is not yet enabled, they both are like made for each other :'( . I might be exaggerating things a bit but am not happy with the frequent net disconnection + slow service from reliance. To add more to the cribbing part all of a sudden my old phone would popup a message"Searching for network connection..." and this would keep going for ages till i actually reboot the crapola piece of 6255. At the same time my friends who are using samsung black color slim piece (i don't remember the model) or LG would show full signal strength in their mobile. Once i'll get an airtel broadband connection or if GSM rates goes down i'll quicky switch to sony eric/GSM SP. Reliance is CRAPOLA and Nokia is catching up slowly. well to answer your query i replaced this here at bangalore (near christ college) and yeah its Nokia Care center. Check out nokia.co.in you can alternatively write to me @ rohits79@yahoo.com if you have got any clue or answers to any of these.
  20. Nokia 6255 Blues

    Okay Guys, I went to Nokia care yesterday and they replaced my handset. The tech assistant told me all the 6255 handsets have this issue (they have replaced 3 handsets in last one week so far, luckily mine was the last in stock). I would suggest not to buy this phone till a fix is available/we guiney pigs tell you its not an issue any more (after all features is what we pay for). I am kinda a sad with Nokia that so far they haven't really come up with any updates even when they are showing up ads on TV and popularising their phone. They should make the things bullet proof before giving a marketing gimmick. Since my IMEI number was changed the phone is off for some time as reliance takes more then 24 hrs to resume the service. For now the only problem am facing is that the MMC card is locked. As far as i remember the old card didn't have had any lock code. Can you guys help me on this atleast so i could unlock the MMC card. Cheers nitro
  21. All About Nokia 6255

    Does any one know if its possible to write an application that would connect to the net from mobile phone (6255) directly? What am trying to achieve is to initiate a connection directly from my mobile to the net and render the page on the mobile phone. I am sure this is dependent on the network stack which may not be there on the phone but any pointers on these would be highly appreciated. If this is not possible i would also like to know how is this achieved on other WIN CE mobile phone/Nokia GSM etc where one can surf etc. thanks nitro
  22. All About Nokia 6255

    Is it just me that sees the phone getting switched off once in a while, while playing games etc? Also i see out of network coverage signal, if i switch off and switch on again the connection signal strength shows upto max. Please let me know if any of you face similar problem?
  23. All About Nokia 6255

    I too agree that the phone is not so sleek or Really mind blowing when it comes to ergonomics if compared with other nokia phones. I remember i could easily take out my LG moon light phone while driving my bike, talk and put the phone back in my denim jeans with ease (Please don't try this - warning). Also the antenna is silly but i guess its required very much.To sum it all its a question of features, price, ergonomics etc. 6255 is a fat manly phone (I have had the same opinion like yours about nokia communicator which is as long as a XBOX remote and couldn't believe that ppl were buying it, but once i started using it i got used to it and over a period of time the size was just not an issue). Its a matter of choice and personal opinion which *may* tend to change from time to time from person to person. my two paisas Guys appreciate if you could posts any URLs where we could download the games, apps related to 6255. If i have time i would download the SDK and try writing some apps of my own.cheers
  24. All About Nokia 6255

    Here are the pics taken from 6255 The pic with rainbow was shot when it was raining so its bit hazy The other one was shot at 6.30PM
  25. All About Nokia 6255

    See inline I would like to know whether following features are available in Nokia 6255: 1. Voice Dialing [Nitro] Yes very much 2. Memory Expansion [Nitro]Oh yeah there are MMCards that can go upto 2GB 3. Bluetooth Dial-up internet connection 4. Internet Connection Spee [Nitro]Yes to 3 und 4, net speed is good, since last two days for god knows what reason i get 13-14 KBps at times it even touches 16.4 KBps (I didn't get disconnected for once) this is on a blue tooth connection and not over the wire. Also, will this phone work with Reliance or Tata? If I purchase this phone from USA market (I know there is a variant available in US Market called as Nokia 6255i) will it work in India ? [Nitro]Not sure of this, prolly some one else can suggest