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Everything posted by KanagaDeepan

  1. MNP Retention Offer You Received

    Good sir... Mera bhi baath chal raha hai... And amit ji's PM gave me one more idea and am asking for cheaper 1x on mobile (volume based) plan... Will update for sure, when it reaches me...
  2. Is this called a retention offer??? I will kick their @$$ if this happened to me... Already TataCDMA has given me UnLimited FREE CUG + ZERO DEPOSIT + GoldenNumbers + FREE Itemised Bill from the beginning... Now I am thinking of getting cheap 1x data + FREE SMS (Local/National/Roaming) + T2T UL FREE as retention plan... Well it seems people using AirHELL and Vodafone are having extraordinary patience and super kind fellows...
  3. But still NO ONE is ready to give UnLimited data WITHOUT FUP even as a PROMOTIONAL SCHEME.. Further Rs1499 with UnLimited 3G data without FUP is a standard one... But it is good to see Airtel's 3G tariff (with SPECIAL RATES for using while ROAMING) is affordable for commonman Just kidding...
  4. Irritating Message as Caller Tune on Reliance 3G

    My rough guess is rgsm friends complaining here are using the phone in DualMODE (UMTS/GSM whichever available) and when phone gets 3G signal, it may latches to it.. So please try GSM only in Network mode and try again...
  5. Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc

    Good to see SE has learnt from its earlier mistakes (X10 without MultiTouch support even after Eclair, Very late update, processor, confusing 2 UIs, imho)...
  6. Sir, BSNL also has UnLimited 3G data WITHOUT ANY FUP for Rs700 (at Rs4200 for 6 months) and I am using the same now... So please, I beg you don't compare Airtel with BSNL atleast for the time being...
  7. Irritating Message as Caller Tune on Reliance 3G

    Well, threaten them saying "I will go back to 2G only services, if you continue this BS CRBT"...
  8. Then how much bad is really bad for you sir? Airtel's data tariff is costlier than even evdo data tariffs.. Tata and reliance gives 15gb for Rs1300 a month, after that speed reduces to 1x. But airtel's big mouth needs Rs 2000 for 14gb. We are crying that even evdo tariffs are too costly... High spectrum fees can never be the reason for such ridiculous tariffs as bsnl is giving unlimited 3g for Rs 700 a month even without fup and it has paid more spectrum fees than everyone.. Infact only bsnl can get success in 3g race, imho.. Sent from my phone using tapatalk
  9. Plans are now live here NOT MUCH different from the rumor posted above by me... ==================================================================== Airtel also launched 3G Data Packs as follows : Rs. 9 for 10 MB, validity 1 day Rs. 45 for 40 MB Validity 3 days Rs. 60 for 65 MB, validity 3 days Rs. 103 for 100 MB, validity 30 days Rs. 200 for 250 MB, validity 30 days Rs. 450 for 600 MB, validity 30 days Rs. 750 for 2 GB, validity 30 days. Apart form the above Plans, Airtel also launched on Heavy Users Plan at Rs. 650 which provide 1.25 GB free data usage. After Free usage all 3G data access will be 10p/MB up to 14 GB and after 14 GB the Speed cap of 128 Kbps will be applicable. This Rs650 + 10p/MB means Rs1955.60 for 14GB which is still costly... I dont know whether the 128kbps will be FREE or charged @ Rs15.36 per MB...
  10. Dual Sim Motorola Milestone XT 800

    No Kesav Ji... All these TataIndicom guys are liars... I once activated Rs43--1GB TataZoneInternet pack and used for a month... But my data was charged as 40p/min and got bill for Rs3600/- The reason they gave was that "IT WAS A TATA-ZONE PACK" and to get internet on mobile based on volume I have to use HSIA Rs300---1GB pack, even though I was using 1x only.. But still as I have NO options and Android was too tempting, I activated that pack last month... Guess what happened???? I was still charged @ 40p/min and this time I got bill for Rs3200/- I have raised a complaint and they as usual they closed it without giving resolution.. Now I have mailed AnilSardhana, their MD and waiting for the results.. SO IT IS NOT AT ALL WRONG TO SAY "DATA USAGE IN MOBILE USING CDMA IS A COSTLY AFFAIR"... Further MTS and RCdma has started EV-DO in my home town and I got infos that I can get EV-DO in epic by both operators (NOT SO IN TataCDMA, even in their EV-DO covered cities).. I am thinking of changing my operator via MNP...
  11. How Easy Is Group SMSing in Android Phone?

    Ya... thats a message sent report, but in TataIndicom, it is as good as delivery report, because IMHO TI doen't messes up with SMS delivery like in so many RCom cases seen here... Further the "Titanium Backup * root" app I am using is FREE one and can be used in rooted phones ONLY... For me it is enough as my EPIC is already rooted... Thats why, I suggested you to root your O1 by Rajan bhai's simple method and use the *root FREE version to remove unwanted apps that came with firmware... All the best...
  12. Yes... In RoTN, Voda gives 2GB for Rs98 and Rs10/MB (10p/10KB) later.. To subscribe via ussd, just dial *121*98# from phone standby screen...
  13. I got the 3G rates rumour... Since it is a rumour, please take it with a pinch of a bucket load of salt... Why I am saying this is "The plans are ridiculous" and may be Airtel is waiting to see initial reactions in web and may change/bring a better(still costly) data tariff later... Please don't blame me later, if these infos went wrong.. 9Rs =10 MB, validity 1 day 60Rs =65 MB, validity 3 days 103Rs =100 MB, validity 30 days 200Rs =250 MB, validity 30 days 450Rs =600 MB, validity 30 days 750Rs =2 GB, validity 30 days After the usage charges will be 30p/20KB ===> Rs15.36 per MB, VERY VERY cheap (in Airtel's terms) and comparing current onion prices... Another rumour that 1.25 GB 3G Data Plan will cost at Rs. 650/- and after that Airtel will charge 10p/MB till Rs2000... Later speed reduces to 128kbps... Source:- NOT AT ALL RELIABLE, as its given as comment in one website (techtree and TelecomTalk to be precise)...
  14. Dual Mode 3G Handsets

    All these are DualMode and SingleStandby only isn't it Kesav Ji???? Because DualMode3G + DualStandby + Android is a killer device, imho...
  15. Reliance HSD / EVDO / Netconnect Broadband+ coverage update

    Yes Kesav Ji, the offer is called the "LAUNCH OFFER", means the offer given to all who got MTS MBlaze connection on LAUNCH day itself.. This offer is NOT applicable even on the second day, well except those devices PRE-ACTIVATED by the dealers himself on LaunchDay .. Further MTS seems to be very smart in launching these LaunchOffers @ Rs1998 in towns where they are FIRST (pvt co) to launch EV-DO and launch @ Rs3000 if they are second or third, after RCdma and/or Tata... What I am trying to say is, with that launch offer, MTS has swept away almost all potential customers from my town, even though it is prepaid.. When RCdma launch EV-DO they should atleast give offers so that those potential customers should leave that MTS device and buy their service like say -- Pay Rs2500, get U/L (same 12GB/month on EV-DO and then 1x) for 6 months + Device FREE.. But what they have given is "Get Device for Rs1600/- Rs330 for FRC to get 3GB in a month and Rs1/MB later"... But it is very sad to see only Tata is left orphaned in CDMA space... Initially I was shocked on hearing the (still a) rumour that TataIndicom was going to be taken by MTS.. But now, that seems to be a much better option for them considering their as fast as SNAIL in increasing EV-DO coverage, even in the circles where they have lost 3G license for DoCoMo...
  16. How Easy Is Group SMSing in Android Phone?

    DK sir, I am getting delivery reports on notification bar and my EPIC is on DI18 and I usually update all (non-cracked of-course) apps on Market and so may be the updated HandCent SMS may have done the trick.. Even I set the delivery-report (NOT so important in my case as TI delivers always without delay--checked with BB8830 earlier and all old Nokias) only to check, after reading the post of Raccoon bhai...
  17. Reliance HSD / EVDO / Netconnect Broadband+ coverage update

    Yes, Kesav Ji... I have seen their banners... But their launch offer is NOT good as MTS (Rs1998 = 1Month U/L + Reebok shoe + FREE USB Modem).. With FRC of Rs330 they are allowing 5GB usage within 30 days... And the salesgirl told that with Rs3000, I can get 6 months U/L... But on further checking, I got the info that it is just 18GB on 3x and then speed downgraded to 1x So for the time being, I am NOT AT ALL shifting from MTS and BSNL 3G and Videocon EDGE (speed I am getting is upto 200+ kbps max and at just Rs96/month U/L without any FUP).. Below is the speedtest result of Videocon EDGE network, which puts my BSNL 3G to shame while indoor (and further shame is BSNL 3G tower is located just 300m away from my home and by saying indoor I meant FIRST-FLOOR INDOORS and BSNL 3G wins Videocon EDGE only in SECOND FLOOR)...
  18. How Easy Is Group SMSing in Android Phone?

    Raccoon bhai, I am getting (FULLY WORKING -- CONFIRMED) delivery reports when using HandcentSMS app on my EPIC 4G running Eclair...
  19. Well… I am happy with 3G video calling of BSNL.. In Home circle BSNL charges 70p/min and in roaming just Rs1/min, even for STD video calls in roaming BSNL just charges Rs1/min… FYKI... Even today Airtel, Vodafone, RCom charges Rs1.50/min for 2G VOICE STD CALLS IN ROAMING IN MOST OF THEIR PLANS...
  20. Phone Engaged when using Data

    Subscribe to missed call alert.... I used to get sms reports about calls missed even during 1x browsing.. But if attending a call is very very important than calling them later by yourself, then use Wifi instead... May seem impossible while away from hometown.. But this is the simplest procedure I am following.. Actually during roaming, I will use bsnl 3g (Rs 4200 unlimited 3g for six months) on E90 as wifi hotspot (password protected). And using one simple trick to force my epic to use the ad hoc wifi to browse.. Only problem is wifi kills battery of both phones and so I have to use both phones connected to mains while using.. Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
  21. Mr Ganesan, first convert your Airtel numbers to Prepaid.. This can be done within 2 days after getting NOC from your co.. Then go for porting.. This is what I have done with my Airtel number... But the TataIndicom guys are as lazy as a dead pig... I have got my PORT IDs for both Airtel and Vodafone numbers, but they are saying the forms are coming.. Wait for a week..
  22. MNP Retention Offer You Received

    Got one CHEATING SMS from Airtel... They said "ESPECIALLY FOR YOU, THE STD CHARGES HAS BEEN REDUCED TO 40p/min from 1.2p/sec", even though I have NOT sent PORT message... Even I didn't have that idea to change Airtel to other IMMEDIATELY.. So when I tried one STD call, I was again charged by 1.2p/sec.. This confirmed that AirHELL people WILL NEVER CHANGE and I IMMEDIATELY SENT MY PORT SMS and got UPC and after noting it down, I have removed that bl00dy AirHELL SIM and kept it in my purse, so that I CAN NEVER BE CONTACTED BY THEM next... Friends, have you seen the MNP ads for AirHELL recently??? "CHANGE TO AirHELL and GET A SURPRISE".. I can guess their SURPRISE is just the PICK-P0CKET style Auto-VAS activations And those friends who have got PIZZAS will be surprised by the auto-activation of "PIZZA-HOME-DELIVERY-CHARGES" VAS by AirHELL (at just Rs1.20/gram) in their coming bills... JAAGO friends, JAAGO from AirHELL atleast...
  23. Still waiting for my Extra Rs990 TT... Balance is only Rs2600 till now .. Will surely update here and in twitter when I got that Extra TT anytime... Atleast they didn't play Karthik's practical joke on me till this second ...
  24. The Most Awaited MNP Finally Introduced!

    Ya... ME!D acceptance and also the A-Key issues as well...
  25. Rajan bhai... As per Hetal ji's advice please wait for 3 months, to get ideas on 3G... And from my experience (Buying N8 in my case), don't take your wife's words esp those "I DON'T NEED THIS ONE(3G here)".. It will easily change to "I MUST GET THAT ONE IMMEDIATELY" at anytime sooner than later... One simple Ad will change their mind, imho.. Then later you have to once again come here and cry like "She is not giving water.. I can't bear her severe beatings... Blood coming... etc... etc...." Rajan bhai... Take it lightly...