i havealso seen that applications but both of the applications disappear after three ,four days.i think they will reappear when reliance start chargeing r world content,because both the options are eye-catching
v4victory replied to sunil_jok's topic in Data services
All charges for R World services are free till 30th of September 2004. This includes R World content and access charges.enjoy
Click here for more info...
v4victory replied to sunil_jok's topic in The Lounge
Hello everybody,
I am vijay bansode from pune. I am a petroleum Engineer and currently working as asistant driller on oil rig.
I have brought a LG RD2030 handset and i am satisfied with R-World and its featuresbut did'nt like the coverage of RIM network.
I like making friends and chatting with friends.
Nothing else to say
bye for now