Here the problem I had faced with Nokia and Reliance for 6155.
1>In nokia site there are two data cable compatibility is flash version and another one is plain old list.
In list they are demanding that u gotta use only CA-53 4 Nok 6155 where as in Flash version they are telling that u can use either CA-53 or DKU-2.
So i tried DKU-2 and the softwares that comes with DKU-2 but failed then I tried installing from CD that comes along with Nokia 6155 with no result.
Same result I got even with CA-53(both CA-53 Cd and Nok 6155 Cd fails).
Then with no hope left i decided to turn every possible stone and installed PC Suite 6.6(drivers for CA-42,CA-53 and DKU-2 got installed automatically with dis ,no need 4 installing drivers claimed by Nokia).
After installing I uninstall the Driver only manually keeping the suite untouched.then after restarting the Pc I installed the driver that is Provided by Reliance website(only driver not Pc suite) and BINGO!IT WORKS!
My question is I can understand the need of new driver customized for Reliance as they have modified the Firmware but It should be mentioned clearly in book or Nokia should provide the soft along with the CD.
Again in hand book Nokia is claiming that u can use both DKU-2 or CA-53 but In presentation CD and other liflets they are mentioning only CA-53.
If both Reliance and Nokia were more responsible then I could've saved the money I spent buying DKU-2.
Anyway after everything is finished I'm highly enjoying the phone,accessing mails and internet,playing Fifa 2006 by EA...overall It's a great phone from the cost performance ratio's point of view.