All electronics (including all TVs) will operate normally even when incandescent bulbs dim to 50% intensity. When voltage drops too low, all electronics simply power off. Even 1970 international design standards say all that must happen without any hardware damage.
So how often are your lights dimming that much? If so, then the refrigerator, furnace, and dishwasher are at greater risk. Motorized appliances - not electronics - are put at greater risk due to voltage variations.
A second myth is 'cleaner' power from a UPS. Do not put a UPS on motorized appliances. Power in battery backup mode can be harmful to small motors and power strip protectors. Power is 'dirtiest' when a UPS is in battery backup mode. And completely irrelevant to every electronic appliance. Because electronic appliances are required (even by international design standards) to be that robust. Another reason why a UPS is made so cheaply. To output 'dirtiest' power because all electronics make 'dirty' power irrelevant. And operate perfectly fine even when incandescent bulbs dim to 50% intensity.