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Guru Gopal

RIM Veteran
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Everything posted by Guru Gopal

  1. Problem with second SIM card in Xiaomi RedRice 1S

    Redrice 1S !!!! When this phone released.
  2. Sprint iPhone 5 on Reliance CDMA?

    To my knowledge, RUIM is not supported in iOS devices. Only on NV mode. either iPhone or iPad. If there is any workaround, I too want to know the procedure.
  3. I do not know about free one, But I have 2 paid accounts and able to enjoy net flex and other stuff which was not permitted by Indian IP address.
  4. once stolen property always it is stolen property. It is the law right from British regime. Law was not changed till now india. So, whether you purchased a stolen property from any one knowingly or unknowingly it the characteristic won't be changed. only exception is legal tender money. i.e. Currency notes. The law is clear so, whether it is bad ESN phone or Stolen GsM phone, once it is stolen, always it is stolen property in the hands of other persons, who is not original owner. The only law in this regard I found till date is Environment protection act and the rules made there under with regard used electronic items. I am here with providing the link of rules and some useful info https://www.dropbox.com/s/hjf31o1bs4pubbl/ewaste%20rules.pdf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/05s6mlum7qoxs5s/guidelines-e-waste.pdf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/l58y64yz4d9aisg/cyberlaws_in_India-libre.pdf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/hxxo15ubzbfh6sq/SSRN-id1864572.pdf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/vk4xppznme6eehk/7_years_of_Indian_Cyber_Lawfed1ab84-8488-4209-a089-604d1dc5af2f.pdf?dl=0
  5. I use cyberghost.
  6. Hardware Purchase Suggestion Requests

    I recently purchased HP Slate 500 from eBay.com for 150$. I loaded windows 10 technical preview and working great. 5 hours battery life for browsing etc. 2.5 hours battery life for watching movie. Consider to import it. if you opt for it, I will guide you how to load windows 10 and drivers.
  7. I will not agree with 1st point. But accept 2nd and 3rd point.
  8. To my understanding Bad ESN means registering a handset by a service provider on its network because of Brocken Contract or Stolen. If that handset is not sold by that service provider (without contact) there will be no problem in switching over to new service provider in the same country or some other country even if they marked as BAD ESN because of non-payment usage charges. If that handset is sold by a service provider and it is marked as BAD ESN (Brocken Contact) if the same is used with some other service provider in the same country would be illegal. if that handset is brought to some other country and using with some other service provider amount to illegal but same cannot be taken cognisance by the courts of another country unless the original provider makes a complaint. Even if there is a complaint raised by the original service provider in their country the same can be executed in our country if there is external treaty between both the countries. There is 2 external treats between USA and India. (Any body wants the entire treaty, contact me I will send hard copy or soft copy.) In so far as the stolen handsets which were marked as BAD ESN, it is illegal to use/sell in any country including india. So Do not sell BAD ESN (Stolen) handsets in india (broken contract there is risk if there is complaint wants to pursue) Guru Gopal Advocate I will try to answer other types of quires and problems in due course of time.
  9. I am from Hyderabad. Using both AP CDMA sim and Gujarat sim. working great 1.5 mbps to 2 mbps speed Settings dail= #777 APN= MEID@omh.ttsl.in or tata.docomo.internet or TATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET user name = MEID@omh.ttsl.in password = internet CAPs specific
  10. WiFi Hotspot Menu Missing From Sprint Note 3

    first root note 3. install this 3rd party app. wifi tether router.
  11. Collect Your Freebies !

    It is not for postpaid. I tried and got error.
  12. Motorola Droid Razr M (Global)

    Is there anybody tried with docomo cdma on 4.4 upgraded RAzr M for data? if so what are the results.
  13. But what about the persons using DOCOMO CDMA. is the OMH sim working earlier will work after up gradation. Anybody is there who using DOCOMO CDMA after up gradation if so, kindly share their experience
  14. Cydia: airblue & pwntunes

    Have you installed airblue from big boss or from iTunes app store?
  15. My son going to stay at IIT Madras for 5 years (B.Tec and M.Tec). He is using tatadocomo prepaid in Hyderabad. He do not want to loose the phone Number. Now suggest me which cellular company is the best coverage and best roaming incoming free (I am contemplating to take a reliance CDMA 4999 in Chennia with unlimited plan and need not bother about outgoing calls). My effort is he should get good voice coverage at IIT on roaming and I should get good roaming incoming STV. Before leaving Hyderabad, I want Use MNP and give that SIM. (GSM only as his phone is iPhone 4 GSM) Gurugopal
  16. Samsung Galaxy S3

    ^^^ what is the baseband and version of os
  17. Motorola Droid Razr M (Global)

    in GSM mode or CDMA mode. In GSM mode there is no problem. I want to know this coming on CDMA mode that too in 4.4.2
  18. Just I came across a simple method of rooting my Note-III, it works for even S5 and S4 also. It works for me. Try at your risk. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jgtw1us6s4jbxog/tr.apk just download the apk and from the link and run it. It may not take less than a minute to root.
  19. Motorola Droid Razr M (Global)

    can you confirm data working with RUIM and wifi tethering also working or not?
  20. RIMweb Meet - Hyderabad

    When I heard about the thinks at rimweb meet Bombay, I have this idea. When I checked members list, I found more than 100 persons from Andhra pradesh. I have an Idea for rimweb meet at Hyderabad as I have accommodation. My guest house can accommodate 5 persons (stay) or 10 persons for meeting. If more persons participate, My conference hall in office answer for 30 persons. Light snacks and Tea/cool drinks is not problem from my side. Both the sites equipped with A/c and wifi facility, LCD Projector etc. and walkable distance from either Malakpet Railway station or Dilsuknagar respectively. If the members who wants to participate in meet, can post the probable dates and time. If it is saturday or sunday it will be better. The persons from A.P can meet at Hyderabad (no objection for others also) and share their knowledge. May be for 2 hours or more. So I request willing persons from Hyderabad and nearby to respond. I have no objection to come and participate if any body suggest some other best place.
  21. RIMweb Meet - Hyderabad

    I have guest house at Malakpet. OPP Yasodha Hospital, Main Road. So the Venue (place) is not a problem. I am ready to organize at any other place in Hyderabad. Only the date and persons (participants). Weekends or any Holiday will be best for everybody. I invite everybody members around Hyderabad and other persons to suggest time and date.

    Belated many many happy returns of the day AMIT ji
  23. ^^^ kindly post the handsets which are not supported under separate post
  24. Hey all, just wanted to let the community know that the current 'tr.apk' download from Towelroot.com (filesize 103003 bytes, md5 of 59193b68a8a2a9a2e6fc898df81e491b) trips my ClamScan virus scanner. I got impatient trying to get it to download on my phone via Firefox, so I downloaded it via my desktop and emailed it to myself. I happen to run a virus scanner on all incoming mail, and it went crazy with this message: A virus was found: Andr.Exploit.Ratc Scanner detecting a virus: ClamAV-clamscan Content type: Virus Internal reference code for the message is 31908-19/qifk-moTWpxp First upstream SMTP client IP address: [173.160.x.x] 173-160-x-x-Washington.hfc.comcastbusiness.net According to a 'Received:' trace, the message apparently originated at: [173.160.x.x], laws-mbp.mydomain.lan 173-160-x-x-Washington.hfc.comcastbusiness.net [173.160.x.x] Return-Path: <law@mydomain.org> From: Lee Whalen <law@mydomain.org> Message-ID: <539DF04C.8000905@mydomain.org> Subject: tr The message has been quarantined as: q/virus-qifk-moTWpxp The message WAS NOT relayed to: <law@mydomain.org>: 250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=31908-19 - INFECTED: Andr.Exploit.Ratc Virus scanner output: p008: OK p009: OK p006: OK p012: Andr.Exploit.Ratc FOUND p004: OK p011: OK p010: OK p005: OK p007: OK p001: OK Perhaps that's part of the exploit route, but I'm personally going to hold off on installing this APK until I learn more. If anyone could shed some light on this, that'd be super. I'm EXTREMELY eager to root my S5, and hope to get this straightened out soon! neednot worry excute . no virus