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Guru Gopal

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Everything posted by Guru Gopal

  1. All about LG Tribute Sprint LS660 OMH

    you can use it with only cdma provider. If you want settings. Let me know the country, network you want to try. I may provide you PRL file and other network settings to be done on DFS and small notes how to do and links of necessary softwares. if you want use it with GSM providers, it is not possible. Let me know the country and network u want to use
  2. All about LG Tribute Sprint LS660 OMH

    you can use it with only cdma provider. If you want settings. Let me know the country, network you want to try. I may provide you PRL file and other network settings to be done on DFS and small notes how to do and links of necessary softwares. if you want use it with GSM providers, it is not possible.
  3. All about LG Tribute Sprint LS660 OMH

    tribute one has no GSM. NCK code and OTKSL is code is concern we never tried, i think they are obsolute. only we use SPC for enabling DIAG. you have to program with DFS for using with reliance, DOCOMO, or MTS.
  4. Reliance CDMA EVDO Activation Via SMS

    download reliance application from market and activate EVDO through it by login
  5. We stopped the development of GalaxyTools, please don't use nor share it anymore. We added a lot of features in our new application and created it to be simple, with just one click you will Unlock, read MSL, de-brand, disable Hands Free Activation, enable Wi-Fi Hotspot & USB Tethering and set Hotspot connection to the maximum supported by your device! It works even on 5.1.1 Here is the tool: http://idoneapps.com/unlock.apk and here the instructions: http://idoneapps.com/instructions.php Regards, Nodial (idoneapps). ok removing from drop box.
  6. i am sorry. LG Tribute-2 only works out of box voice, sms and data. only things you need to tackle is wifi tethering (can do with activation on website or edit build prop) HFA activation. ( can get rid off by by renaming apk on temporary root). Tribute old model needs programming.
  7. it is cdma and to my knowledge there is problem with reliance voice. but works with docomo.
  8. Lg tribute works out of box data voice and sims. U have to temporarily root phone with King root and disable hands free activation and unroot it. (if u want live with HFA then open it and use it)
  9. OnePlus invites

    can anybody confirm, CDMA is working or not?
  10. all verizon iPhones except 4s, will work with GSM. They come factory unlocked for GSM world wide. Normally.
  11. virgin lg tribute 2 also like boost. By the way there is blackfriday deal on LG tribute 2 virgin (damn cheap)
  12. How To Unlock iPhone 6 Sprint

    hiecard is Gevy sim (it is like film with chip) and RGE sim is a CDMA sim card of Reliance.
  13. Samsung Note 4 Sprint N910P GSM/CDMA Unlocking

    It should be ODR RSN number to 53733 to know the MDN(phone Number attached to ) ODR MEID/RSN number ODM mobile number GETSTAT MEID/RSN NUMBER send to 53733
  14. Samsung Note 4 Sprint N910P GSM/CDMA Unlocking

    what do you mean by samsung lock? if it is activation lock of samsung account works well with 5.1.1. But not full secure.
  15. Samsung Note 4 Sprint N910P GSM/CDMA Unlocking

    you have to root the phone, use idoneapps site for getting GSM unlocked and getting SPC get rid off HFA etc. http://idoneapps.com/index.php?os=android You can order directly or want some concession use my account. (pm for details) Though old galaxy tools works on 5.1.1, still i am using official way to honour the hardwork of Idone. You have to change Ruim pref to get your CDMA sim worked and change other parameters as earlier.
  16. Samsung Note 4 Sprint N910P GSM/CDMA Unlocking

    what is the os and what is model number of the phone? I will provide link for custom rom
  17. ^^^^ you can see the series number on the back of the brand new sim card
  18. How To Unlock iPhone 6 Sprint

    if you want to use it for voice and SMS, you are lucky. you can do with RGE sim and Hiecard. but data as off now only with specially programmed sim.
  19. OnePlus invites

    i have 3 invitees. pm if anybody wants.
  20. Samsung Note 4 Sprint N910P GSM/CDMA Unlocking

    all Note4, us cellular, verizon, sprint, at&t, and t-mobile has sim slot. only Sprint and US cellular sim slots works for CDMA to my knowledge. Us Cellular sim slot won't work for CDMA data. Verizon,At&T, T-mbole only works GSM. Sprint works for both GSM/CDMA. Us Cellular only works for CDMA.
  21. Same customs conditions apply for every forwarders in india. Get them by hand with any person and declare the mobile phone value and pay import duty at airport. Or ship them to Nepal address. (no import duty on cellular phones in Nepal) and get them to India. I do not want to discuss here how to get them india. import tax guide to Nepal https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=132C14DBC2088CE5!7915&authkey=!APFfqj5zIh1ex0g&ithint=file%2cpdf
  22. I have problem with evdo data not working on sprint galaxy s6 edge. how to make it work. apn settings are greyed out. unable to ad new one. how to do that without spc if you want paid method. go for this. http://idoneapps.com If you are able to get it worked free method. I too want to know.
  23. All about LG Tribute Sprint LS660 OMH

    I found this guide some where, how to lg tribute stock. Use it your own risk 1. First grab the files you are gonna need. Download the: adb-setup.exe, CT_HsPhone_General_Drivers, Stockboot.img, StockRecovery.img, Recovery_bumped.img, ports.bat, Send_Command.exe 2. Install adb-setup.exe and CT_HsPhone_General_Drivers 3. Then you want to boot up into downloadmode. Vol + and plug in USB 4. Double click ports.bat (This will give us the COM port in which our device is connected we are looking for the Diag port) 5. Then open a command prompt run these commands it will put fastboot on your phone. Send_Command.exe \\.\COM4(replace COM4x with the correct COM#) dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/laf 6. Then once that is down pull battery then boot up into downloadmode again but this time it will be fastboot. 7. Once in fastboot run this command to put TWRP back onto the boot partition. fastboot boot recovery_bumped.img* 8. Once that is done pull the battery and let the phone boot into TWRP. 9. After that flash the FactoryBoot.img to the boot partition and the FactoryRecovery.img to the recovery partition. 10. Reboot and enjoy stock phone again.
  24. if you know how to take backup. I can provide my phone with team viewer id. you can take backup and upload to your could drive. if you want contact me on hangouts (id is gurugopal@gmail.com) thanks gopal, if you have rooted ur mobile means u can flash the twrp and take only phone backup without cache. please check this one and let me know I do not want to root this lg tribute-2
  25. When I got the same issue of Error 67 i did this long back. Try at your risk ##DATA# enter msl, click data and edit the Active Profile from 0 to 1, commit and reboot