Vishal Gupta
RIM Guru-
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Everything posted by Vishal Gupta
Thanx raccoon 4 ur reply. But I didnt understand what u mean? What is static? pls tell me briefly.
Hey compenn Is it true that Bill Gates, Shane Warne, Arnold Schwarznegger, etc. are Indians? I wonder?????
Ashok I think he was talking about converting Motorola handset for Tata indicom. I mean erasing its NAM chip, as kartikeyamishra mentioned in his post.
What u want to do exactly?
YAH! Very true. I also did some engineering on my LG-RD2030 handset. Now I don't have it. I transfered it to other. But 2 times its PCB card was changed due to BITPIM cauz i deleted some files that i should not. And once i opened the cover of it and accidentlly i breaked the speaker wire. But I pasted it some how. So pls check the handset very carefully before buying.
BSNL also charges more 4 Reliance. When i send SMS to other GSM it charges 60 paise. But when i send SMS to Reliance (RIM & FWP both) it charges 1 Re. Even the SMS doesnt received by receiver but BSNL charges for it.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday! Have a nice Day Have a Kit-Kat
Simple Yaar Its the slimmest CDMA phone!!!!
Hi guys! Here u can share ur ideas to keep secure ur PC. I mean u can tell what u do to keep ur PC secure from Hackers, Spywares, etc. What s/w u use (like Norton, any firewall, and other s/w) This'll help everyone to make their PC secure. So pls guys share ur ideas. thanx
Happy Birthday to both of U! Have a nice Day! Have FUN!!!!!
ROMANCE @ sMS : YOUR SMILE Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. : WHO YOU ARE I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. : I'M STILL ALIVE... TaLk 2 me wHen i'm boReD, kiSS me wHen i'm saD, hug me wHen i cRy, caRe 4 me wHen i diE, loVe me When i'm sTill Alive... : IN LOVE WITH YOU It is not being in love that makes me happy... but is being in love with YOU that makes me happy. : TRULY LOVE It’s hard to find someone whom you truly love, much less to find someone who loves you as much. When the chance comes, don't ever let go. : CHER|SH... Cherish the person you love, never tell lies or attempt to hurt them because you won't know how important they are until they are out of your life... : POEM OR RHYME? Who cares whether this is a poem or rhyme, I will love you until the end of time... : 2NITE WITH ME A sMiLe tO pUt You On HiGh... A KisS To Set YoUr SouL ALriGhT... WouLd iT bE aLriGhT iF I spEnT ToNiTe BeiNg LovED bY YoU??? : LOVE YOU Never WasTe an OppOrtuniTy 2 sAy 'I LoVe U' to Someone u ReaLLy Like, Coz it is noT EvEryDaY u'll mEEt tHe PerSoN WhO hAs tHe MaGic 2 lEt u fAll iN love... : TRUE LOVE True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen. : FRIENDS 4 LIFE Without humor, life sux. Without courage, life is hard. Without love, life is hopeless. Without friends like you, life is impossible! : FIRST SIGHT FiRsT NiTe, FiRsT SiGhT, I SaW, I KnEw, LoVe's SwEEtEr ThAn MoUnTaiN DeW, A pRoMiSe I mAdE and' WiLL kEEp, 2 LoVe YOU aLwAys~ : VALUE OF LOVE LovE is Not HoW LonG U've BeeN 2gEthEr; nOt HoW MucH U've GIvEn oR RecEivE; Not hOw MaNy TimEs U've HeLpEd EaCh OthEr --- Its HoW U VALUE EaCh OtHEr... : STILL LOVING U i håtê Smî|îÑg jûSt tO prEtêñD î'M ñOt hUrt. î hÅtE to gîGglê tO Show î'll ßê okåY. î hAtE tO laUgh aFtEr î Cry. í Stìll lovE YOU ßût í'Vé tó SaY gooDbYê... : NEVER REGRET WHAT YOU DO Don't regret what you've did, but regret what you never did, go and say 'I LOVE U' to your loved one! : LOVE IS SO CONFUSING Love makes life so confusing but without love would you want to live? : REALITY Love Is When You Don't Want To Go To Sleep, Because Reality Is Better Than A Dream. : WHY IS HE NOT MINE... wOrLd iS cRueL, LoVe iS bLinD. LoSt iN sAdnEsS, BluR In miND. HeArT iS bRoKeN, fLaMe hAd DiEd. TiMe HaS pAsSeD bUt wHy iS hE... sTiLL nOt mInE... : NOT TOO YOUNG No one is too young for love, because love doesn't come from your mind, which knows your age, but from your heart, which knows no age. : I FOUND U Love is like a cloud... love is like a dream... love is 1 word and everything in between... love is a fairytale come true... Coz I found love when I found U. : IT HURTS It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what hurts more is to love someone, and never find the courage to let them know how you feel. : FORGET YOU It takes a minute to have a crush, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. : IT NEVER SEEMS TO LAST I'm scared to fall in love, scared to fall fast, because every time I fall in love... it never seems to last. : FALL IN LOVE People say you only fall in love once, but when I hear your voice I fall in love all over again : LOVE IS TO THINK Love is to think about someone else more times in a day than you think about yourself. : IN LOVE WITH YOU There are times when I fall in love with someone new, but I always seem to find myself back in love with you. : SOMEONE ELSE The hardest thing you'll ever do is watch the one u love, love someone else. : OUT OF MY CONTROL Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control. : HEART TO CIRCLE Always draw a circle around the ones you love, never draw a heart because hearts can be broken, but circles are never ending. : WHO I'd rather be hated for who I am then be loved for who I'm not : TRY TO FORGET Trying to forget someone you loved is like trying to remember someone you never knew. : ADVICE ON LIVING Dance like no one's watching; sing like no one's listening; love like you can't get hurt, and live like there's no tomorrow. : QUICKSAND LoVe iS LiKe QuiCkSanD - ThE DeEpEr yOu FaLL iN iT ThE HaRdeR iT iS tO GeT OuT. : IN MY ARMS You showed me how it is to be loved. Now I know what really love is. 1 day we will be together forever. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. : WHAT IS TRUE There's a warmth in my heart. It haunts me when U R gone. Mend me 2 ur side and never let go. The more I live The more I know, wat's simple is true, I love you. : FLAME OF YOURS I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU! - If love were to be taxed, I would be the highest tax payer. -you can't buy Love... but you can pay heavily. -Common sense is common, but... the use of common sense is uncommon !!!! -Promises are like babies, easy to give hard to deliver. -You need Money to call someone Honey. -My girlfriend told me, I should be more Affectionate, so i got two Girlfriends. -We can see more Grafitti's in girls toilet , WHY ? Because their both hands are free. -Definitions : Home : A place where you can scratch where it itches. Doctor : A person who cures the ills by pills, and kills by his bills. LOVE : Loss Of Valuable Energy WIFE : Worries Invited For Ever
Gud Morning,Gud Nyt @ SMS : TIME TO SLEEP LyinG oN mY BeD, LoOkiN @ ThE CloCk, I nOe tAt iTs timE 2 zzz. I WonDeR HoW hAv U bEEn todaY... HopE Tat EveryTHinG is FInE.. WiSh u sweeT dReaMz n Sleep TiGhT! : MORNING GREETING Morning greetings doesn't only mean saying Gd Morning, it has asilent message saying: I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice day! : MORNING GIFT Receive my simple gift of 'GOOD MORNING' wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care! : GOOD MORNING A night hug warms the heart, a night kiss brightens the day, and a good morning to start your day! : NITE HAS END... Nite has end for another day, morning has come in a special way. May you smile like the sunny rays and leaves your worries at the blue blue bay. : THINGS TO NOTE B4 SLEEPING ThinGs 2 TaKe NoTe WheN u SleeP: 1st-MiSS Me, 2nd-ThInk oF Me, 3rd-HuG Me, 4th-LoVE mE. TrY 2 SlEEp NoW & ClOSe Ur EyeS. Get PrePaReD 2 DrEaM oF mE! Gd NiTe! : HELLO The Word 'Hello' means H=How R U? E=Everything all right? L=Like 2 hear 4rm U. L=Love 2 C U soon. O=Obviously, I miss you! : I PRAY 4 YOU In tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur stress N the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way, sweet dreams Gd Nite : GOOD MORNING The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care & miss you. : NO MATTER No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there's stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be wif u. Gd Nite! : TIME 4 BED da starz r out, da moon is up, 1 more HUG, 1 more smile, KISS u once, KISS u twice, now itz time 4 bed. Close ur @@, n sleep tite! : I CARE MOST I was looking out the windows thinking about the person I care most & the person that came into my mind is U so juz wanna wish u good nite....... : STARS LIGHT Stars light Stars bright u're the only Star I see tonite. I wish I may. I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonite, gd nite sweet dreams : NICE FRIENDS A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams... : WASH UP Wash your face and wash your feet! Now itz time 2 fall asleep. Yours eyes are weak N mouth can't speak so hope tis nite shall b nice and sweet. Good Nite. : COLD COLD NITE On this cold cold nite,in My small small rOOm,i Look At The Brite Brite StArS iN tHe DaRk DaRk sKy & DrEaM of uR sWeet sWeet SmiLe on ur CuTe CuTe FaCe! GdNiTe! : WINDOWS OF SOUL Tireness draws across the mind making the body fade flexibility n soon windows of soul begin 2 close N enter the dreamland! OYASUMINASAI! Sweet Dreams! : SOUL BACK FROM DREAMLAND Your soul came back from dreamland reunited with a sleeping senseless piece of yourself slowly open ur eyes realise its a brand new day. Good Morning. : DRACULA KISS As u go 2 bed 2nite, I ordered bats 2 guard u tight. I told some ghosts to dance in white, & 2 make sure u r alryt, i'LL ask dracula 2 kiss ur neck goodnight.. : LAZY BONE WAKE UP! The sun has once brought brightness to earth! lazy bone. it's time 2 wake up gd morning... : AS NITE FALLS As nite falls upon the land, it is time 2 Zz again. With the moon hangin in the starlit sky, i'm here 2 wish U NiteNite! Sweet dreams, cover blanket tight tight : THE SUN HAD RISED The sun had rised from the east & birds r singing happily & butterflies R around the flowers. It is time to wake up & give a big yawning & say gd morning to u.. : SOMEWHERE OUT THERE somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light someone thinkin of u somewhere out there where dreams come true... nitenite & sweet dreams 2 u : MASTER OF PUPPETS Master of puppets is pulling ur strings, twisting ur mind n smashing ur dreams. blinded by me, u can't c a thing when i count to 3 u shall fall asleep 1,2,3,Zzz
Some Funny SMS: 1)We will now upgrade your brain, please wait....Searching....searching...still searching....sorry,NO BRAIN found...! 2) It is good for girl to meet boy in park, but better for boy to park meat in girl. 3) All the love that history knows is said to be in every rose!Yet all the love that could be found in two, is less than what I feel for you. 4) If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody. 5) When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 per minute. 6) Out of my mind. Back in five minutes. 7) Born Free. . . . .Taxed to Death. 8) Conserve toilet paper, use both sides. 9) I get enough exercise just pushing my luck! 10) Sorry, I don't date outside my species. 11) Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off NOW! 12) First the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, then the suffering. 13) Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else. 14) I took an IQ test and the results were negative. 15) Never let a man's mind wander, it's too little to be out on it's own!!!! 16) Bad sex is better then a good day in school. 17) Never let a man's mind wander, it's too little to be out on it's own!!!! 18) Sex is like programing; One mistake, and YOU WILL HAVE TO SUPPORT IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE… 19) Their are moments in life when you really miss someone. And you wish you could just pluck them from your dreams...... 20) My girl and me, we are so perfect, she loves me, and I love myself too... 21) Hi, do you want to have my children? No.?? ...Okay, then can we just practice?
Reliance LAGE RAHO!!!!
I don't know is it true or not. But I've heard that in this month or next BSNL will introduce landline phones which will also provide Cable connection and net connection. Monthly rent will be 500/-. In which Net charges r included. I mean Unlimited Internet and cable only in 500/- per month. No free calls r included.
Now Reliance has less call charges and also it has good net speed. So only R-World is not behind its success. I think there is no possible reason to remain R-World free. But if it remains FREE, then Apun ka to bus yehi hai kehna: LAGE RAHO!!!!!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!! GOD bless U!!!! & also LAGE RAHO!!!
I think PIN configuration is required for DATA Cable. I mean if someone wants to make a data cable for a mobile, he is required to know the PIN configuration of that mobile. Am I Right???
Reliance R-Connect is the best. Speed is gr8. No one can beat Reliance.
Follow the link:
Can't say anything about Reliance. Reliance might add more features in R-World to make it more attractive & interesting. Reliance might add new Bollywood and Pop songs ringtones when it'll be paid.
It happens only when u RESET R-MENU!