I'm running it on stock rooted deodexed FD19(kernel,ROM & Modem) & "awesome" would be putting it euphemistically.
since it is deodexed I have uninstalled all the bloatware (except the e-mail client.. which I prefer).
Also disabled Touch Wiz and tried Apex Launcher (which is good) but now sticking to the stock ICS launcher which is super light.
Battery too holds up for 5hrs heavy use (screen on for 4hrs+ with FIFA12 & browsing & youtube & movies) and 15hrs+ for moderate everyday use.
overall I am enjoing this phone to the fullest for the past 40days with download speeds of 400kbps to 1.5Mbps
The only two issues i have are random signal loss for 2seconds every once in a while & extremely poor upload speeds (neither seems to be phone's prioblem.. but haven't figured out the issue)