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About zehirgibi

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  1. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    i writed a court order document to turkish goverment and i am waiting an officel reply to my postal email from them. i was told that i was going to communicate with turkish embasyy located in india
  2. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    they opened our site back ( i dont know why) but see : they unistalled ther phreaked fake sms-gateway: proof of tha their sms-gateway is uninstalled ( which can never send any sms's.) it is sending xml to "localhost"
  3. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    @linuxguy: i understood your joke dont worry. to people who already helped us, thanks for everything.
  4. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    10.000 scam sites and one more is himself so totally there is 10.001 users in his computer
  5. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    i am going to cry... they are still trying to lie and cheat people If they claim their service is working, then please ask them why is smshunter.com not working (when I have paid for the service) ???? try opening it in your browser and you will get a 404 error ! They are lieing. They told in this forum that we were pleased with their sms service for 5 months (before we started this topic). TOTALLY LIE. we were never happy with it. we posted this topic after 5 months only because we found this forum after 5 months only. They can copy/paste all logs and i can even give you REAL LOGS with screenshots. (including mail logs - can share my email password ) . also everybody here knows that we had put a test sms site for RIMweb users for about 3 - 4 weeks and the site sent about 300 sms, of which only 20% was delivered !!! then they closed the service again now !!! And in this last 2 months period, I tried to call them many times. Each time the call got connected, they just cut the phone connection . i again emailed them several times and asked them why they closed smshunter.com and no reply of course. Their sms-gateway has cracked license. You can email nowsms.com and ask They are using activexperts.com smpp server with an illegal license (you can email them and ask them). activexperts.com contacted me to stop using their service without paying their company, and i told them i got that sms-gateway from mantraway.com (activexperts.com saw my email address from my website as we were testing sending SMS from our website) I can provide you all screenshots of all emails. Sumit Tuwari: try calling me before calling Mr Arun. (btw Ashok, softy_lofty4u = sumit tuwari ) Btw other illegal programs they use : Fake certicifacate issued from thawte.com (without their permission - they uninstalled it when they found a way to generate their own SSL ceritifcate ) Php Live chat on their web-site Ask phplivechat staff and check if mantrway.com's license is legit or cracked one. I can provide you all screenshots with whatever i have said in this forum. So there is no any point that will be against for us. I will take back interest in this issue after my exam which ends this week.
  6. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    we are in contact with Turkish Embassy located in India. We are startıng the investigation with their help. They will see.. Btw they clsoed our site without any reason !! i already called them MANY times, and i already emailed them MANY times and no reply !! . ALL YOU PEOPLE SAW THAT ONLY 20-30 sms recevied from total 300 sent !. ALSO i received an email from activex.com and they told me we were using their sms-gateway by illegal ways ! coz mantraway rippers has found a way to use their sms-gateway with a illegal way and they provided stolen service from them. !!
  7. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    you receive messages when their server restarts, and you are avaliable to sen messages,i mean when sumit's computer restarts, coz it is not stable server and on a DSL connection and server is located REALLY in his home (i have got proof) I am trying to send myself sms continously and nothing receiving ! i dont mind if people are taking messages somtimes. i want %100 stable sms--gateway but that hosting is %70 uptime !!!!!!!!!!! which i watch from mralert.com
  8. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    totaly scammers. i call them for 4-5 times in all day for last 4 days. they put a phone voice mail and now they dont answer any call. btw they told that in their scam mantraway.com site: they give support for 24/7 hours and it is totaly LIE. they answer sometimes my call when i posted some messages in rimweb forum and they answered it me to delete the posts ! And for my old phone calls ; when MR Arun asked them why they dont reply to me : sumit tuwari complaints that i call them in nights in india LOLLLL ! now we are starting legal procedure ! Please contact me if you have any attorney friend, or a friend on law in India. Otherwise we will find from our own country. thanks
  9. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    we are calling them we are emailing them to give oyur money back to us tbut they dont !!
  10. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    yes. what i think is happened now. it doesnt works ..
  11. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    i received 3-4 more test messages now. but i am sure it will stop sending about 10 minute later if i send more sms...
  12. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    i didnt receive more then 2 messages !!!
  13. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    Now i saw that they changed their sms sender originator number then it means that they find another way to give sms-gateway service. i send 2 mesages and received them. they still dont reply my emails much. just test new gateway please. thanks
  14. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    i already call my customer service for my gsm oprator and they told that there is nothing restriced and i already tested it with 3 different gsm operatros in TURKEY so i saw that it doesnt works still. NOW SHUT UP AGAIN SHOWING and give our MONEY BACK !
  15. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    lol see what reply !!! they still insist on that their sms gateway is working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!