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Everything posted by zehirgibi

  1. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    Thanks,Mr manishag I saw your numbers in my database when i check. You do not need to proof any thing becuase i already saw your numbers matching with these numbers in my database and you post in here ; in my SMS-SENDING DATABASE. again i am sending a test mesage: I dont receive even i get submit result.
  2. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    we already spoke with that on yahoo ID. and it didnt changed and yourself controlled it and nothing has been uncorrectly coded. The script is %100 correcly coded. And i already mentioned not to put "+" code . And if "+" is posted then my script gives error like : "Please control your phone number" becuase it only accepts only NUMBERS. So forget that complain. You have got only 3-4 days left for 1 week. So as we agreed i was going to test the gateway only for 1 week then ppl and me will see if it is working or not !See the script line by opening your own server computer. : Line 108: ------------- if not IsNumeric(request.form("ulke")) then response.write "<script>alert('Please be sure that you submit only numbers.\nPlease dont include "+" or "-" prefix before your phone number')</script>" esponse.end end if ------------ So if somebody enters the code with it should give an error. but it doesnt gives that error coz i made a little mistake, i entered " " tags even i should put ' ' but it is not only problem but SEE: RESPONSE.END => THIS STOPS SCRIPT WORKING. so NOTHING IS WRONG if someone puts numbers with + code! Then, secondly you maybe testing script about dialy. but i test it about hourly.. You are still making only SHOW, you dont reply my YAHOO Offline messages which i sent to you. AND STILL I DIDNT RECEIVE ANY EMAIL FROM YOU. YOU DIDNT SEND ME ANY LOG TO MY EMAIL & ALSO MY EMAIL PANEL DOESNT WORKS FOR @SMSHUNTER.COM ! . Icant receive & send any email. I AM STILL GETTING UNDELIVERED REPORTS WHEN I TRY TO SEND EMAILS FROM my email to info@smshunter.com. Also i tried to login to "unworking" email. then it didnt accepted my password now.. And i still send TEST sms to my self again. Then nothing recieved ! And most important: IF i/we-rimweb users cant send sms over smshunter.com it is not too much important if you can send or not.
  3. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    today is third day that i am testing it. nothing can be received still. i tried 3 differnet phone numbers..
  4. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    i cant receive still sometimes it sends soemtimes now. it is not stable.
  5. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    btw i am logging all phone numbers. so i will randomly select 1000 numbers and send them free membership with free credits. thanks !!
  6. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    i put a counter logger on site. everyppl who help us to test our site will earn something from us like give free credited usernames thanks Please tell us how many sms totally you send sms and how many of them you received also.
  7. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    no result. 50% received messages. and very very slow. i want a good result. i cant see if it has been delivered or not. If i dont know that system doesnt sends delivery report how i can supply this service to my own customers ?? wouldnt they want guarantee from me ?? how i can sell them if i dont have guarantee to send them ?? yesterday santosh told me to lseep and in morning it was going to be run. and it is already sleeping time ad pasted the morning ( actully to new morning there is 4 hours) in turkey and they never touch anything. they messaged me that due it was sunday the progress was sloww so add 1 more day to all 6 months. anyway i am waiting 1 more day. ( for last time)
  8. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    they show me up a TOS that we have never been told before. Also i read their TOS and i never got any stiutation that has been there. Now they installed the sms gateway and gave me a password. but after 4-5 sms it is making delay again. I hope it wont be same as past. santosh was configuring it and now he disapperad without saying something. and he didnt finish all progress. 2-3 messages comes sometimes. but i hope it will work all times. i will test it for 1 week tomorrow i hope it will work, and this topic will be ended.
  9. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    no . nothing has been solved Yet ! i never got any email from you santosh !!! I never got any sms's from you. We have never told that you have policy to change our accounts details and we never read it while ordering from you and we never signed any sheet. Also we never accept it. If you deleted turkey in your sms coverage list and if you cant able to send sms's to turkey please refund our money urgently. That is not honest behaviour !!!! What we can do with a basic hosting ??? Yes we got a hosting panel but with 1300 usd we can buy 13 hosting panel with all unlimited functions !!! You always tell us that our mail server is running ? Is this the only thing that you solved ?? At that time i am still cant send emails and cant receive emails . Also : We never heard anything about 2way sms. We want to use it Also we want to use a legit ssl certificate that owned our own domain not mantraway.com . And of course i dont want it to be fake again. You told us that ( about 5 months ago you told that) our merchant was in proceed with your idbd bank ??? Mssql server is not given to us We want our own ip. We paid you for dedicated ip which ppl can able to login to ur site using our domain ip. You were going y make a website to us . I can proof all emails ?? You do that because after we bought service from you it wasnt working and you make delay about 1 month and you told that for apolize you were going to make us a web site and of course you didnt And we have other couple proble ms And again today you didnt keep your promise and we never meet online in internet !!! i already emailed you 20 emails and 4-5 Private message and you still dont reply !!!! I can show all proof. Also you still never come online to livechat that you provide in your site <% '------------------------------------------------------- ' Script to send SMS from ASP '------------------------------------------------------- str = "Push=WAP" Username = "SMSHunter" Password = "Yourpassword" MessageText = "Checking Network" MobileNumber = "CountryCode+CellphoneNumber" 'Do Not Prefix + or 00 as International Dial Access Code set objHttp = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") objHttp.open "Get", "http://localhost:84/Send%20Text%20Message.htm?PhoneNumber=%2B"& mobilenumber &"&Text="& MessageText &"&InfoCharCounter=&PID=&Submit=Submit&AuthenticationData="& username &":"& password &"", false objHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" objHttp.Send str %> I want to use mms function too !! What is sms gateway password ?? And what is your msn or yahoo id ? Only problem is not sms gateway !!! Again mr santosh you are only making show and still saying lies. You still dont answer my emails my private messages ???? You only care of yourself . You only care people that reads this forum wont buy any services from you. I am very very sure you wont do as you didnt do like about 6 months if this thread wasnt opened !
  10. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Yes Please see yourself when that thread opened and see mantrway.com's reply date. See how many months has been pasted ! I am going to test the site about 1 week. i will open free-sms in my country then i am sure i will get about 1 milion sms's in 1 week. If everything is ok no problem then !!! But in past sms gateway only worked until 4 sms's. after 4 sms it never been delivered !
  11. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    the ip is not problem for us. because there will be something special url will send all sms'ed like from : smshunter.com/sendsms.asp so when we try to send something we can send it throuh our own web-site, so we dont need to login sms gateway. i think yourself should do it ! because from our first conservation with Sumir Tuwari we are told that we will be able to use sms asp api and send through it. But now we are talking about smpp api. I think you should send us it's examples. At that time i am here to speak with you on msn/yahoo as you sweared on phone, but i saw that you dont reply my P.M. and you didnt replied my sms. So how we can speak again ? Why dont you stop to make show to people in forum and take care of problems in private between us ? If you solve our problems i will of course let people know about the stiuation. But until yesterday nothing has been changed !!! P.M. me your msn or yahoo id ! At that time we last speak with someone in mantraway.com about 5 months ago. Untill that 5 month we never heard froum you/ we didnt get any reply to our emails/ we couldnt reach you through any msn/yahoo id/we never can speak with you on phone because you didnt open it.( we already tried in indian time format to prevent the time delay with indian and turkey) please dont do that next time. thanks
  12. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    same here a airlane ticket wont cost more then 1300 usd. i was going to proof all things that i spoke about mantraway.com. ( some shown to Mr Arun. ) News: Now i called Mr Santosh and he told me that he was at holiday right now in india and tomorrow he was going to solve my all issues. After all problems has been solved i am going to write there and i will request the admin to delete this thread. I never never told anything lie, anything wrong. I am a honest person and i never told anything lie. At that time i dont reply the comments that already replied from Mr Santosh about my problems. Because i will wait them to solve all my problems tomorrow. After tomorrow i wish all things are ready to be solved. And i will be happy to use their services if they give us their -working- service. Otherwise we want full refund thanks
  13. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Lie lie lie lie 1- how we can use the sms gateway while it is uninstalled from computer ???? You can look yourself there:> they already deleted it : http://www.smshunter.com:84 !!! Also you told us you can send sms's to all world wide which listed in your site so we bought but we cant send many of these countries, reason 1) you uninstalled it from your computer 2) it never sent while it was installed to your server 2- to where we sent 5000 sms ?? LOL it is very funny !!! Also why you care about it ? We bought from you unlimited sms plan so we are able to send millions of sms's right ??? We never sent another. This 5000 sms's maybe sent to own phone number. Which i couldnt get 80% 3- control panel ?? Lol what control panel ?? We only got a basic control panel which we can able to configure hosting !!!!! Where is our sms control panel ? You uninstalled after 3 days opened Where is our payment gateway control panel ??? We never got any control panel url, username, password from you !!!! Aaccording to customer, he is not able to use sms gateway (smpp link) & the reason is, all unlimited plans for sms gateways are bind with single ip address to avoid multiple use of sms gateway. Now this customer is using isp connection which provides him a dynamic ip address. 4- that is not true. We are not able to use sms gateway because you uninstalled it. And you got a reason you should reply it to us. Not say it public . You are showing yourself that you are right. But everyone knows that is not true.that is not a honest behaviour !!! We cant send any sms from your site if someone who wants to see that they uninstalled it you can look yourself from : http://www.mantraway.com/products/sms_gate...eck_network.asp And when you try to send a test sms you got that error : ---------- Msxml3.dll error '80072efd' A connection with the server could not be established /products/sms_gateway/check_network.asp, line 16 ---------- That gives us proof that they uninstalled the gateway So mantraway.com refund our money back !!!! What do we need to say more ? You didnt install sms gateway and you never have a payment gateway ! I can send all email logs/screenshots and i can give all my login details to administrator of this forum to show him the truth ! Also Santosh jain, Mantraway sales +91-99344-15984 That phone number is also fake i think also it is not written in your contact details ! See: http://www.mantraway.com/_softcopy/contact/ Also why dont you still dont come online and speak with me with yahoo messanger/msn and why dont you reply our emails ? And of course what about the phone ?? You never never reply us, you only reply through forum !!! Also what we can do if you dont reply sms-api for sms gateway ??? Every company provdes that. And from the beginning I asked for you for sms-api's are included or not. How we can send sms's without using sms-API ? We need to integrate it to our web-site to send directly sms's through our web site !!!!! Mr Arun: i can proof all things that i am talking about here.
  14. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    to travelling to india is a risk for us becuase we are not sure that we have got the right address of them. to whom that can help us to get our money back . we are giving a comission to him from our money ! we will award him with a good money !! if our money is in thief's hand we are sad but if our money is in a honest indian's hand then we are happy !!!
  15. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    first of all linuxguy, thanks for interest in our concern. But of course we made a couple tests with them, 1) we wanted lots of sms's, ringtones from them, which they did sent. 2) we of course searched them on google.com and saw no feedback , we just trusted them when we saw their .in domain name 3) yes they are using a DSL, i saw that when i browsed their windows, they have back up software driver for modems . so it was too late .. 4) we saw that they sent us SMS through a known sms sender provider. So when i searched in google i found sites like: smscountry.com. And i emailed to Smscountry.com and they told us Mantrarippers were their customer.. Also they really installed a sms gateway. We can see it and send some test SMS which were not stable. But i received some of them. But it is horrible to put it on free usage. Now at that time a honest guy who lives in bihari can help us. Or we gonna again need to pay too much money to Lawyers.
  16. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    oh thanks arun, as we dont have any friends in india so it was very problem for us, Thanks for helping us, because if you dont help us we need to pay too much to lawyers for the concern That is so kind to see that: there are very smart & helpful ppl lives in india even rippers ! thanks !
  17. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    hello i am partner of mena, it is not only that they steal our money, the covage in their list is the networks we tested , didnt work. Also can you believ us that we couldnt open our site for 1 day? it was always gettign down after 2-3 sms's. Also do you know that we cant reach to admin panel of sms gateway because it is UNINSTALLED !!! it is uninstalled from their machine about 4 months !!! we have got all their info . we will do the procedure .. We just trusted them becuase they have domain name with ".in" See mantraway.in and we thought that only registered and validated companys can get ".in" domain name. Becuase as i am living in Turkey , to buy a domain name ends with ".com.tr" we need to do lots of procedures, doucments to be faxed, tax number to validate, etc etc.. I think indian goverment must control more the domain names. Becuase some of rippers are stealing people's money using ".in" domain names. It also means unrespected behaviour to Indian goverment also to friends who dont trust us that we got ripped from mantraway.com; we can show all the source that we got ripped from them !