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Santosh Jain

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Everything posted by Santosh Jain

  1. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    First of all mind your language Mr. Ashok. Wait for Microsoft to investigate this issue. However, If I am scammer by having illegal copy of any software then what are you, who offered sumit, the cracked copy of Plesk???? And 2nd thing, your administrator Mr. Arun was selling illegal copies of SAP in chennai!!!!! However you have few close scammer friends who r using illegal copy of softwares. So, It's better for you all to do some useful work instead of wasting your time in typing this kind of biased notes.
  2. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Our server is SP1 installed which proves it's a legit copy. If you ppl have any confusion, report asap to microsoft anti-piracy cell. Dont you ppl think, this forum is getting biased day by day hahaha this is microsoft anti-piracy reporting link : http://www.microsoft.com/piracy/Reporting.mspx
  3. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    Hello, This is really an intresting thead when people are posting so many things without knowing the fact. We are using UK based SMSC Whose:- SMS Center Number Is : +44 779 7706 032 (Cable & Wireless) Origination Number : +44 779 7882 390 (Will apprear as incoming number) ================= Manisaq, we have coverage of UP East Airtel : +919935xxxxxx. pass me your mobile number through PM. While using email2sms feature provided by many mobile service providers, +447797882390 will not appear as incoming number. If you have any doubt, you may try sending sms using free gateways. ================= In India, we have coverage of : Airtel (Bharti Infotel) BPL Mobile MTNL BSNL (Few Zones) Reliance Telecom Ltd. Hexacomm USHA Martin Shyam Telelink Spice Telecom Reliance Internet Ltd, Kolkata Idea Cellular Ltd. Problems are coming with BSNL in few zones. R Int Ltd. ================= Rohit Rocket oops rocker.... , Please send sms to your own number through mobile@airtelap.com & check from which number u r getting that message. Zeheribi, When sending to your number, we are getting response from our service provider that Receipent Blocked or Destination Blocked". due to some tech reason or abuse. Previously you was getting msg using our gateway. Service providers who doubled interconnect charges cannot covered through your SMSC account. ============== Thank you!!!!!
  4. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    Mr zehirgibi, Please check your site script because I am not able to see logs of any number mentioned above. Also please check your scripts post feature because sometime numbers are coming with + and sometimes without +. I am daily testing gateway after reading this thread & message is coming to My Airtel maximum within 2-3 mins. We are sending log to your email for furthur clarification. Please allow few minutes to deliver SMS to your mobile phone. We are currently covering only GSM lines.
  5. Mantraway.com issue - off topic

    Sir, Please provide those 3 mobile number for furthur investigation upon this issue. Note: Many person are sending SMS with wrong format of cell numbers. Please ask smshunter admin abt the proper way (countrycode+mobilenumber). Never include + or 0 or 00 before the number , Just enter country code (for India : 91) then mobile number. Few ppl sent messages in wrong format. id number session tarih 8 331142080 2/3/2006 9:28:52 AM 10 331142088 2/3/2006 10:04:10 AM 11 331142090 2/3/2006 10:07:09 AM 15 331142115 2/3/2006 11:30:06 AM 20 427252166 2/3/2006 4:05:47 PM 21 435650057 2/3/2006 5:41:25 PM 22 444962862 2/3/2006 7:36:22 PM Numbers listed above are not in proper format . Number details removed... please do not post numbers here
  6. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Can't Mantrway trun off the IP based authentication for this client, I hope u give a single connection to single SMPP account holder and if you allow only one SMPP connection for the UserID at any point in time, you are implicitly implying the same policy. First of all try to understand what SMPP exactly is? It connects two computer system using a protocol (Just Like SIP). You do not required to connect everytime for sending SMS. If your computer is connected with SMPP, you can send any many SMS's you want. Now you have given sugesstion to off SMPP IP authentication management. Now we simply can't compromise with our privacy policies by doing this. Many people can use single account. As it is a communication system, we dont want to be questioned from our SMPP provider network due to some kind of abuse.
  7. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Hello, There was no problem from our side. That person was not able to use SMS Gateway due to single IP usage policy. He needs API for sending messages & I want to make it clear that SMPP is API which can send all kinds of SMS messages. This customer is not understanding abt SMPP & blaming us. All services are working fine but this customer started making new allegations. Now he is saying abt MS SQL/MY SQL Databases. My sql/MS SQL is available in his web hosting control panel & He can start using it after creating Database. To Mr. AshokJP, 4 & 3+1 are equal. If server is running & working fine then you cant blame the technology. Reliance Rconnect & Powersurfers (Corporate Internet) is provided by Reliance Communications Infrastructure Ltd. They got single IP POOL from APNIC, ASIA. For wireline Internet they are using 202.138.***.** & for Wireless (All Kind) they are using some another. For your kind information, Mr Ashok, Wireless broadband & Rconnect comes from Same IP pool. Well really anyone can Install it.....
  8. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    For using MMS feature learn how to use SMPP first, Now it's not my work to teach you everything. Our technology supports sending all kind of mobile messages. My Sql/SQL 2000 is available in your control panel. You may use after creating database from your panel. & Follow the html code which we have provided you to integrate with your site. We are also sending screenshot of the sms panel which we have provided to this customer. This panel is equipped with all feature & services like MMS, Ringtones, VCARDS, Voicemail Notifications & 5 kinds of Binary Messages. You are trying to blame Mantraway.com by calculating duration of this thread. We we have reset your account id and pass only. Till begining we are correct from our side. If you will face any problem in services u need to contact Support team for technical help, you cant simply go to public & if you are going to public for every resion then ask them to solve your all problems. Now we have resolved issues with your services by resetting SMS ID & Password, If this thread will be alive for next 10 hours, your account will be suspended. It's mentioned in our TOS. --------------------------- Santosh Jain, Manager Sales, Mantraway Incorporations, India
  9. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Mr. Administrator, Please delete this thread asap. --------------------- Santosh Jain, Manager Sales, Mantraway Incorporations, India
  10. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    We have sent SMS to customer with his account details & now we hope he is using SMS Gateway Service. Though ASP based API you can only send Text messages to mobile but sending MMS files is possible from SMPP server connection only. I request you to gather information regarding SMPP system. In the meantime, I am sending u the ASP API to send Mobile text messages. Please use the ASP Code Listed Below:- <% '------------------------------------------------------- ' Script to send SMS from ASP '------------------------------------------------------- str = "Push=WAP" Username = "SMSHunter" Password = "Yourpassword" MessageText = "Checking Network" MobileNumber = "CountryCode+CellphoneNumber" 'Do Not Prefix + or 00 as International Dial Access Code set objHttp = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") objHttp.open "Get", "http://localhost:84/Send%20Text%20Message.htm?PhoneNumber=%2B"& mobilenumber &"&Text="& MessageText &"&InfoCharCounter=&PID=&Submit=Submit&AuthenticationData="& username &":"& password &"", false objHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" objHttp.Send str %> Note : This code will work from your web hosting account only as It's configured to work locally on Mantraway Network Servers. For sending MMS, Ringtones, Logo or any binary messages, please checkout with SMPP guide by search on Google.com. Our SMPP servers can send all kind of binary messages across the globe. Now, it's our customers responsiblity to gather importent information's regarding SMPP system. Have a nice day. ------------------------ Santosh Jain, Manager Sales, Mantraway Incorporations, India
  11. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Dear Customer, We have reset your SMS Gateway account and released a set of new username/password with SMPP support. Please remember your account will be accessed from only 1 IP address from which you will login for the first time. If you are using any internet connection with dynamic ip address, you may provide the start IP address & ending IP address of the IP Pool used by your Internet Service Provider. Eg : to Note : Please remember your account will be accessed from only 1 IP address from which you will login for the first time. This is to avoid multiple use & unauthorized distribution of Unlimited SMS Gateway system. In order to Indian Internet Service Provider Act, Communication service providers have full rights to modify privacy policies to keep best possible security. Your web hosting account is set to Unlimited Bandwidth, Ignore control panels bandwidth calculations, your website will never shutdown as you will exceed 1 gb of data transfer. For integration related issue, you need to learn about SMPP system. We are providing SMPP system on all Unlimited plans due to it's stability. There are many open source DLL objects are available to develop SMPP integrated websites. Attention : We are not supporting some of the islamic country due to security reasons. Mantraway is having full rights to modify it's terms of use & tariff structure on it's sole discretion. Any dispute/matter arising between customer and Mantraway in connection with it's product and services shall be subject to the exclusive juridiction of courts at Patna, India. ------------------------- Santosh Jain, Manager Sales, Mantraway Incorporations, India
  12. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Defenetly Mr. Arun you can visit to Mantraway's datacentre which is hosted in East Boring Canal Road in Patna, For more information you may ask your friend to come to our parent company A G COMMUNICATION. (Licenced Holder ISP - LEVEL 3) Mantraway Incorporations is certified by them, You can meet Mr. Anupam in Datacenter. In chennai we are working with our project & you have an option to visit Mantraway's touchpoint located in VIP Road, Kolkata
  13. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Well, I found one forum stating eBay is a fraud who is promoting Nigerian Frauds. Look this URL : EBAY is promoting Nigerian FRAUDS to cheat sellers into paying listing fees Now what you will call this? Well we are offering & providing services to more then 1600 people in both Windows & Linux Segement. If someone is purchasing hosting & hosting some illegal stuffs in it. We cant suspend until we receive any complaint. For Eg: Now If i am purchasing one domain with whois record of Mr Arun & using it for illegal purpose. It does not mean that Mr. Arun is doing anything wrong..... Else you people are can understand because atleast you people can think both sides of this issue by applying your brain. ------------------------- Santosh Jain, Manager Sales, Mantraway Inc, India
  14. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Well I have seen by googling. Well this can happen with any ISP becuase we offer automated purchasing & setup of web hosting account. Anyone can purchase site by paying online & we cant question him/her until we recieve any complaint regarding any account. I got information's regarding 2 domain on S.A Police Website & we are ready to suspend those domains. Sumit Tiwari's name appears in all domain becuase he is technical executive whose contact is present in our domain system panel. For eg: if u will order any domain on Rediff.com then they will provide u domain with there own contact in whois details. It does not mean that Rediff is running that site. --------------- Santosh Jain, Manager Sales, Mantraway Inc, India
  15. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Not exactly a BSNL Broadband Connection, It's a DSL Connection provided by BSNL to all of it's wireless loop customers with speed upto 2 MBPS (Last Mile). We have the option to run on static IP address but the main factor is security with a static IP address. I personally think that DSL connection which do not require Username & Password to log in is a best alernative to the leased line connection , mainly in India where bandwidth costs too much. We dont care what we are using but the main thing is customer base & uptime. Now Mr. Arun was saying that Mantraway was running on Reliance R-Connect which is not correct. 8 months back Mantraway was using Reliance Connection directly from there wireless broadband system provided by Reliance Infocomm. http://www.powersurfer.net/corporateinternet.html Still we are using that connection while downtime. ----------------- Santosh Jain
  16. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Dear Rimweb Members, This is really unfortunate that someone is making allegations on our Firm. We are releasing our reply on each of his allegations. 1. He is not able to use email service in web hosting. Reply from Mantraway # Well for using email service, he need to create an email box from web hosting control panel. After creating he can check mails on http://mail.mantraway.com. Please see the screenshot below. 2. He is not able to use SMS Gateway. Reply from Mantraway # Mantraway provides access on all Unlimited SMS Plans from a single IP Address to avoid distribution or Multiple access. This customer was using SMS Gateway control panel on link : http://smpp.mantraway.com:84 with some another ip address, which is using rightnow. 3. Mantraway did not coded his website. Reply from Mantraway # Mantraway never commited to develop website for this customer. Well we have already provided API information to this customer. which is: SMPP SERVER ADDRESS : SMPP.MANTRAWAY.NET:2775 Username : SMSTURKEY Password : ******** 4. The SSL Certificate was fake on his website. Reply from Mantraway # Our company is providing self signed SSL Certificate with standred 128 bit encryption using Windows Certification Authority. THAWTE PROVIDES 128 BIT ROOT SSL, We are also providing 128 bit SSL Cert to your account. 5. Payment gateway comes with only Normal HTML Links. Reply from Mantraway # We cannot provide u solution to process cards directly from your webpage. There are chances of customers credit card numbers distibution. In the simple language, you may store customers financial information if any customer will enter credit card number directly on your website. So for accepting cards, u need to integrate with HTML link. All above replies are our final answer to this customer. Now if you wanna go to court or police, it's your wish. Santosh Jain, Manager Sales, Mantraway Inc, +91-99344-15984
  17. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Well Mr. Ashok, That person dont know the how to use the SMPP Link, Even email service management is available in his control panel. We provided him every thing in proper manner & time frame & 1 more thing, This is true that we dont support some muslim countries due to some security reasons. Now if that person wants to use Unlimited SMS Gateway provided by us, he need to use that service from the same IP address from which he was activated the SMS service. Now you all people need to decide, who is correct & who is not..... Thank you very much.
  18. Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

    Dear Members, Mantraway.com given him web hosting with email facility & SMS Gateway Connection (SMPP Link). We never commited him to make website officially. However this person needs complete asp codes for sms gateway which we cant provide. If you will see his control panel carefully, you will find all services like email creation, sub domain management & bandwidth report. Till now he has sent more then 5,000 SMS across the world & we can prove this also.... According to customer, he is not able to use SMS Gateway (SMPP Link) & the reason is, All unlimited plans for SMS gateways are bind with single ip address to avoid multiple use of sms gateway. Now this customer is using ISP connection which provides him a dynamic ip address. One special note for Mr. Arun (Administrrator). Without knowing the fact, please never publish these things. Best Wishes, Santosh Jain, Mantraway Sales +91-99344-15984