Hi Every one,
Now stop buying SPC for new Blackberry devices
Just load following corresponding OS to the phone and write any spc you want.
No scanning , no hacks !!
These are Factory OS roms for Blackberry devices,
now how to use it.
1) connect your phone to BB device manager 5 (dont use any above version)
2) run rom exe, it will do its process and your phone will reboot
3) after reboot, you wont see any icon on phone just one msg :- NO APPLICATION LINKED
4) now use any tool to write your spc , old version of UniCDMA also supported for writing SPC.
5) after SPC work is done, load normal rom to device and continue other part of activation process..
Also these Factory Roms/Os can be used for debranding , but still I havent found any software which can push reliance VSM to these new devices.---Need help for same
Note :- Loading this OS to blackberry devices will wipe all your data including sms/contacts/photos/song....etc...etc...
This ROM/OS can be used to wipe clean your device.
All Factory roms are uploaded on this link :- mediafire (dot) com/folder/c2bh7kbb8ifcg/BB_Factory_rom