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What Can I Do For This

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Guys, I have got some questions I would like to ask. I am sending my system configuration so that you can easily let me know what should I do.

1. I dont wanna upgrade, but my system is slow. What can I do or insert any part so that my system can run faster?

2. My MSN messanger is not working it says it needs to be xp, but I have win 98 so what should I do to make it run on windows 98 os?

3. Guys I am able to enter the yahoo chat room or yahoo games room, and it ask to verify that word thing which you enter for security reasons I do that, but after that I am unable to go to chat room or to games room after opening the security window. Can you please help me out how should I enter and stay connected to chat and chat with other people?

I am sending my system information as an attachment so that you people can help me out please. I will be looking forward to all your responses soon.


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From what I can tell at a glance, with your kind of RAM, I dont think its feasable to run the latest versions of IM clients ...Yahoo is the worst resource hog. But there are alternative multi-network IM clients which can very easily work on your system... or even lower specs for that matter... like Miranda. However I'm not sure if you will be able to use the chat room functionality with these clients.

Also your virtual memory seems to be ridiculously high for the physical RAM you have. I'd suggest you stop letting Win manage it... set it to a fixed limit. And preferably defragment it after that.

There are many other things you can do to speed up your system. But Id also seriously suggest trying to get more RAM... if you can get compatible modules...

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From what I can tell at a glance, with your kind of RAM, I dont think its feasable to run the latest versions of IM clients ...Yahoo is the worst resource hog. But there are alternative multi-network IM clients which can very easily work on your system... or even lower specs for that matter... like Miranda. However I'm not sure if you will be able to use the chat room functionality with these clients.

Also your virtual memory seems to be ridiculously high for the physical RAM you have. I'd suggest you stop letting Win manage it... set it to a fixed limit. And preferably defragment it after that.

There are many other things you can do to speed up your system. But Id also seriously suggest trying to get more RAM... if you can get compatible modules...

Thanks for the reply.

I am getting more ram as I have read in 1 article that for my kinda system I can atleast install 4gb of ram to work faster I am sending you the link. By checking that link can you say if I install more ram will it work faster then before. I would also like to say one thing my friend has p2 system and he has got xp operating system and his system runs much faster then mine he has got webcam dvd player everything he can even chat and play games on yahoo do whatever he wants. Y it happens in his system and not mine. This is the link where I checked how much ram to install for my system raccon http://www.proprofs.com/mwiki/index.php?title=CPU_Cram_Sheet

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4 GB????? No way you should install so much RAM (or anywhere close!) on a Win 98 machine! :o Win 98 is not good at handling RAM beyond some limit... It will actually slow down your system instead of making it faster! I cant recall what the limit is... see if someone here can remember... or try to find it online.

Ahere are a LOT of tweaks you can do to make your system run faster... cant get into all that right now... But one of the most important things is to make sure that your system loads absolutely nothing thats not absolutely required, at startup.

One of the most significant problems you will face on a 98 system is security. I believe 98 is no longer supported by MS. Also, I dont think any current firewall will run on your system without severely slowing down your system. You will prolly have to go for a really older version... which is bound to have holes... Also, you have a very limited choice for anti viruses. I suggest Dr. Web or F-Prot... as far as I can remember, they can run on 98. They have an AMAZINGLY small footprint, and wont slow down your comp...

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4 GB????? No way you should install so much RAM (or anywhere close!) on a Win 98 machine! :o Win 98 is not good at handling RAM beyond some limit... It will actually slow down your system instead of making it faster! I cant recall what the limit is... see if someone here can remember... or try to find it online.

Ahere are a LOT of tweaks you can do to make your system run faster... cant get into all that right now... But one of the most important things is to make sure that your system loads absolutely nothing thats not absolutely required, at startup.

One of the most significant problems you will face on a 98 system is security. I believe 98 is no longer supported by MS. Also, I dont think any current firewall will run on your system without severely slowing down your system. You will prolly have to go for a really older version... which is bound to have holes... Also, you have a very limited choice for anti viruses. I suggest Dr. Web or F-Prot... as far as I can remember, they can run on 98. They have an AMAZINGLY small footprint, and wont slow down your comp...

I have the avg antivirus and its running fine which I have downloaded online for free. One thing I would like to know can I install a DVD writer to write songs on a DVD or a CD. Can you let me know about it please. Another thing what you said is correct, but can I install atleast 256 MB of more ram as that's the only amount available right now in the mumbai market and what I have at current 88MB plus 256 mb. So would this much configuration be fine to run my machine faster. Could you also provide me yr email address so that I can email u.

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MY dear friend, you can surely install extra stick of 256mb of RAM in your system. But be sure its frequency should match to your old RAM which is already installed. I think you must be having RAM of frequency PC100. If this is correct, then you have to install another 256MB RAM of PC100 frequency only. If you install PC133 or any other frequency supported RAM then eventually you will face the problem of system restart and Blue Screen of death.

As microsoft doesn't provide updates for windows'98 anymore, I think your system might be full of bugs.

The best thing which you can do as of now is :

1. Install additional RAM 128 ro 256 MB.

2. Format your Hard Disk.

3. Install Windows XP.

Thats it. Nothing better can be expected for your system then this.


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MY dear friend, you can surely install extra stick of 256mb of RAM in your system. But be sure its frequency should match to your old RAM which is already installed. I think you must be having RAM of frequency PC100. If this is correct, then you have to install another 256MB RAM of PC100 frequency only. If you install PC133 or any other frequency supported RAM then eventually you will face the problem of system restart and Blue Screen of death.

As microsoft doesn't provide updates for windows'98 anymore, I think your system might be full of bugs.

The best thing which you can do as of now is :

1. Install additional RAM 128 ro 256 MB.

2. Format your Hard Disk.

3. Install Windows XP.

Thats it. Nothing better can be expected for your system then this.


How can you check the frequency of ram

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My dear friend, the frequency of RAM can be checked on the RAM itself. It is clearly stated on the RAM stick itself. You can check it out yourself.

Moreover old motherboards supports frequency of PC100 RAM only. But still can't say may be your motherboard support PC133 also.

Just check it out.


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Normally, if you install faster RAM together with slower RAM, the faster RAM will work at the slower RAM's speed. But of course the new RAM has to be compatible with your motherboard (check your manual).

Considering your low end specs, AVG WILL slow down your comp! When you are working on a low spec rig, every bit of RAM and CPU cycle matters.

As I mentioned before, I cant recall till what limit 98 addresses RAM effectively... please check that up before you upgrade to 256 MB!!!

Otherwise you can try what Honest suggested... dump 98 and install XP and then install 256 MB RAM. But then remember that 256 MB RAM isnt quite enough for XP. You will have a relatively slow XP system!

As for DVD writers... just check the minimum system requirements on the DVD players box. I cant recall the specs. Even if the hardware specs are ok, I feel you may run into problems with 98 there too. Most DVD burning software may not work on your slow system... Nero for eg. ...the new version is amongst the worst resource hog. But I guess you should be able to find alternative software...

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even WinXp sp2 does not detect 4GB RAM :P u have to some setting changes for XP to recognize 4GB.

With u'r system config upgrading to WinXP may not be feasible.

And RAM is not the only blocking issue u have :(

For the configuration u may have I donot think u can even upgrade to 1GB RAM

and also the kind of RAM u have will be very costly.

My suggestion is to get a new system.

If u donot want to do that now, do some tweeking as other members told,

use a Web based IM client, or download some free IM client, Setup them to use MSN, yahoo or Google.

Also There may be some compatibilty/aging issues with u'r Motherboard,CPU/RAM which is making u'r system slow compared to u'r friends,

try changing the HDD cable to some other slot/port.

Edited by ss_rakesh

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I'd agree. No point in installing XP on such a low spec PC. 98 with bit more RAM will be much faster... you'll only have to deal with the compatability issues with software ...and the security threat.

As for the HDD, i suggest you 1st check if you have UDMA enabled first...

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Raccoon & Rakesh thanks for the advice. I would like to just say one thing that many ppl have told me not to waste any money on this system, but you know still my one part of the heart says y to dump this system, try to make it good. So I thought to make it run faster. One thing I want to ask as I am very dumb in computers, Can I put newer parts in my older system only, I will make u understand what I am trying to say is that I don know how to do it but if you people can suggest me what parts to buy instead of wasting money for each and every part which is already there in the system. Like I will need a new motherboard, processor ram and I don know more what to assemble a system. So do you any links where I can convert my old system into a new looking good system with saving some of my money and using the best of it. Guys I would be happy if you could provide me any link on how to assemble a computer. I even don know which is the ram slot in my system nor there is any picture or image available on the net where I can check out about my system where is the ram slot, and everything and how to insert things in the system. I am totally dumb, but still would love to learn it as now I have got a chance.

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while upgrading, I donot think u can reuse any of u'r old system parts (may be excuding keyboard, mouse,speakers and Monitor)

I can understand that u may want to keep u'r existing system,


Let us say that if are going to change/upgrade(according to latest config) any one of the parts like MotherBoard, CPU,RAM, Powersupply(SMPS),HDD .

U have to change the remainging components also. Then it is as good as a new system and there no point in saying that I still have my old PC :)

So if u have money better buy a new PC.

If u want to know more about system components or how to assemble a system then best thing to start with is google :)

or catch hold of some friend who knows system assembly, and ask to assemble a system for u with u'r help.

But still if u want to stick to u'r existing system for now, Use webbased applications, or may be u can install linux version which can work on u'r system config (I am not sure which one, may be some one in this form can help u out).

Edited by ss_rakesh

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Rakesh, even if I purchase a new system I can save every month 4000 from my salary and not more then that. I can try to save more, but if i could know what parts do we need to make a computer. If you can let me know . I am also sending you one more dxdiag information of which i am using it in my office. I want to make such system. Can you let me know how much it will cost me


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Dude, why make this complicated? Just buy a new Mobo and processor and RAM. New mobos have ethernet cards, graphics cards and all built in. As a very approx cost, you should be able to get something more current for 5 - 8 k. Maybe less... am not aware of the latest hardware prices... they keep changing rapidly anyway.

As suggested by ss rakesh, you should definitely be able to use your monitor, speakers, etc.

For a better looking comp, just change the cabinet! :) Monitor, keyboard is another issue though...

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Rakesh, even if I purchase a new system I can save every month 4000 from my salary and not more then that. I can try to save more, but if i could know what parts do we need to make a computer. If you can let me know . I am also sending you one more dxdiag information of which i am using it in my office. I want to make such system. Can you let me know how much it will cost me

Then y do want to buy a new computer?

If u are planing to buy a very low end system, saving money every month, my advice is donot do that.

Try the webbased apps see whether it solves u'r problem, If it is not then buy a computer.

r else even u can goto a nearby browsing center for chat and other browsing, now a days per hour cost is very low.

you can also go for a decent second hand PC.

u can also look at a website of a Banglore shop to get an estimation of current prices of computer parts.


As raccoon said, it is not required to by too many components now, most of them will be integrated in mother board.

If u still want to buy then I can give u a price list and exact part names for a very low cost PC.

Edited by ss_rakesh

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My dear friend, as rakesh above also suggested that going for a good second hand pc will be beneficial for you. If you try to put new additional parts in your current pc then surely you will face the compatibility issue.


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I agree with Rakesh. If you dont want to spend too much money, going for a 2nd hand pc will be a better option, instead of making things more complex.

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Rakesh, even if I purchase a new system I can save every month 4000 from my salary and not more then that. I can try to save more, but if i could know what parts do we need to make a computer. If you can let me know . I am also sending you one more dxdiag information of which i am using it in my office. I want to make such system. Can you let me know how much it will cost me

there is a PC with minimum config available for approx 4k..

its i guess ...termed as Intel PC...ofcourse the price differs for various add ons and all...

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