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Why The Call Centre Guys Are Paid So Much

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1). Tech Support: "I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop."

Customer "Ok."

Tech Support: "Did you get a pop-up menu?"

Customer: "No."

Tech Support: "Ok. Right click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?"

Customer "No."

Tech Support:: "Ok, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this point?"

Customer: "Sure, you told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click'."

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2) Customer: "I received the software update you sent, but I am still getting the same error message."

Tech Support:: "Did you install the update?"

Customer: "No. Oh, am I supposed to install it to get it to work?"

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3).Customer: : "I'm having trouble installing Microsoft Word."

Tech Support:: "Tell me what you've done."

Customer: "I typed 'AETUP'."

Tech Support:: "Ma'am, remove the disk and tell me what it says."

Customer:: "It says '[PC manufacturer] Restore and Recovery disk'."

Tech Support:: "Insert the MS Word setup disk."

Customer:: "What?"

Tech Support: "Did you buy MS word?"

Customer: "No..."

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4).Customer: : "Do I need a computer to use your software?"

Tech Support:: ?!%#$

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5).Tech Support:: "Ok, in the bottom left hand side of the screen, canyou see the 'OK' button displayed?"

Customer: "Wow. How can you see my screen from there?"

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6) Tech Support:: "What type of computer do you have?"

Customer:: "A white one."

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7). Tech Support:: "Type 'A:' at the prompt."

Customer:: "How do you spell that?"

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8). Tech Support: "What's on your screen right now?"

Customer: "A stuffed animal that my boyfriend got me at the grocery store."

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9). Tech Support:: "What operating system are you running?"

Customer: "Pentium."

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10). Customer: "My computer's telling me I performed an illegal abortion."

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11).Customer: "I have Microsoft Exploder."

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12).Customer: "How do I print my voicemail?"

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13). Customer: "You've got to fix my computer. I urgently need to print document, but the computer won't boot properly."

Tech Support: "What does it say?"

Customer: "Something about an error and non-system disk."

Tech Support: "Look at your machine. Is there a floppy inside?"

Customer: "No, but there's a sticker saying there's an Intel inside."

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14). Tech Support: "Just call us back if there's a problem. We're open 24 hours."

Customer: "Is that Eastern time?"

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15). Tech Support:: "What does the screen say now?"

Customer: "It says, 'Hit ENTER when ready'."

Tech Support:: "Well?"

Customer: "How do I know when it's ready?"

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16). A plain computer illeterate guy rings tech support to report that his computer is faulty.

Tech: What's the problem?

User: There is smoke coming out of the power supply.

Tech: You'll need a new power supply.

User: No, I don't! I just need to change the startup files.

Tech: Sir, the power supply is faulty. You'll need to replace it.

User: No way! Someone told me that I just needed to change the startup and it will fix the

problem! All I need is for you to tell me the command.

10 minutes later, the User is still adamant that he is right. The tech is frustrated and fed up.

Tech: Sorry, Sir. We don't normally tell our customers this, but there is an undocumented DOS command that will fix the problem.

User: I knew it!

Tech: Just add the line LOAD NOSMOKE.COM at the end of the CONFIG.SYS.

Letme know how it goes.

10 minutes later.

User: It didn't work. The power supply is still smoking.

Tech: Well, what version of DOS are you using?

User: MS-DOS 6.22.

Tech: That's your problem there. That version of DOS didn't come with NOSMOKE. Contact Microsoft and ask them for a patch that will give you the file. Let me know how it goes.

1 hour later.

User: I need a new power supply.

Tech: How did you come to that conclusion?

User: Well, I rang Microsoft and told him about what you said, and he started asking questions about the make of power supply.

Tech: Then what did he say?

User: He told me that my power supply isn't compatible with NOSMOKE.

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17) customer care officer:I need a product identification no: right now and may I help u in finding it out?

Cust: sure

CCO: could u left click on start and do u find 'My Computer'?

Cust: I did left click but how the hell do I find your computer?


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gr8 collection, :)

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Rofl :rofl_200::rofl_200: :rofl_200: :Contento:

Nice One !



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second last one is a gem :)

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Working in a call centre is a pain. There is money but no life. You have to maintain AHT, quality, good communication skills on calls on emails chat everything. Schedule adherance everything and in return wht people get 15000 per month depending upon the performance for backoffice which comes to after deducting incentives 9800 in hand, and voice executives 20,000 after deducting incentives comes to 14000. So this is the salary call centre executives are highly paid. And every 6 months appraisal increases merely 500 rs to 1000 rs not more then that. So they are very highly paid more then ministers, lawyers and every1.

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Thats great collection my dear Dr. Ali. Keep posting dude.


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Working in a call centre is a pain. There is money but no life. You have to maintain AHT, quality, good communication skills on calls on emails chat everything. Schedule adherance everything and in return wht people get 15000 per month depending upon the performance for backoffice which comes to after deducting incentives 9800 in hand, and voice executives 20,000 after deducting incentives comes to 14000. So this is the salary call centre executives are highly paid. And every 6 months appraisal increases merely 500 rs to 1000 rs not more then that. So they are very highly paid more then ministers, lawyers and every1.

not just this... Business Today ran a cover story a few months ago abt the apathy of call centre employess... and the numbers speak as to how one in every 4 considers himself/herself socially out of the circuit... how 1 in every 10 has thought of suicide atleast once... how they develop feelings of lonliness and turn recluse... it goes on and on...

i mean i have been guilty of being harsh and irritated to those calls i got in the past but having read that article i changed... the article ended with a thought "... the next time you shout and bang down the phone on a call (sales/promotional) think of it as a youngster from a distant town trying to make his way up in a career"

its aint all that easy and cushy in their shoes... few would disagree

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