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Sony System Dav-dz120 (n33)

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I have got Sony System DAV-DZ120 (N33). Its just been 1 year since I purchased and now I would like to know whenever I insert the disc, even after the disc being inside after reading it says "Please insert the disc". Why it says every time like this I don know. Just the sony technician came now and check in just 2 minutes, and he said that it might be a lens problem and took that yellow color warranty card thing and went and told he will come back to collect the machine to repair it. Now I am just afraid that, if my system goes there and if any other parts which are brand new is taken out and some refurbished old part is inserted in order to make it work how will I come to know as I am not a technician and I wont even come to know that there has been change in any parts. So how do I check that? Can any one let me know?

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I have got Sony System DAV-DZ120 (N33). Its just been 1 year since I purchased and now I would like to know whenever I insert the disc, even after the disc being inside after reading it says "Please insert the disc". Why it says every time like this I don know. Just the sony technician came now and check in just 2 minutes, and he said that it might be a lens problem and took that yellow color warranty card thing and went and told he will come back to collect the machine to repair it. Now I am just afraid that, if my system goes there and if any other parts which are brand new is taken out and some refurbished old part is inserted in order to make it work how will I come to know as I am not a technician and I wont even come to know that there has been change in any parts. So how do I check that? Can any one let me know?

Chandan ji, I think the technician is right. It may be a lens problem. And to your question about changing the new spareparts with refurbished is a major problem these days. Most of the auhorised technician are doing it throughout India. So I suggest you to repair the product at the service centre with ur presence there. Otherwise you can also depend upon your known technician too.

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He has taken the system now and how will I come to know if the parts have been changed

If he changes the old part will we get that part in return the old part to us so that we can come to know that this is the part we have changed.

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My dear Chandan, if your system is under warranty and the service centre people replaced the part free of cost for you, then they will not give you the old part as they have to submit the same with the company.

If they charge you for the part then only you will be able to take your old part.


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My dear Chandan, if your system is under warranty and the service centre people replaced the part free of cost for you, then they will not give you the old part as they have to submit the same with the company.

If they charge you for the part then only you will be able to take your old part.


Thanks Honest and dhenku.

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My dear Chandan, if your system is under warranty and the service centre people replaced the part free of cost for you, then they will not give you the old part as they have to submit the same with the company.

If they charge you for the part then only you will be able to take your old part.


Thanks Honest and dhenku.

Guys my one year was over on 7th apr 2008. I had send an email to sny on 1st apr regarding that I am facing an issue "Please insert the disc" with my DVD player. After that I waited for their reply, but there was no reply nor a phone call. I called up them on 10th or 13th of apr and spoke to a guy named amarjeet and said I had send an email and he asked my email address for it in order to check that email. After he took my mailing address and he said yes we reced the email and we had send the mechanic but no one was present at home.

At my place my old grandparents are always present 24/7, 365 days. How come then there be no one at home. So Amarjeet told I will send a mechanic soon. The mechanic came 2 days earlier just checked for 5 mins, took that yellow color warranty card which comes for visiting without my signature and told that I don need yr signature now. I will take it later. I told him ok. I went to office. He came home at 8 pm in the evening my mom said and took the system without any signature. I just cant understand how do the service man dont take signatures when they take the product along with them if they are company mechanics?

If the product gets damaged then who is responsible for all this? 2nd thiing today after 2 days when I came home from my office, my mom said that the mechanic called up and told that since yr warranty period is over you will be charged 5000 rs in order to change the lens. Now guys dont u think first the mechanic takes the system away under warranty period and then says the warranty period has been over. ARE THEY FOOLS or we are fools? I dont understand. Does really the changing of lens cost 5000 rs. Is that really so costly or are these people trying to duped me in the name of sony. Guys today evening he is going to call up.

I really need you help in this. I am damn sure now as he has taken my system he must have really changed some or the other part in past 2 days. Guys should I take him to cops or just sit quiet and watch and do nothing as it was my hard earned 8 months savings money which I had saved 15500 rs to buy this for my house and just within 1 yr its not working. So really sony works or by its big name it tries to cheat customer's with its worst products and worst mechanics? Guys need yr help please in this matter?

Edited by chandannasta

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Escalate this problem with some higher Sony Official at their corporate/regional office. I dont know about Mumbai, but once I had a problem with a Sony system here in Delhi and when the service centre was dilly dallying, I escalated this problem with Sony's Mathura Road corporate office. They understood the problem and solved it without charge. Same you can try and do and explain to them that it is just 4-5 days over warranty and they have the power to do it. Only thing is your problem should reach the correct person handling Service in Sony at their Regional Office at Mumbai.

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My dear Chandan, don't pay a single peny to them at all. As you had reported the problem through e-mail within the guarantee period. They now can't argue with you that you had reported late.

Instead try contacting some senior level person in the service centre itself and your problem will be sorted out free of cost.

And if they tell you that they had visited your house in the past and no one was their, then you need not to be worried about this also. As this is the duty of the technician to try atleast two attempts for visiting your house. In this case also they are responsible. Say, if you or any of your family member is not present at the first attempt then why didn't the technician tried for the second attempt. Nor they left any STICKY / NOTE at your door, which normally every company's technicians left at the door, if no-one is present at the premises.

In all, I can say that you need not be worry at all. Try contacting some senior person at the service centre and your problem will be resolved without any issue.


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Guys this is Sony's Mumbai regional Service centre office contact number and address sony regional office mumbai 28313333 56919999 1st flr, tradeglobe ldg, mv rd, kondivita, andheri e mumbai 59.

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Honest, thanks for your reply. This is sony service centre's contact num one more 40053845/46 and the Mumbai area manager is Vikram joshi 9820880380. Honest when I spoke to him he said when I first emailed him during warranty that email was not reflecting in their database. They have now replied Wants FOC repair. What do u mean by FOC? Is this the way the system's work in sony such a big organization, where emails dont reflect during the warranty period but they get reflected after the warranty period in order to charge customers in thousands, but now they are doing my work free of cost after going merry go around from past 1 and half month. I dont have to pay any cash for it. This is because one of the executives provided me the number for my first reply which I has send during my warranty period. So its just because of her she was like an angel who came for my help. Honest I would like to help all the people of India who will buy sony products in future. What should I do for that and what should I convey to them?

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Congratulations Chandan on having your problem solved. Any big company whether Sony or anyone else should have a relatively good service backup system. At least you were able to contact higher ups in Sony and get your problem solved. You just have to be persistent with these lot. On the whole Sony products are good and reliable and should be recommended.

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My dear friend, First of all hearty congratulations to you, that you work is being done without any charges. You have taken the pain, for which you deserve this. And surely it was the fault of Sony, they have to repair it without any charges for you.

What do u mean by FOC?

FOC here stands for FREE OF CHARGE.

Honest I would like to help all the people of India who will buy sony products in future. What should I do for that and what should I convey to them?

Just share all your experiences with SONY, here in this thread, if you want all the people of India who are planning to buy SONY products.

So its just because of her she was like an angel who came for my help.

And remeber, don't given your ANGEL'S phone number to anyone. Otherwise she will become someone else's ANGEL. :P


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My dear friend, First of all hearty congratulations to you, that you work is being done without any charges. You have taken the pain, for which you deserve this. And surely it was the fault of Sony, they have to repair it without any charges for you.

What do u mean by FOC?

FOC here stands for FREE OF CHARGE.

Honest I would like to help all the people of India who will buy sony products in future. What should I do for that and what should I convey to them?

Just share all your experiences with SONY, here in this thread, if you want all the people of India who are planning to buy SONY products.

So its just because of her she was like an angel who came for my help.

And remeber, don't given your ANGEL'S phone number to anyone. Otherwise she will become someone else's ANGEL. :P


Thanks dhiraj and kamal both of you. I would just say one thing to every one who buys sony's products any of the sony products. You get a warranty card in return. You just use that warranty card within one year you get 4 small coupon's for the techncians to visit to you from the service centre free of cost. In that warranty card there is the service contact number and the email address of sony. Anytime you have any problem with your sony product within one year of warranty, mail them to the email address mentioned in the warranty card.

It takes 2 days for your email to reach over there and after 2 days you will receive a complaint number. Keep that complaint number safely otherwise they will say that your previous email is not reflecting in our database if you try to call them again if technician dosent visit after you have send an email. Even if you try to call up at the provided contact number fo sony mentioned in the warranty card, always ask them for the complaint number to provide them to you as this will be a proof that you have spoken to them and also the person's name.

One more thing try to ask them regional office contact number, its extension and to whom to speak to and address in your area to provide them and take it down writing and also ask them to send you a list of service centres that are in your area through email. Ask each and every thing from the manual when you provide first coupon of your warranty card to the technician. Be through with it and understand it very well. If the technician says no he dosnet no it then dont sign the coupon as he will just come and go and they get paid for the services done but actually your issue is not resolved. So dont make the same mistake which I made.

When the product comes at your place and you have paid the full amount for it at the store, then the demo guy who comes to join the product will ask you for chai pani of 200-300 rs dont give a single penny as they are not going to come to help u in future for anything related to this product. They are just trainees who know how to join the product nothing else the demo trainers thats all.

Guys whenever you go to buy products take a blade with you put a small cut on the product you see at the store and also a cut at the wire also so that you dont receive the same product at home. This you will come to know as the product which you have received is new directly from the godown and not the same displayed at the showroom and you receive a brand new piece. Guys keep these things in mind before buying sony products.

Edited by chandannasta

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maybe if you could break your above posts into 2 or 3 paragraphs, it would be easier on the eye to read and also to comprehend. Maybe my eyes are weak. Try and edit it, if possible.

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maybe if you could break your above posts into 2 or 3 paragraphs, it would be easier on the eye to read and also to comprehend. Maybe my eyes are weak. Try and edit it, if possible.

I dont know how to edit after posting I apologize for my mistake

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I dont know how to edit after posting I apologize for my mistake



My dear friend, their is an EDIT key in the right hand corner of your every post. You have to just click this EDIT button. And you will get the option to edit your post. Then you can edit your whole post. Thats very simple. You can see it in the picture attached by me also.

Its simple. Try it now. Edit your post and make it easier to read by all members.



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Thanks for understanding and please follow Kamal's guidance as above for editing your posts.

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I dont know how to edit after posting I apologize for my mistake



My dear friend, their is an EDIT key in the right hand corner of your every post. You have to just click this EDIT button. And you will get the option to edit your post. Then you can edit your whole post. Thats very simple. You can see it in the picture attached by me also.

Its simple. Try it now. Edit your post and make it easier to read by all members.


Thanks kamal and kumar. I have doen the editing.

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