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Tutorials for Uploading Ringtones on LG2030

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here is something i want to know bout uploading ringtones

arun told

And yes, it is illegal to upload ring tones using Data Cable like the way it is done for LG RD 2030.

is it really illegal to upload ringtones??? coz when i asked to a webworld guy he told me its alright

i will be asking another guy today... will get back to u after that....

in the mean time what do u guys say?

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This my view :)

Hey i dont think it will be illegal..

In case of gsm.. most of the phones there can be connected to pc and we can get the new ringtones to it through some soft..

But at the same time, when we download from operator they charge some amount for that.. Still ppl having cable and software do use these paid tones and stuffs....

In case of Reliance they arent providing any soft for adding ringtones..

So we found a way to get the ringtone to phone..

And also they wont loose the value of the content(tones,..), they provide in r-world.

bcz even after hutch is chargin around Rs..7 / tone download.. i have seen ppl

hunting for ringtones in it..

I dint get the illegal part here ;)

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Here are some (4826) midi files for conveting to ring tones.

ok i have downloaded it all to my ftp. it was bout 27 mb. and unzipped size of 112 mb... nice collection jax....

btw ashok has pointed out that this thread is not for discussion.

so i think its time we did a cleaning job on this thread. all discussion would either be deleted or moved to another appropriate thread.

i have another suggestion... having the ringtones in diff files might turn out to be very difficult.. so i am thinking of zipping it into files of 50 kb each... we would give credit for those who created the ringtone ofcourse.... i would like to hear your opinion on this...

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hey guys !.

i have uploaded files of sizes other than the 4kb ones !. but they dont work !. any solutions ?

And another query is how do i replace those irritating ring tones that the company provided (like raga,sufi ..etc) ?


Well the file format is 4112 bytes.. So it wont accept anything exceeeding this size...

Also it should be in the right format..

Check this thread right from the beginning for more info

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you can upload only three ringtones from your sys to the mobile...

The raaga, sufi..etc. are there to stay..

you win some.. you lose some...

And I am currently researching on the uploading of fules other that 4 kb

as soon as I get results.. you guys will be informed


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well, it's impossible to replace those built in ringtones...

alteast directly from the PC.

and yes files larger than 4kb can be uploaded, but they need to be correctly hex edited, the first filesize descriptor (2 bytes) must be set to 00 00 or FF FF.

i've tried u/l files around 4.5kb they work, but not files larger than those.

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Me has done that too shock dude... but I am trying for

one ringtone with space = 2 or more ringtones....

The only problem is that then you can upload only one ore two ringtones max.. :)

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Hi mmsawant,

Try removing some beats.....

Wont sound very good.. still if u want full length.. this will do...

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try reducing the number of instruments in the midi... it'll make the ringtone smaller but will loose out on quality.

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hey ppl..

i just got the cable working...



now the problem was using the bitpim..

not that using the s/w was a problem..

but when i tried getting the filesystem listing... for the first time it was successful.. :help: ... but then when i tried to overwrite a midi file.. (a ringtone), it threw an exception..

something looking like..

An unexpected exception has occurred.

Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "gui.pyo", line 197, in run

File "gui.pyo", line 138, in __call__

File "gui.pyo", line 1045, in dirlisting

File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 607, in getfilesystem

File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 886, in sendbrewcommand

File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 740, in setmode

File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 767, in _setmodebrew

File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 929, in _sendbrewcommand

BrewCommandException: Brew Error 0x13

Now, i exit the s/w (bitpim) and restarted and tried to read the filesystem..

this time (and hence forth everytime) it would not allow me to read the file system as well.. dunno wats wrong..

also, many ppl on the forum mention that if it does nt work selecting one type of phone,try another model of the phone.. but i could not find the selection facility for the phone type anywhere in the settings..

please help.. :help:


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is there any software or way in which i can play a ringtone (.dat format) on the PC and hear how it would sound on th phone..??

i tried PSMP.. but it sounded discrete..

pls let me know if any one knows how to do it..

Hi Rahula,

It wont play properly if the file extension is .dat... You have to rename it to .mid

Rename those dat ringtones from .dat to .mid and then open it in Winamp or PSM player..

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well, if you are using bitpim 7 beta,

try refreshing the filesytem after it says that device needs attention or throws an excaption.

it always works for me.

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folks where can i get detailed guide on this, ngcoders is limited. in my case everthing works fine. but ringtones are not updated on my handset.

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ringtones are not updated on my handset.

wht does this mean?? Hope u know tht u got to reboot the phone after uploading the new ringtone!

but when i tried getting the filesystem listing... for the first time it was successful..  :'( ... but then when i tried to overwrite a midi file.. (a ringtone), it threw an exception..

something looking like..

An unexpected exception has occurred.

Please see the help for details on what to do.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "gui.pyo", line 197, in run

  File "gui.pyo", line 138, in __call__

  File "gui.pyo", line 1045, in dirlisting

  File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 607, in getfilesystem

  File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 886, in sendbrewcommand

  File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 740, in setmode

  File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 767, in _setmodebrew

  File "com_lgvx4400.pyo", line 929, in _sendbrewcommand

BrewCommandException: Brew Error 0x13

how on earth did u get a error of CALL List while replacing ringtones! :unsure:

Elaborate more! And restart ur phone and PC and let us know if it works now!

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for chirag..

the message i got (the exception) was reading the file system.. not uploading the ringtone.. nevertheless.. all issues resolved now.. i got everythign up and running.. and its working too.. :clap:


indeed what u are saying is abs true.. writing a software like bitpim is no one man's job..

but wat i have been wondering for some time now is if we can write (or hack) into the existing software and change it, like adding some utilities, some stuff.. of ur own choice..

is it possible..

if any one of us has any contacts with any of the LG customer care guys.. then may be we could get hold of the softwarre to burn the flash of the phone as well.. (should nt be that diff..)

wt remains is getting the existing source code and the relevant compiler for the same...

just as a curiosity.. does any one know wat processor is the RD2030 using??

hey ppl..

was just having a look at the menu.db file posted by matrix..

(havent replaced it with my menu.db on my phone though)..

looks like its some menu appearing on the phone..

matrix.. can u pls throw some light on this..

please let us (me atleast.. i am completely unaware of this) know what this file is.. what it does.. if it allows us to change the default menu or add to the default menu, how can we.. can we add anythign to the menu.. can we write our own utilities.. burn them and add a link to that in the main menu.. etc etc...



Edited by StaticElectricity

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I recently put 3 ringtones from R-World to my mobile. Now can I download those ringtones to my PC using the same way as we upload ringtones from pc to mobile?

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I recently put 3 ringtones from R-World to my mobile. Now can I download those ringtones to my PC using the same way as we upload ringtones from pc to mobile?

Yeh you can..

Right-Click the file in Bitpim and select Save

Give the filename and location..

tats it :o

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hi guys,

tell me if we can make a ring tone for voice files.....

i mean if i wanna make a ring tone which have vocals.... is it possible... if yes pl make a demo of it...


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I dont think that is possible...

The ringtone is in Midi format

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but there are vocals in rd7130, if i am right..

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