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Parallel Phone With Fwp

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can anyone help me add a parallel phone with reliance FWP LST-340E?

is that possible or is there any way to record the talking in a FWP ?

please help me...



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I had asked helpdesk twice or thrice (I never belive what they say just one time... :wacko: ) if there is any way to have a parrallel line for FTP. All 3 times it was negative. So I guess officially at least there is no way. Actually, thats why I decided to continue with BSNL ...cus I have to have extensions!

Have you considered FWT?

And about recording conversations ...I vaguely remember reading something on Baazee.com about such a gadget. Check there...

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From a FWT u can have many parallel connections! Thts wht its meant for! But dunno abt the FWP. Unwantedmails can be the right person to guide u over this... wheres he? :wacko:

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Parallel connection is not possible in FWP. You can conect as many as lines on a FWT including EPABX.

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But you can send SMS, provided you got a compatible intrument.

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Well, I positively asked them if one could send SMS thru FTW, if it was connected to an SMS enabled instrument (though I dont know where and if they are available ...BSNL's landline SMS plan still dosent seem to be around. The answer was NO! FWTs simply dont support SMSes. Maybe they have changed it?

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