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Misleading Ads

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Hi Pals,

I saw a advertisment on television of AirTel, the other day , where a guy with his gurl are on a plane flying and all ... then the plane some how crashes and goes it thru the tress.... they (AirTel) shows all mountian scenes and alll ... but i wonder wheather they have such a huge network ... coz i dont think in the mountains, no mobile operators not even reliance or hutch or !dea orany mobile operator has a network...

we want mobile operators to make relevant ads and not just show ads to make us feel good about their product and services ....

please comment

Edited by chandramauli

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I fully agree - airtel has no coverage in western orissa at all (even in populated towns) so why even bother showing such 'bakwaas'?

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even in my city the coverage of AirTel is bad instead of improving its getting worse (Relinace has got much better atleast in the city limits)

I even wonder wht were they doing, tht the plane had to crash !! :D

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I still think that the Hutch ad does a better job of depicting wide network coverage without making far-fetched promises like the AirTel advert.

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Well, only satellite mobile calls are possible in mountains and all.bizzaire ads. :P

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and it seems tht, tht fellow was using a satellite phone !!!

To be honest i dont even like the Hutch ads .... their print ads are good ..

but the i hate their slogan : whereever u go , our network follows

Edited by chandramauli

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I still think that the Hutch ad does a better job of depicting wide network coverage without making far-fetched promises like the AirTel advert.


all are same . this is not limited to Mobile coverage . Cosmetics products are also gives false promises.. its a part of marketing

BTW Airtel serves more states then hutch.

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All the ads are unrealistic and misleading. Customers should never follow them with belief. They are a sort of guides, but I think a person should confirm the actuals before buying a product.

By the way India badly needs monitoring agency to avoid such misleading ads.

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I feel that some one should file a petition with consumer court to avoid such ads....

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Have u people forgotten the reliance ad when it was about to start all the promises made were broken except the free sms Now that is a big fraud then the airtel ad All the companies gove ads with hidden cons (costs) which u come to know only after buying the product

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well i the sms in dapo is still free (they had mentioned tht earlier too tht dapo subscribers wil have free sms for 3 yrs )

the r-world has been free ....

they only have changed some plans like introduction on budget plans and joy plans .... in tht (joy plans) tooo rim-rim calling is @ 40ps thou only local ...

but its b'coz of RIM tht ppl gsm rates have come down ...otherwise we wud still have been paying Rs 2.99/min for local calls and Rs 3.99/min for std ... and also pay for other value added services. ...

it takes time for any company to settle properly ... lets give them some time and hope it stays ecomonical ...

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By the way India badly needs monitoring agency to avoid such misleading ads.

There IS something called The Advertising Standards Council of India - its a is a self regulatory voluntary organisation of the nation's advertising industry..the motto is "Regulate yourself, or someone else will" :) ...u bet :)



If you notice any advertisement through any medium whatsoever that it is misleading, dishonest or indecent, then you can report the matter to the address given below and put an end to such advertisements.

The Advertising Standards Council of India

205, Bombay Market

Tardeo Road

Mumbai 4000034

E-mail: asci@vsnl.com

check out their website


lemme say again, the system is already here - what we need now is a kinda advt-consciousness, where we come to realise that we CAN actually change things- things like crappy&misleading&offensive ads...

btw, u might also be interested in this http://www.consumercourt.netfirms.com/

INTERNATIONAL CONSUMER RIGHTS PROTECTION COUNCIL - ICRPC - its a good place to start if u wanna lodge any kind of consumer complaints...its an Indian website and it gives step-by-step info on how to go about a consumer complaint....check out the 'success stories' - u w'd surely be impressed

......speak up.....

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tht ad was funny ... it wasnt misleading !!! :)



that ad was funnily misleading. When those ads were running I heard some funny but somewhat sad complaints that my friends received at reliance customer care when they were working there.

a) A rural customer who had gone for the first DAPO scheme complained that through his RD2030 he was not able to video chat with his mom despite paying reliance. where as sehwag could do it even when he got the phone free of cost

:) another distant customer called up and asked "Campooter kahan hai?". He had read in an Ad - Kabhi Mobile, Kabhi Computer.

... Lighter side but Sad for those people .. Khatti aur mithi, But duniya in Mutthi?

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I strongly agree with u nag. Even the interface shown in the RIM ad for EMail etc are not coming near to the screens of real RIM.

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Hi Pals,

I saw a advertisment on television of AirTel, the other day , where a guy with his gurl are on a plane flying and all ... then the plane some how crashes and goes it thru the tress.... they (AirTel) shows all mountian scenes and alll ... but i wonder wheather they have such a huge network ... coz i dont think in the mountains any not even reliance or hutch or !dea orany mobile operator has a network...

we want mobile operators to make relevant ads and not just ads to make us feel good about their product and services ....

please comment


Ads are supposed to be funny and catchy. "So that people watch it, remeber it, discuss it ". When I saw the airtel ad, with the boyfriend saying Mayday Mayday on the radio, while the gf saying "Hello dad, I am really going to be late" I found it funny..!! I remeber it, I remeber Airtel.

Common, havent you guys heard of Metaphor....!! Good authors use it all the time in books. Do you want ads to show boring people talking boring stuff in boring bedrooms :P

btw, i found the girl in the ad sexy, does that mean that the ad is misleading the consumers that only sexy sex bomb girls with big boobies, having a pilot for a boy friend, and date only in wild jungles.... use Airtel. :) Or, that only young pre teens boys with cute pug nose dogs have Hutch. If that is the case then how many customers would Airtel or Hutch have.

Grow up :D

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common man .... they sell technology and services and not beauty or undergarments and stuff like tht ... they shud talk abt the technology that they are going to use to serve their customers and wht all services will the customers receive.. !!

For Eg. : Reliance emphasis on fiber optic calbes, cdma technology etc ...

Edited by chandramauli

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That's for Sure! When I acquired my Management qualifications, We've been told of a particular phrase... BRV: Brand Recall Value. When you think of

Wah Sunilbabu... Naya ghar, nayee gaadi aur nayiee.... Mrs?

Does the name of the Paint Co. come to your mind? But, an IDEA cam change your life never let u forget the Brand!

Whwn I've joined HLL, the topic of the GD I've faced was "Endorsement of products by celebrities in Ads" I won the game there. I just emphasises what Chandra said. It's the real thing that lasts... And for AIRTel, I know their coverage too well B) I had my first Cell with Airtel connection. I shifted to Hutch due to poor network coverage of the former. RIM was a gift to me :D I discontinued Hutch as hutchies steal Talkvalue from the Prepaid :P And the honeymoon with RIM begun :)

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First of all incase of Airtel, the coverage at present in most areas is only from Town-Town..

I heard from some ppl that they are in process of installing a huge no of towers..

This i gt from personal who supplies equipments..

Still tat ad is sooo ....

Its just to attract ppl.. Ppl would think that they gt the most wide coverage.. but

the truth is they dont..

When i was travelling in train, 3/4th of the time i wont get range, until i am in some major city stations, but at the same time i get bpl, bsnl mostly.. ;)

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honestly saying attracting ppl just by nice ads and nice tunes wont server the purpose ... i hope reliance info keeps this in mind

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a step by step commerical of the airtel ad

have a peek AirTel

why do they say thing like 'one network never lets u down' even when they are not functioning properly in the city limits.

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