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What Hp Needs For Slate To Take On Ipad, And Win

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C'mon HP. You can do it!

Earlier today Engadget unearthed an internal presentation from HP that shows what advantages HP's Slate have over Apple's iPad, and vice versa. The presentation is there to help HP employees understand what needs to be done and what they can write home about.


But this one slide is only a small part of a much larger big picture.

While the slide does reveal advantages that the Slate does have over the iPad in terms of hardware, it doesn't address several fundamental issues:

HP does not have a well built, well populated and well integrated applications repository and store.

HP does not have a multi-studio backed music and movies store.

HP does not have a widely populated books and magazines store.

Time and time again, Apple has demonstrated that having the best specs does not necessarily equate to having top notch mainstream acceptance and usability. This is where HP can start. Rather than having tunnel-vision focus on specifications alone, HP needs to hone in on user experience, and that begins squarely with the interface that will ultimately ship with the Slate.

HP is partly at the mercy of Microsoft. A version of Windows 7 will ship with the Slate, but what HP needs to do is create a well refined and customized touch-tuned interface that's intuitive to use. A slate/tablet device by today's standards, has to be usable by human fingers in a natural and easy way. If a company thinks thinks that by craming a desktop OS designed to be used with a keyboard and mouse into tablet, it is dead wrong. Thankfully however, HP is creating a custom TouchSmart interface that will ship with the Slate.

HP-Slate-Tablet-Hulu-Adobe-Flash-Apple-iPad,S-A-240778-1.jpgloupe.gifZoomKey things HP needs to focus on are:

- Intuitive finger-based navigation.

- Unreliance on mouse, keyboard, stylus, although having options for these are good.

- Ensure that all aspects of the interface are cohesive, consistent and refined.

- Figure out a way to make applications take on the same consistency

End user experience are the final measuring stick on whether or not a device will be successful. But HP needs to work providing such an experience first. If HP can work deeply with Microsoft to refine the Slate's interface, things could look bright indeed.

Beyond Interfaces and Hardware

Competition beyond the interface however, is an even greater challenge for HP. Don't be fooled into thinking that the Slate and the iPad are on equal ground. What the Slate has to contend with is not simply another tablet, but an entire platform. Apple has immense strength here thanks to the entire "i-ecosystem." This is to say, the iTunes store, the App store, and now the iBooks store, are all part of the whole platform. One only needs to look at what the Apple has done to Amazon's once dominant Kindle ebook business to see that the Slate is in a battle not unlike David and Goliath. While its computer sales may pale in comparison, Apple's relentless grip on other business markets is massive. To underestimate these other areas, is a dangerous move.

HP needs to work closely with software developers and publishers. Since the Slate runs Windows 7, HP can use this to its advantage from a developer standpoint. It can work to convince and support the ocean of Windows developers to create custom version of existing apps and with new, well designed touch interfaces. HP also needs to see things through. Letting developers do whatever they want in terms of design and interface, is a bad idea. HP needs to keep developers along agreed-upon high quality standards. Only through this way, will the total user experience of the Slate be meaningful.

Outside from this, HP needs to also work with game publishers. For the most part, a tablet isn't a heavy duty productivity device. When you need to do serious work, you'll hit a laptop or a desktop. Therefore, game publishers are a key for HP. Everyone needs to work together to come out with attractive leisure and entertainment titles for the Slate. The mainstream market relates to this type of software far easier than things like office tools, FTP and file transfer utilities, remote control utilities and other things only savvy users would know.

Music, Movies and Books

HP is a big company. It has history. It has heritage. And most of all, it has clout. HP as a whole, wields tremendous power that most companies can only dream of having. In light of this, HP needs to start working with the entertainment industry to develop a viable and competitive platform to the iTunes store. While alternatives exist already, they're all small relative to iTunes' size. HP has the power to see the effort through thanks to its large pool of resources and that's what it needs to do. When it can show the entertainment industry an attractive user experience, HP can attract publishers to take the bite.

If HP isn't willing to create something of its own, partnering with one of the other larger alternatives, is a good place to start.

The same can be said for books. In fact, HP can consider a partnership with Amazon to make the Kindle store an official repository for the Slate. This would be an immediate advantage and one that millions of users are already familiar with. The fact that Amazon released a Kindle app for the iPad on the iPad's launch day says that Amazon is willing to be flexible in order to save its Kindle business.

Making It All Come Together

There are a lot of things HP needs to do to ensure the success of the Slate. It can't count on specifications alone. Tablets far more powerful than the iPad already exist in various forms. Yet they are tucked away into the niche-end of the market, doomed to be forgotten. The Slate can avoid the same fate if its mother company rises to the occasion to develop a cohesive and flourishing platform.

It's clear that HP sees the iPad as a very serious competitor to the Slate, otherwise it wouldn't create such internal presentations. But the presentation it created is blindsided by specs and doesn't address the platform issues. It's wonderful that the Slate has a built in webcam, a fast CPU, 1080p playback (only via video out since the Slate's resolution (1024x600) is actually less than the iPad), lots of memory, USB connectivity and user expandable storage. But they say history often repeats itself. HP cannot and should not count on power useres who know and understand technology well to see its product through to success. It must go after the larger mainstream base first. Out of all your friends and family, how many times have you had to fix computer problems for them? The mainstream base will launch the Slate into success and drive prices down, ultimately giving the power users what they want: a powerful, well made, well supported tablet that's priced right.

The Slate, like the iPad, is merely a window into a world created by content. Both sides need to be in harmony for everything to come together. I for one, hope HP can take its Slate to grand success. It can only be good for consumers.

HP on the other hand cannot count on hopes and wishes alone--it needs desire. For a wish for something may or may not come true. But desire won't go away until that something is true.

Go HP.

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good review....

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Only google chrome will do it... we need whole new OS here.. Windows is losing its race with Mac now.. so Chromium is only hope..

same android way ;)

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Ditto, Require new OS at lest for talet, Google Chrome OS or Android will be good for tablets.

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Softwares is the only concern !!! Windows has all the softwares & it is used by all, OS developed in years of experience !!!!

Newer OS has a lot of compatibilty issues ... The reason why Linux is not popular in homes... Only Dev's use it.

Similarly slate & stuff will only be used by say managers & professionals not in IT, but use IT as an aid.

Developers will stick to their usual diet....

This is wat i guess.... Something may look fancy .. but how much is the real use...

Windows OS in HP slate is apt ... Good reply to Apple...

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It is understandable that non innovator or follower has to offer something better than innovator. Also there are very few cases where innovator has been market leader. Especially this is true for APPLE inc. May be because Apple philosophy is typical, they do not offer any control to user.

As per my belief, despite being very powerful OS, linux or for that matter free , open source OS has its own limitations. They are usually too fragmented. Windows is lagging behind but perhaps in eyes of developers and techno geeks. For common man, WIndows is still the best OS for majority of users - What ever may be the short falls.

We can not forget the fact that about 90% of people are using Windows and Windows based software. In my opinion Tablets are perhaps first step towards truely convergent device between laptop / desktop and mobile phone or mobile computing device with voice and data communication modules. Our quite a lot of work is dependent on windows OS. Hence atleast for another 10 years windows will lead. However in case of tablet surely windows in its current form will be utter failure and so will be with Crome as that too will be too fragmented. I believe Perhaps Apple will be leader for next few years for this niche market.

If some one ask me, I will prefer NetBook over table atleast if Windows 7 is used as it is on tablets. Mac / linux are no better than large screen mobiles where one can just use it for making voice and data calls and can view movies and photos on larger screens. They are not truely replacement to laptops or even net books.

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See apple is innovator and earns more than nokia already...

apple got some really strong stuffs up their sleeves.. major thing work for apple is its Brand... apple owners always feel proud and strangely satisfied... they really show off iphone with Beer app.. lol.. and more strangely they dont care even it dont support multi tasking....

Google is targeting everything in very long term rather.. imagine. Chromium, android available for devs and OEMs for free... with App store called Market..

i sometime gets shocked how google syncing everything... for now its kinda for power users who understands and love G Factor.. but in 5 years there will be no let go from google..

we have better OEMs thn apple... but they dont jump in these things cos of OS and its support laters.. and exactly same google doing it for them...

so they have to manufacture tablet, phone or computer... throw in Chrome OS and/or Android and launch in market...

i would have love to see Google Nokia ties in this... they wud have rocked the world.. but poor Nokia launched first netbook on WIndows 7 and regretting..

days are not far when we see Google owned OS in every second hardware...like maruti on indian roads lol..

though i am not supporter of monopoly but somehow want Google to take down all of them and conquer it... i think its my love for them.. or they simply deserve it.. not sure.. :P

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But at the same time google is becoming threat - may be my perception.

Edited by kshah

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But atleast Google dont lock u and force u to do what they want..

they rather loves thier users... and dont see threat as of now.. but ya once they in for monopoly they might get relaxed and stop experimenting, which is seed of their success...

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But atleast Google dont lock u and force u to do what they want..

they rather loves thier users... and dont see threat as of now.. but ya once they in for monopoly they might get relaxed and stop experimenting, which is seed of their success...

Thats one thing that makes Apple su** for me.

I mean they charge so much with offering less, still we have to bear whats there inside, No customization whatever.

OS should be like Winmo and android where you have no limits whatsoever!

Edited by SumitVerma

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True but win mo is power hungry and cant compete with next gen OSs like android or WebOS.. both Linux based...

i pity PALM for this too.. they shud have adopt android and survive....

i somehow want that company to grow.. but i dont use their product :D

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