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Ask Anything About E-Cigarettes / Vaporizers

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I have been using e-cigs or PVs (electronic cigarettes or personal vaporizers or just vaporizer) for 6 months now and anyone wanting any info on these for quiting analog cigarettes (ie normal cigarettes) can ask questions here as i've researched quite a lot and bought lot of useless stuff initially before learning what works.

Good thing about e-cigs is that you can quit analogs but still get your nicotine fix - without the 5,000 harmful chemicals. More than 99% of the harm in cigarettes comes from the other 4,999 chemicals including Tar/CO2 etc and not from Nicotine.

Most of the manufacturers are chinese as US tobacco lobby is trying frantically to stop US mfrs or imports and trying to spread FUD that its not approved by FDA etc.

Fact is that e-cigs are proven to be 100 times better than analogs in various studies. Off course, nicotine is still an addiction so its not something for non smokers to pick up but for smokers to use to drop a unhealthy habit.

Also there's no tax on nicotine liquid so governments are also wary of how to treat this. But the sales of e-cigs are over $ 100 Mn now and quality & features have improved dramatically.

Its quite practical now and there are various advantages - for example you can smoke inside Car or Home/Office A/C environments instead of opening car window in the heat or going and standing outside, there's no smell or bad taste for wife/GF to complain about, after a few months all the gunk in you lungs go away and you feel much healthier.

Some downsides are: ordering from china takes 2-4 weeks to arrive so if you run out of batteries or atomizers or e-juice (nicotine liquid) or cartridges you will fall back to analogs. You need to plan in advance which is not always possible or you end up ordering too much stock. Also customs charges (around 500 for Rs 5000 order) vary and so does the time they take to clear the package. But you don't have to go to customs office, you just pay the postman when he comes to deliver.

The cost per month is nearly the same as analogs or maybe little higher during initial months as you settle down. But each order size is 3,000-5,000 which seems little large as we buy cigs for 50-100 per pack and just 1-2 pack at a time. One order will go on for 1-2 months usually.

Some forums for more info: www.e-cigarette-forum.com

Good (& Cheap) supplier: www.heaven-gifts.com

Good Models:

newbie: M Series or M401 (looks identical to analogs)

later: Joye eGO (looks more like a pipe - but 6 hours battery life compared to 1 hour of M series)

You need to get 1 starter kit plus 3-4 extra atomizers (attys) and 10-20 empty cartridges (carts) and 1-2 bottles of 35 ml e liquid of extra/super high strength (denoted in mg eg. 24 mg) For 36 mg strength you will need to go to bestecigs.com but 24mg is also ok.

You can also buy pre-filled carts but turn out to be expensive so i don't prefer them. YOu can order pre-filled carts if you don't want the hassle of refilling your carts every 2-3 days (takes half an hour)

You can use a USB Pass through (USB PT) to connect and vape (smoke:smoking :: vapour:vaping) without using the battery. I even connect the USB PT to my car cig lighter jack using a motorola car charger to vape in car. Batteries usually work for a month or two before conking off.

You typically need to vape for more time than you usually smoke as its slower than analogs. This is because nothing is burned in e-cigs, the atomizer heats a little (60-80 C) and the liquid (soaked in a foam in the cartridge) is vaporized before you inhale it. Since the feeling of a normal cigaratte and look of smoke is there, this product doesn't involve any other changes in your lifestyle and so it is easier to quit.

I have been 10-15 analogs per day person for a decade or two and found it difficult to quit as i like the nic kick. But with e-cigs it just took me 2 days to drop of analogs. after a few weeks i threw away my various lighters ash tray etc. and for in a few months i started really hating the smell of cig smoke. Ran out of e-cigs then and fell back to analogs since my next order took 5 weeks to arrive. Switched to e-cigs again after that and am now trying to order in advance.

In full disclosure, I still do sometimes have an analog with people (every 3-4 days) when I don't want to take out the e-cig and waste time in everyone going gaga over it and trying it out and wasting time in all types of explanation of how it works.

Will write in detail when i have some more time or if anyone has any quries. Just thought that this might help someone quit so...

Edited by amione
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^^ Very nice Info Buddy, i request all to read it, good one :*)

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Very useful info. Now I am no more smoker but will keep prints to give people who are looking for options to quit.

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good info. i want to know from where can i purchase them in india to gift my dad so that he can quit cigs

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good info. i want to know from where can i purchase them in india to gift my dad so that he can quit cigs

You have to buy from online sites (chinese). One Indian company sells these, but they are absolutely worthless - very low nicotine. I wasted 4K on their products. I would recommend this site US/UK sites are too expensive (though better quality)

Buy an M Series white starter kit ($32) plus 3 white atomizers ($7x3=$21) plus a 35 ml bottle of e juice -extra high/24mg($9) plus 10 empty cartridges ($2) Shipping will be another $18 totalling to $ 82 or around Rs. 4,000. The paypal link will allow you to enter any credit card for payment. This will last you 2 months usually but at times in the beginning you'll lose some parts or break some parts by misuse etc so maybe little shorter duration before next order.

Take care of following points:-

  • Don't use the free carts (cartridges) that come with the starter kit, at least not initially, as they are low strength and one gets discouraged by them.
  • Fill the empty carts by dripping the e-juice in them. You need to use a safety pin and push out the inner juice holder in the cart by putting the pin through the bottom hole of the cart. Then its best to slide the pin at the side of the fluffy material and then drip the juice (so air bubbles can come out). Then push the juice holder back into the cart. Do this for all 10 carts before giving to him as initially any problem like running out of carts implies the person will light up an analog.
  • Charge the batteries fully (3-5 hours usually). 2 Batteries are included in the starter kit and will together last a day and you can charge at night.
  • Note that while M Series e-cig will be identical to normal king size cigs when you inhale you have to take a slower longer draw (3-5 seconds) unlike normal cigs where draw is 1-2 seconds only. This is very important although it usually happens instinctively.
  • Do not keep fully assembled e-cig in your pant/jeans pocket. The sensor is activated by loud sounds & rubbing and it will wear down the battery. I've found that shirt pocket is ok. Or just unscrew battery before putting in pocket.
  • If you notice that 24mg juice is too strong (signalled by unusual sweating) then switch to lower strength or dilute the juice with some vodka. If you want stronger buy 36mg (only few sites sell this, but its a good site, you can buy all the above stuff from there also for nearly same rates.

Best to start using e-cigs from 1-2 day holiday or weekend when you're at home so that you get comfortable with them before moving out and using them. No need to try to not smoke analogs - it'll happen automatically as these are more enjoyable and one just forgets about analogs most of the time when you are using these. Its only when you run of out batteries/attys/juice etc. that you remember analogs.

After a few months you can go for Joye eGO from same site. Its got a 650 mAh battery, stronger hit and manual switch instead of auto so you can take extra long draws (auto switch will cut off after 6-7 seconds). But it doesn't look identical to analog cigs so initially one feels awkard vaping eGO as everyone will keep staring at you trying to make out what it is you're ****ing on and where is the smoke/vapor coming from without fire.

You can vape even in non smoking areas as the vapor is mostly water vapor with some glycerine to give smoke feel and fire detectors do no go off. I've tried in airplane toilets very successfully. But best not to tell anyone else it'll take a long time to convince that there's no fire/burning.

That's all I can think of. Best of luck with getting your dad to switch to vaping.

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I know one guy who sells the same in Delhi.I do not know the quality and other things about this.

His name is aman-9717513184

He has shop in Sarojani Nagar,Delhi I guess

PN:I do not have ANY personal or proffesional relaton with this guy.

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This is great info Amitabh...

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any shop in Pune where I can buy this?

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I am not sure as they haven't mentioned any model no/name. But seeing that its only 599/- you can give it a try.

I tried 2 indian suppliers (steamz.co.in and another one in delhi) but found that they have the worst chinese models for sale which do produce a little bit of vapour but didn't help me at all. They didn't have any nicotine cartridges or liquid at all (at least at that time) so it was pointless (found out after buying).

But your link does mention that nic content lower than normal cigs so it may be ok.

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^^^ can u get me Joye eGO starter kit and all needed stuffs in ur next order?? i dont want to go hassles of ordering and all besides i dont have credit card :P .. as u know what all ill need... ill give it a try..

as mostly i am in my office/home.. so i can start with Joye eGO... let me know..


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^^ Sure Sadik, no issues.

In fact, if you want to try out e-cigs first to see if they work for you, just send one of your boys to my office (reliance energy centre santa cruz) and I'll lend you an M Series set with reqd chrgr etc & some new cartridges. I'll get the things and keep them in office tomorrow. He can call 93242 16665 on reaching, any day.

Try it for a week or two and once you're sure you like e-cigs, i'll order an eGo set for you in my next order.

I have just received my eGO set a few days back and its very good, 1-2 days battery life and much stronger that M Series (* could even be too strong for people who smoke less)

Edited by ami1

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Hi Amitabh, Just now I got kit ordered for my partner, since I am no longer smoker, I want to know following

1. How many drops of juice to put in cartridge?

2. What is difference between brown cartridges got free along with kit and white atomizers? They both appear to be the same.

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cool stuff.. altough i dont smoke, but any idea where in Pune is it available. My friends might need.

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^^^ can u get me Joye eGO starter kit and all needed stuffs in ur next order?? i dont want to go hassles of ordering and all besides i dont have credit card :P .. as u know what all ill need... ill give it a try..

as mostly i am in my office/home.. so i can start with Joye eGO... let me know..


I have placed an order for yet another kit. added one for you too as suggested by Amitabh

Edited by kshah

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1. How many drops of juice to put in cartridge?

2. What is difference between brown cartridges got free along with kit and white atomizers? They both appear to be the same.

Usually, 5-10 drops go in the cart, but it'll vary a lot. There's no need to count - just put drops one by one slowly till the liquid level reaches the top. It shouldn't overflow - you can wipe lightly with a tissue if it does. It's best to slide a allpin/safety pin along the side of the woolly material in the cartridge so that air bubbles can come up when you drip the liquid, else after a few drops it'll look full but will go down after a minute or so.

Cartridges (carts) are simple plastic cylinders with some woolly/foamy white material inside which soaks up the nicotine liquid. These come in many colours usually brown/black/white/metallic etc. You can buy blank cartridges where you have to drip the liquid or you can buy prefilled cartridges which come with liquid already in them. The ones which come free are prefilled (usually low, medium high strength)

Atomizers (attys) are smaller metallic cylinders, again in various colours, but with a thread on one end to connect to the battery and a coil/mesh like thing which heats up. The carts and attys are connected by sliding them on each other, and in this way the woolly material soaked with liquid contacts the coil and vapour is produced on coil heating up.

Edited by ami1

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@ Ami1.. Will send my guy to collect it from ur office.. Thanks a lot for offer ya..

i am excited.. possibly cause one more gadget i am gonna addict to.. :P

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Hi Ami1,

Can you order one for me as well as you have lot of knowledge about this and courier it to me in Pune. I smoke approx. 10-15 cigs daily.

If its ok with you PM me I will provide my email address so you can tell me your bank account no and IFSC code and I will transfer the money through TPT (Third party transfer). Transfer will take only 2 days.

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@ Ami1.. Will send my guy to collect it from ur office.. Thanks a lot for offer ya..

i am excited.. possibly cause one more gadget i am gonna addict to.. :P

My interest in this is the hope that you'll make this into a biz and i won't have to order from Chinese websites but can get it locally from you !

BTW, had talked to Zaid yesterday evening and will meet him today and give him the stuff.

@Nitin: Is it ok if i create a cart and you can have a look and make the payment yourself through cr card or paypal to them ? I don't use my cr card on net and have to make a virtual card through HDFC online (netsafe) and then make the payment etc. so it gets a little long process.

Also sometimes postman charges for customs and sometimes doesn't and courier takes from 5 days to 5 weeks so it would be best if you do it yourself else i;ll be stuck as a middleman ! I'll post a sample cart or something here for eGo.

Besides, once sadik gets his eGO he's sure to order truckloads of the stuff and we can all buy from him (i hope):Riendo:

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ami1 This should be fine. Please post a sample cart.

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For more information and see what people talks about it here is exclusive forum for it http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com (Hope its not against rimweb rules)

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@Sadik: Met Zaid and gave him the stuff. Call if any confusion about how to use.

Basically, just screw the atomizer to one of the batteries, remove the WHITE atomizer cover and slide in one of the BROWN refill cartridges.

You have to drag 'long and slow' (at least 3-5 seconds) but with enough pressure so that the red LED switches on. There's a bottle with a little liquid for refilling once you finish the 10 or so refill cartridges (will give instructions if & once you reach that stage). Charge batteries or change cartridge when you feel the vapour is not so strong anymore.

Keep liquid AWAY FROM CHILDREN - nicotine is poisonous specially for kids and non smokers if they drink it or even if they get too much on hand/skin.

Also took the opportunity to give my treo & a ruim to zaid for no transfer, as i don't have the usb cable anymore. Do let him tell me the charges he incurs.

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OK, the basic shopping cart for ordering Joye eGO is given below. I would like to add that after trying eGO for some days i've found its many times better than M Series/510/901 etc. Almost as big a difference as Mogul & Incredible or Treo & Pre !

Click on each of the links below, one by one, and then click on buy.

For item no 2 please change qty from 1 to 2. For item no 3 you will have to select flavour & strength before you click buy (I recommend MLB or Vanilla and X High/24mg)

1. White Joye eGo start kit with 2 atomziers

2. WHITE atomizer for Joye510 mini e-cig

3. 30ml Dekang E-juice with 53 flavors(PG)

4. 10pc black empty round cartridges for Joye510

(eGO uses 510 atomizers and cartridges so those parts have 510 model nos. Juice is model independent)

Also, you can select different colours than what i've linked if you want.

After this your shopping cart would look like below (totalling around $98 or so):


Click next and add your address etc and create profile if you want etc and finally select shipping method. I've only used EMS but there's now a cheaper china post option also. (this will add $ 18/8) In the remarks section write 'please put value as $20 for customs purpose - this usually results in no customs duty being charged by the postman, but not always. They usually write item name as toy gift box or vapourizer which gets past customs w/o issues. Then go to paypal page and enter paypal or your credit card info etc.

Edited by ami1

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^^ Good going guys just giving one more reason to quit Smoke....


Every one knows Smoke kills - here is how, above is a photo of Human lungs cur open, any one with working eyes can identify black smokers lungs, believe me i have personally done >80 postmortems and seen >400 - all smoker have deposit like coal in there lungs it used to be hard as a coal, as you can see in some places, there are many worse cases than this.

Now as it is city pollution has reached its limits you get ur daily dose there only, no need of smoke. Smokers tell me how r you supposed to be healthy with all that carbon in ur lungs,

guys e-cig is only a temp solution get rid of it after u stop cig, why to keep any addiction at all..

Good luck to all....

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Amitabh bhai.. I need to get one of these.. SHall I buy it according to your suggestions in post #23, or is thee something new or am I missing anything else??

I hope you read this post and reply... In these many many months that the topic has been closed, I am sure, many new new things might have popped up.. So I would request all readers to post their finds/information about e-ciggs..

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