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Sequential Stills

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I have a GTRAn and a 7230 and both of them can have animated wallpapers but a sequence of stili images is required to make it look like animation. Where can i get such images from? and also is there any software using which i can make stills from AVI or MPEGs so that they can be used for the above purpose? if anyone has such files can u share it?

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I have a GTRAn and a 7230 and both of them can have animated wallpapers but a sequence of stili images is required to make it look like animation. Where can i get such images from? and also is there any software using which i can make stills from AVI or MPEGs so that they can be used for the above purpose? if anyone has such files can u share it?


If you have mplayer, you can do

mplayer movie.mpeg -vo png


mplayer movie.mpeg -vo jpeg

to get frames

try mplayer -vo help to get all options.

or you can get mplayer at www.mplayerhq.hu

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try "Easy GIF animator" tanveer...works like a charm..

i've got a buncha home_animated clips on my cellphone now...

u can animate sequential gif pictures into a mini-movie-clip kinda thing and export as avi and other formats

for the actual "caps" (sequential images) try LINK REMOVED....some pretty interesting scenes in there :(


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I got Samsung A603, any idea on how to add animated wallpapers??

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ooops... :(


....that was for the deleted link :'( ...

greens, im not sure about ur exact model, but if it displays any kinda animated pictures and stuff, it probably will handle the gifs u animate with easy-gif-animator...provided it has options for the pc-to-cell transfer...

Edited by rEdshiFt

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