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Error Messages on PC

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I get this first error messsage everyday when I start my computer or restart it. Let me know what should I do and the 2nd error message mentioned below in every 2 weeks once.

Catalyst Control Center: Host Application

Problem Description

Stopped working

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: CLR20r3

Problem Signature 01: ccc.exe

Problem Signature 02:

Problem Signature 03: 4ca242ed

Problem Signature 04: mscorlib

Problem Signature 05:

Problem Signature 06: 4e154d90

Problem Signature 07: f4f

Problem Signature 08: 7

Problem Signature 09: N3CTRYE2KN3C34SGL4ZQYRBFTE4M13NB

OS Version: 6.0.6002.

Locale ID: 1033

2nd error message

Internet Explorer

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

OS Version: 6.0.6002.

Locale ID: 1033

Files that help describe the problem




View a temporary copy of these files

Warning: If a virus or other security threat caused the problem, opening a copy of the files could harm your computer.

Extra information about the problem

BCCode: e1

BCP1: 888D7005

BCP2: 00000002

BCP3: 8588FC08

BCP4: 8588FC10

OS Version: 6_0_6002

Service Pack: 2_0

Product: 256_1

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The first error message seems to be related to the graphics card installed in your system. Try updating the graphics card drivers and then check again.

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