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Vishal Gupta

Google Specialized Search Urls

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How about this for google: ;)

Google Desktop Search:




Google Local:


Google Suggestions:


Google Firefox:


Google Sholar:


Google BSD:


Hacker style Google:


Google Labs:


Google Microsoft:


Google Features:


Google map site:


Google Options:




Google Linux:


Google America:


Google University Search:


Google Mac:


Google Mail:


Google Deskbar:


Google SMS (New):


Site-Flavored Google Search (beta):


Personalized Web Search:


Wireless Froogle:


Google Compute:


Google sets:


Google Groups:


Google Alerts:


Google Search Local:


Gmail Notifier:


Hope this helps....Couldn't get more.... :ph34r:

Plz add up if u know any new one :'(

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Thats gr8 Vishal, Google really rockz :)

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this google earth is un_friggin_beleivable :D:wub:

THE best thing i have ever downloaded. u kno, i've been crater-hunting all over india for the past few nights :wacko:

jus wanted to know how many are using google earth

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I've been on Google earth for ages ........ kewlest thing I've been playing with in the recent past



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yeah sure, though not a smooth fly u c an still use google earth with rconnect. Try.

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India warns: Google terror threat

Saturday, October 15, 2005; Posted: 11:50 p.m. EDT (03:50 GMT)

HYDERABAD, India (Associated Press release)

-- Indian President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam expressed concern Saturday about a free mapping program from Google Inc., warning it could help terrorists by providing satellite photos of potential targets.

Google Earth, an Internet site launched in June this year, allows users to access overlapping satellite photos.

Although not all areas are highly detailed, some images are very high resolution, and some show sensitive locations in various countries.

At a meeting of top police officials in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad, Kalam said he worried that "developing countries, which are already in danger of terrorist attacks, have been singularly chosen" for providing high resolution images of their sites.

The governments of South Korea and Thailand and lawmakers in the Netherlands have expressed similar concerns.

South Korean newspapers said Google Earth provides images of the presidential Blue House and military bases in the country, which remains technically at war with communist North Korea. The North's main nuclear facility at Yongbyon is among sites in that country displayed on the service.

The Google site contains clear aerial photos of India's parliament building, the president's house and surrounding government offices in New Delhi. There are also some clear shots of Indian defense establishments.

Debbie Frost, spokewoman for Mountain View, California-based Google, noted that the software uses information already available from public sources and the images displayed are about one to two years old, not shown in real time.

"Google takes governmental concerns about Google Earth and Google Maps very seriously. Google welcomes dialogue with governments, and we will be happy to talk to Indian authorities about any concerns they may have," Frost said in an e-mail statement Saturday.

Kalam, a scientist who guided India's missile program before becaming president, called for new laws to restrain dissemination of such material.

He said existing laws in some countries regarding spatial observations of their territory and the United Nations' recommendations on the practice were inadequate.

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I've got some kewl pics of my college and surrounding areas (both my colleges) using google earth, yes it is true, maybe google earth will have to disemmiate some information, maybe black out high security zones...

Btw that was bull to say that G! earth uses 2 year old pics, coz my new house construction began only 8 months back, and we have a nice shot of that too on google earth....

will upload the pics someday soon...



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Ok lets get some facts straight here.

Google doesnt send a "crew" to click photos of sensitive nuclear installations of countries around the world. These maps are already available with various mapping companies!!! There are several thousand around the world.

If a terrorist wants to get such information he can go buy the maps from the same place Google did. Boohoo.

These maps have been around for decades. Google just makes them easier to search and retrieve. Why didnt the Indian Govt do a better job camoflaging the damn sites instead of labelling them "Nuke Weapons stored here, here and here..."

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I dont agree with ashok!

If anyone in delhi has used g earth, it shows pics where AIIMS and DK flyover are still under construction.

It has been around for sometime now we all now!

Edited by tanveer

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I've never used GOOGLE earth but local.google.com is great for viewing your locality somwhat. More details are expected.

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im surprised that kalam has actually said the quoted "developing countries... have been singularly chosen"... because Google earth has much higher resolution coverages/pictures of US airbases, warships and nuclear submarines and what not... the US govnt is pissed off too, supposedly :clap: and threatened GE to mask/blur some of the stuff.

Actually, Yes, G.E is kinda scary sometimes...the closer i zoom, the more i wonder about the "legalily" of what i see on my screen.

I am NOT ABLE to attach GE placemaks files - kmz extensions to the msg...

Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension.
:( mods, why not?



check out the subs


see the planes/chopper on the carrier?


Thats roughly about half the Indian Navy in those pictures above. This is the kind that worries governments, i bet. of course, its not real-time - its prolly years old.

see the Taj pool?


check out this airplane graveyard in US...cant even count.


Edited by rEdshiFt

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Amazing pics there !

I am NOT ABLE to attach GE placemaks files - kmz extensions to the msg... 
Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension.
:clap: mods, why not?


Only recognized file extensions will be supported for file attachment. If a new extension needs to be supported, it has to be defined in the Admin Control Panel.

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