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Reliance Sms To Fight Tuberculosis....

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Ummmmm....interesting. But I'm mot too sure how an SMS campaign will help eradicate tuberculosis. This is assuming that those who own/use a mobile phone would fall within the social strata, which would be aware of the dangers of TB. But then, let's have some debate on this.



Reliance to fight tuberculosis


Associated Press Writer

March 22, 2004, 9:44 AM EST

NEW DELHI -- Three of India's biggest companies have joined the country's fight against tuberculosis, which claims more than 1,000 lives here each day, the World Economic Forum said Monday.

The Reliance, Tata and Aditya Birla groups have formed the India Business Alliance to Stop TB with four other firms to raise awareness, increase testing and improve treatment, said Dr. Kate Taylor, director of the Geneva-based Forum's Global Health Initiative, ahead of World TB Day on Wednesday.

It was not immediately known how much money the companies will spend on efforts to combat the illness.

Taylor said India is home to one-third of the world's tuberculosis infections, but didn't give figures. The disease has also exacted a huge economic toll on India -- costing the nation an estimated US$13 billion in lost worker productivity, she said.

Tuberculosis is a highly contagious bacterial disease that usually attacks the lungs. It is curable for less than US$10 per patient, but most people in developing countries shy away from testing and treatment because of social stigma.

"It's a tragedy that can be stopped." Taylor said. "Stigma is the key issue. Businesses can play an important role in fighting that."

Among the companies' initiatives, Reliance will use its 5 million-strong mobile phone network for a text message campaign, while the Tata group will focus efforts on tribal village programs and their workers at steel plants.

The Birla group plans to reach 3 million people through community and workplace programs.

The World Health Organization says about 2 million people die annually from tuberculosis, and estimates those deaths will reach 36 million over the next two decades. Tuberculosis is also the leading killer of people with AIDS.

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SMS alone cant really help... but wht TATA's and Birla's propose to do seems good... But rem, Dhirubhai's reliance has given this damn mobile in each one's hand.. and has got penetration into the lower income group (LIG) as well... so atleast awareness via SMS can help somewhere.. lil but still it might..!

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