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Sharing Gsm Numbers For Sharing Sms !

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The on-net free sms forum for RIM users seems a good idea ! Can we have the same for GSM peeps also ? Say, we could exchange same city numbers so that it wouldnt be so expensive afterall ..............

Hope this would be welcomed positively ( a little on the doubtful side though :lol: ) and supported wholeheartedly.

Edited by spookie

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a little on the doubtful side though


Your doubts are valid .... you are trying to argue Netscape or Sun's case on a Microsoft forum or vice-versa. :lol:

I feel good for you ... that you are safely away from anyone causing you physical harm atleast.

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hahahahaha and grrrrrr too !

this topic comes under the purview of General Chat. I presume I am talking about stuff other than RIM. So, I guess, it shouldn;t be problematic either.

Edited by spookie

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Just joking, yaar.

There are many angry souls on rimweb, who would readily want to kill me .... for my really crooked jokes.

But I sit happily and safely away from any "physical harm" ;)

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Bhutes, don't be lulled into such a false state of security! That abra-ca-dabra site which Spookie posted in the "intresting sites" thread could come mighty handful to do you in... ;)

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Don't know abra-babra .... whatever it is. The only thing that I am afraid of is .. my mobile no. which I left on rimweb.

I dread that it will come back to haunt me later .... just imagine, I grow up into a big underworld don .... and the s*kking poolice-wallahs get my identity from rimweb (and reliance) ... and catch me just because of this mistake. !!!

I think as a policy, all rimweb data servers must be burnt after every 1 year .... to protect people's privacy and identity.

(and this should be by law).

I don't want any restrictions on my future "occupations" just because my identity being public, due to rimweb.


DISCLAIMER: I do not mean anything close to whatever, I said above. I am a perfectly law-abiding innocent citizen, who has hardly ever killed an ant (except by mistake). Anything I write on rimweb, or anything implied by what I write, is meaningless, cr*p, and I disown it.

Anything I post on rimweb, cannot be used against me in a court of law. You are even forbidden to file a case against me, on the basis of what I write on rimweb.

If you do so, I might be compelled to give up my policy of "not killing ants". (The last sentence is a WARNING, stricter than a simple DISCLAIMER)

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LOL :D That was nice ... hmm now I better keep that number of Bhutes I have safe..

who knows, after 10 years there might be an offer of 500,000 to catch the most dreaded Ant killer of all times - Bhutes.. and then guess what Bhutes ...

I will assist the SPCA to come down to haunt u for ever!



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well i would not mind sharing my GSM! but whoever wishes to carry on the trading just pm me!

ps :- only dirty stuff on this line! for musshy stuff --- > "isss route ki sabhi line vayast hain"

hope i got the spelling right :D

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Well i suggest u guys to request for SMS sharing to DAPO users, They can flood Off-nets also :D

IM me ur numbers ill give it to my friend who is on DAPO.

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Well i suggest u guys to request for SMS sharing to DAPO users, They can flood Off-nets also :clap:

IM me ur numbers ill give it to my friend who is on DAPO.


i dont mind sending off net sms's also pm me for em

ps:- please send ur name with the first sms u send so will be better to track

pm'em u munnamobile

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