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Mantraway.com are Real Rippers

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Mr. Administrator,

Please delete this thread asap.


Santosh Jain,

Manager Sales,

Mantraway Incorporations, India

Edited by Santosh Jain

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Is this fast resolution and quick help come to make sure the image of your company is not harmed? Does that mean that if customers like zehergibi had not come into a public forum for redressal, u would have not looked into their grievances?

Whatever maybe the issue, i would suggest that this thread be kept alive for future references!

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Let us get a clarification if the issue has been resolved to Mr. Gokhan's satisfaction. If confirmed, we could probably look towards junking this topic... coz there could be issues with products from any company, but as long as issues are resolved, things are fine ;)



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Is this fast resolution and quick help come to make sure the image of your company is not harmed? Does that mean that if customers like zehergibi had not come into a public forum for redressal, u would have not looked into their grievances?

Whatever maybe the issue, i would suggest that this thread be kept alive for future references!

Yes Please see yourself when that thread opened and see mantrway.com's reply date. See how many months has been pasted !

Let us get a clarification if the issue has been resolved to Mr. Gokhan's satisfaction. If confirmed, we could probably look towards junking this topic... coz there could be issues with products from any company, but as long as issues are resolved, things are fine ;)



I am going to test the site about 1 week. i will open free-sms in my country then i am sure i will get about 1 milion sms's in 1 week. If everything is ok no problem then !!!

But in past sms gateway only worked until 4 sms's. after 4 sms it never been delivered !

Edited by zehirgibi

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no . nothing has been solved Yet !

i never got any email from you santosh !!!

I never got any sms's from you. We have never told that you have policy to change our accounts details and we never read it while ordering from you and we never signed any sheet. Also we never accept it. If you deleted turkey in your sms coverage list and if you cant able to send sms's to turkey please refund our money urgently. That is not honest behaviour !!!!

What we can do with a basic hosting ??? Yes we got a hosting panel but with 1300 usd we can buy 13 hosting panel with all unlimited functions !!!

You always tell us that our mail server is running ? Is this the only thing that you solved ??

At that time i am still cant send emails and cant receive emails .

Also :

We never heard anything about 2way sms. We want to use it

Also we want to use a legit ssl certificate that owned our own domain not mantraway.com . And of course i dont want it to be fake again.

You told us that ( about 5 months ago you told that) our merchant was in proceed with your idbd bank ???

Mssql server is not given to us

We want our own ip. We paid you for dedicated ip which ppl can able to login to ur site using our domain ip.

You were going y make a website to us . I can proof all emails ?? You do that because after we bought service from you it wasnt working and you make delay about 1 month and you told that for apolize you were going to make us a web site and of course you didnt

And we have other couple proble ms

And again today you didnt keep your promise and we never meet online in internet !!!

i already emailed you 20 emails and 4-5 Private message and you still dont reply !!!! I can show all proof. Also you still never come online to livechat that you provide in your site



' Script to send SMS from ASP


str = "Push=WAP"

Username = "SMSHunter"

Password = "Yourpassword"

MessageText = "Checking Network"

MobileNumber = "CountryCode+CellphoneNumber" 'Do Not Prefix + or 00 as International Dial Access Code

set objHttp = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")

objHttp.open "Get", "http://localhost:84/Send%20Text%20Message.htm?PhoneNumber=%2B"& mobilenumber &"&Text="& MessageText &"&InfoCharCounter=&PID=&Submit=Submit&AuthenticationData="& username &":"& password &"", false

objHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

objHttp.Send str


I want to use mms function too !!

What is sms gateway password ??

And what is your msn or yahoo id ?

Only problem is not sms gateway !!!

Again mr santosh you are only making show and still saying lies. You still dont answer my emails my private messages ???? You only care of yourself . You only care people that reads this forum wont buy any services from you. I am very very sure you wont do as you didnt do like about 6 months if this thread wasnt opened !

Edited by zehirgibi

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For using MMS feature learn how to use SMPP first, Now it's not my work to teach you everything. Our technology supports sending all kind of mobile messages.

My Sql/SQL 2000 is available in your control panel. You may use after creating database from your panel. & Follow the html code which we have provided you to integrate with your site.

We are also sending screenshot of the sms panel which we have provided to this customer.


This panel is equipped with all feature & services like MMS, Ringtones, VCARDS, Voicemail Notifications & 5 kinds of Binary Messages.

You are trying to blame Mantraway.com by calculating duration of this thread. We we have reset your account id and pass only. Till begining we are correct from our side. If you will face any problem in services u need to contact Support team for technical help, you cant simply go to public & if you are going to public for every resion then ask them to solve your all problems.

Now we have resolved issues with your services by resetting SMS ID & Password, If this thread will be alive for next 10 hours, your account will be suspended. It's mentioned in our TOS.


Santosh Jain,

Manager Sales,

Mantraway Incorporations, India

Edited by Santosh Jain

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Hai Santosh Jain/Sumit Tiwari,

First of all regarding your statement

Not exactly a BSNL Broadband Connection, It's a DSL Connection provided by BSNL to all of it's wireless loop customers with speed upto 2 MBPS (Last Mile). We have the option to run on static IP address but the main factor is security with a static IP address.

I personally think that DSL connection which do not require Username & Password to log in is a best alernative to the leased line connection , mainly in India where bandwidth costs too much. We dont care what we are using but the main thing is customer base & uptime.

Still we are using that connection while downtime.

So you run your webserver on a 2MBPS connection :confuse:

dats pathetic. I guess for a normal webserver, for shared/dedicated hosting. the normal prescribed ones

are 100mbps. Moreover you said your site was not in rconnect. but reliance broadband. But for the fact, when your site was up and when i tried accessing those times, i had seen a reliance ip and for your information reliance had brought their internet services to customers since 2-3 months only. (Corporate).


Now regarding your control panel you have shown here. Its just a NowSMS Gateway Control Panel page. Just showing the page doesnt mean that its capable of sending sms. Even i can install a gateway on my server and show you this page within 15 mins.

When you started your company, "i dont think you have forgotten me". You asked me for NowSMS gateway cracked licenses. And i gave you.. << i know this is wrong, but this shows ur real company stat.

If you were such a good company, or a standard one you wouldnt have been doing this. Secondly remember a fight u did for nulled control panels ?

Secondly and most important, rather than explaining yourself here, why dont you clear your self with Mr.zehirgibi.


You are trying to blame Mantraway.com by calculating duration of this thread. We we have reset your account id and pass only. Till begining we are correct from our side. If you will face any problem in services u need to contact Support team for technical help, you cant simply go to public & if you are going to public for every resion then ask them to solve your all problems.

Now we have resolved issues with your services by resetting SMS ID & Password, If this thread will be alive for next 10 hours, your account will be suspended. It's mentioned in our TOS.

now that shows your real face. See a good company always looks towards its customer relationship. Small or big, the companys strength is its customers. Well i guess Mr.Zehirgibi has contacted u several times as he said before he came public.


Regarding TOS, for your information TOS - Terms Of Service. where we mention that the user should use the service for such and such purpose only and that he cannot use it illegally and things like that. Its an agreement where we notify the user that the service provided to them maynot be misused and so on.

Here you havent even given him service ;)

TOS doesnt mean that you can build rules like " If this thread will be alive for next 10 hours, your account will be suspended. It's mentioned in our TOS".

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There was no problem from our side. That person was not able to use SMS Gateway due to single IP usage policy. He needs API for sending messages & I want to make it clear that SMPP is API which can send all kinds of SMS messages. This customer is not understanding abt SMPP & blaming us. All services are working fine but this customer started making new allegations. Now he is saying abt MS SQL/MY SQL Databases. My sql/MS SQL is available in his web hosting control panel & He can start using it after creating Database.

To Mr. AshokJP,

4 & 3+1 are equal. If server is running & working fine then you cant blame the technology. Reliance Rconnect & Powersurfers (Corporate Internet) is provided by Reliance Communications Infrastructure Ltd. They got single IP POOL from APNIC, ASIA. For wireline Internet they are using 202.138.***.** & for Wireless (All Kind) they are using some another. For your kind information, Mr Ashok, Wireless broadband & Rconnect comes from Same IP pool.

Well really anyone can Install it.....

Edited by Santosh Jain

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There was no problem from our side. That person was not able to use SMS Gateway due to single IP usage policy.

Can't Mantrway trun off the IP based authentication for this client, I hope u give a single connection to single SMPP account holder and if you allow only one SMPP connection for the UserID at any point in time, you are implicitly implying the same policy.

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There was no problem from our side. That person was not able to use SMS Gateway due to single IP usage policy.

Can't Mantrway trun off the IP based authentication for this client, I hope u give a single connection to single SMPP account holder and if you allow only one SMPP connection for the UserID at any point in time, you are implicitly implying the same policy.

First of all try to understand what SMPP exactly is?

It connects two computer system using a protocol (Just Like SIP). You do not required to connect everytime for sending SMS. If your computer is connected with SMPP, you can send any many SMS's you want. Now you have given sugesstion to off SMPP IP authentication management.

Now we simply can't compromise with our privacy policies by doing this. Many people can use single account. As it is a communication system, we dont want to be questioned from our SMPP provider network due to some kind of abuse.

Edited by Santosh Jain

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Well 4 & 3+1 are equal -- > playing with maths ?

You have answered to all my quotes??? You wont be...

Well reliance has almost same ip pool but for your kind information,

when i saw the ip on ur site, at that period reliance had not even launched broadband for testing. Then how come you got it. Or maybe you got some partnership in Reliance too... Secondly during those days when you had your first play with rimweb, i had given urls to your site. And for a fact, your site on reliance was the slowest during that time for them, say not more than 3kb.s. Well i dont think Reliance broadband for Corporate is so pathetic.

Well a good company, when a customer goes public reasoning bad service.

The company will try to settle the matter with the customer with best possible way by giving some compensation or returning the amount or something like that. Here you have done the inverse, you have not even taken care of his problem to his satisfaction and moreover you are using a lang of threat.


Edited by Ashokjp

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ahem ... a couple of words : real intresting thread!!!

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Guys see the attachment. thats when i ping mantraway.com

Its redirected to tmantra.myftp.org

now lemme explain

.myftp.org subdomains are used by dynamic ip services like no-ip.com. Its a free service domain.

When ever your ip changes its assigned to that domain name tmantra.myftp.org.

Now a company with a static ip address needs dynamic ip services ? :ph34r:

This is used when your ip changes often.

Moreover even it was really needed, if it was a standard company they would go for a paid

dynamic ip service wherein they get dynamic ip service for directy mantraway.com rather than going for free ones. like .myftp.org

Santosh Jain or MR Tiwari

i guess this proves you are on BSNL DATAONE DYNAMIC IP DSL CONNECTION


Edited by Ashokjp

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they show me up a TOS that we have never been told before. Also i read their TOS and i never got any stiutation that has been there.

Now they installed the sms gateway and gave me a password. but after 4-5 sms it is making delay again. I hope it wont be same as past. santosh was configuring it and now he disapperad without saying something. and he didnt finish all progress.

2-3 messages comes sometimes. but i hope it will work all times.

i will test it for 1 week

tomorrow i hope it will work, and this topic will be ended.

Edited by zehirgibi

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no result.

50% received messages. and very very slow. i want a good result. i cant see if it has been delivered or not. If i dont know that system doesnt sends delivery report how i can supply this service to my own customers ?? wouldnt they want guarantee from me ?? how i can sell them if i dont have guarantee to send them ??

yesterday santosh told me to lseep and in morning it was going to be run. and it is already sleeping time ad pasted the morning ( actully to new morning there is 4 hours) in turkey and they never touch anything.

they messaged me that due it was sunday the progress was sloww

so add 1 more day to all 6 months.

anyway i am waiting 1 more day. ( for last time)

Edited by zehirgibi

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This is really interesting reading...me thinks cybercrime cell of mumbai can review this as a case study...

sorry to come in so late, after reading thru till here, i feel santosh is pulling a fast one and trying all his best to cover his side-though unsuccessfully.

the SMPP proto he is vigourously trying to promote is a farce and he is just trying going public with a face that of a true businessman...however, smart people will see thru the veil


i can very safely say/conclude santosh is never gonna deliver and our mr. zehirgibi is going to lose the money he already spent.

would like to see how santosh tries settling the dust in this entire thread...

all the best of luck mr. santosh...

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hehe u ppls rely on the buisness man frm the place of laloo bhai

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Well Santosh Jain. >> Sumit Tiwari,

have you guys heard of dual personality.. :)

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Well Santosh Jain. >> Sumit Tiwari,

have you guys heard of dual personality.. :)

hehehehehe our very own Norman bates and his mother :lol::grin:

hey ashok about ur website fidoworks.com << the one which is on ur avtar

NOT safe to put in this thread :( if u know what i mean hehehehe

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This dual personality has a many ids in yahoo messeger. He creates ids in messenger as we drink coffee each day.

Thank god yahoo registration is FREE :)

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we are in contact with Turkish Embassy located in India. We are startıng the investigation with their help. They will see.. Btw they clsoed our site without any reason !! i already called them MANY times, and i already emailed them MANY times and no reply !! . ALL YOU PEOPLE SAW THAT ONLY 20-30 sms recevied from total 300 sent !. ALSO i received an email from activex.com and they told me we were using their sms-gateway by illegal ways ! coz mantraway rippers has found a way to use their sms-gateway with a illegal way and they provided stolen service from them. !!

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Cool....finally concluded

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ANOTHER such ppl is this funonphone.com and its4sms.

Service s**ks big time.

fop run by Nikhil Tawar.

its4sms also run by him.

Both are running on some local reliance phones. and ha i dont want to say the whole story. BUT guys if u R taking service from these people, BE AWARE!!!

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Not exactly a BSNL Broadband Connection, It's a DSL Connection provided by BSNL to all of it's wireless loop customers with speed upto 2 MBPS (Last Mile). We have the option to run on static IP address but the main factor is security with a static IP address.

Sorry boss. It's not so simple to get past me. I know my networking. That statement is a full of bullcrap :) . Anyone with tiny bit of knowledge regarding servers knows that whether you use a static IP like ( kids thats an invalid IP. Dont play with it. ) or you use a dynamic IP and then use a dynamic DNS provider to point your domain to your dynamic IP wont make ANY ( keyword being _A_N_Y_, read that VERY LOUDLY AND SLOWLY! ) difference to the "security" of your server because in both the cases your server is publicly routable (if you dont know what that means then you better look it up :'( ) and just as vulnerable.

You really dont want me to go into the specifics of your BSNL, Reliance Powersurfer IP pool. Better do some firefighting before your company completely burns down....

So there. You're a scamster.

Have a nice day :'(

P.S.: My advice, get yourself a _real_ server in some good DC (not the VSNL crap in India) and stop being cheap on your customers :'(

Edit: Woo hoo!!! http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph/?host=www.mantraway.com I love digging up dirt on this guy...

Edited by linuxguy

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