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My Bad Experience With Reliance Infocom Subsidary Company

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i am ismail from bangalore,i am basically grahic designer n animator,

a week b4 i got a chance to attend an interview in innomedia technologies, bangalore

which is subsidary of reliance infocom website

i would like to share what happend over there.

i was excited after getting a call from the company,

because just a couple of week b4 bill gates met anil ambani and they had agreed

to work on IPTV project in india.Innomedia is taking care of IPTV project

behalf of Reliance Infocom.

i am a well experienced guy and love to work hard and do some creative stuff,

so i decided to go for an interview, which turned out a horrible one,

i was ontime for an interview

and my meeting person is Mr.Mohanty (media labs),

as soon as i reached i informed the recepctonist abt my interview

and the meeting person, she tried catching him in intercom and failed,

she dialled his mobile and asked me to speak,i introduced myself and he called me to his room,

as soon as i meet him, he started some nonsense qustions and behaved very uncultured,

for example, he asked me "how can u call me Mohanty? is i am ur friend?

i got shocked, as per me name is meant to call, so i was in interview mood,

so i replied diplomatically and avoided aruguement, he never looked my resume and work

he was continuing his nonsense talks, i hav so much to say, but i dont want to elobarate, i just walked out from the place,

which i see a non organised uncultured place to work,

i dialled to management very nextday, i asked for the clarifications, but the reply was not very

convincing, so please careful when u r taking a decision to work with innomedia technologies,

try to avoid working with them or atleast keep that company in last in ur list of companies

i personally feel this kind of persons will spoil the animation industry

and i am sure "without human relations and the better work envionment, technology

is nothing", so hope this kind of people and companies wil change their attitudes in future.

i am looking a healthy debate over this issue


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Well, it was indeed a horrible experience.

If I understand correctly, you called Mr. X as X only, while he expected, being a senior employee, to be called Mr... maybe he lost his his temper because of this...

After all, we indians like to be called sir or atleast Mr or shri or ji etc.

Guys, having heard one side, i am just trying to look into the side of the story...

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Well, it was indeed a horrible experience.

If I understand correctly, you called Mr. X as X only, while he expected, being a senior employee, to be called Mr... maybe he lost his his temper because of this...

After all, we indians like to be called sir or atleast Mr or shri or ji etc.

Guys, having heard one side, i am just trying to look into the side of the story...

i used Mr.X, but the angry was about how can u call me in mobile, i dont think this generation indians likes to be called "sir", may be the previous generation expects, but i never expects to be called "sir",

Edited by ismail

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look this is a type of outsourcing or that...it cant be a subsidiary..subsidiary is different...where is it mentioned ...dont just say it..for this u cannot blame reliance infocomm......its against ethics i know what has happened with you is very bad and that MoHanTi..shd be .......but blaming Lil Ambani for that...not good!

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my intension is not blaming Mr.Anil, he is great, i am trying to say how important is that interview for me by mentioning reliance name, this is a very tiny issue, my intension for this posting is we should come out for that 80's mindset, and make our work envionment better.

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my intension is not blaming Mr.Anil, he is great, i am trying to say how important is that interview for me by mentioning reliance name, this is a very tiny issue, my intension for this posting is we should come out for that 80's mindset, and make our work envionment better.

Quite little often we get into certain circumstances as mentioned. Ethically as of the nature of job or of Mr. Mohanty, just thinks that interviews should be attended personally and should not be done on phone (unless the company desires so). May be we should think of the other side where in the person being called is attending a meeting with a important person & when he receives a call from his office to his mobile and he would be compelled to answer the phone thinking of the urgency. But later knowing for to attend for a call from a person attending interview he might have been irritated and acted so..... He might have asked u to wait for some time and he can attend you personally.

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From what I see, you committed two horrible mistakes when attending the interview:

1. The receptionist called the guy on his cell phone. Rather you should've waited patiently and asked her to get him _only_ on the intercom. You are not his friend or any aquaintance for her to call him on his cell phone.

2. The apparent "rude" behavior might be a test of your patience. It is quite frequent that employers behave rudely, ask you embarassing personal questions or sometimes they are too friendly. This is all a part of the interview. Looks like you have failed....

You should see a counsellor. He can explain you better how to handle interviews :clap1:

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Had a similar experience with another big telecom company today (dont want to disclose the name)....

Had been approached by the company for a Sr. Manager level position and had forwarded my resume to them specifically stating the salary hike expected, without which I didnt intend to leave my present company..

They agreed upon that the same can be considered and had been called all the way through 150 KMs for the final interview....which I was assured wont take more than 1 hour (as I had requested for the final interview after the month end, due to some work pressure)...

I had been called upon at 1:30 p.m. and I had been there at 1:29 p.m.....To my shocking surprise, the person who was supposed to take the interview turned up at 2:30...he had not seen my resume priorily, nor was he carring it along with him and at the final interview stage started asking me totally gaucherie questions bout my present company,which city was I coming from and the like....He even told me that the company does not have a policy for the hike that I stated and asked me to join at a hike of 30% of my present salary...

I taciturnly managed him and finally got my A *** out of the place...

Thats what I call totally unprofessional behaviour and I had told the person taking my interview that come whatever may, I cant work in such an unprofessional environment and rejected the offer....

-Why the hell was I called upon if their company's policy does not support the stated package at that level?

-Time is not important?

-The HR person had not even cared to see my resume priorly....and they call that the final interview?

And yeah...the regional CEO of the company addressed me as "Yaar" !!

Edited by theking

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And yeah...the regional CEO of the company adresses me as "Yaar" !!

My fren one of my fren has gone throgh the interview in the leading software company. They even offered him Alc and Ciggrate in during the intreview. and finaly they offred him the job. This is the regular story with the company. Every year a guy who follows the ethics never gets the job in that company and ......... hehehehe

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Dear..thats not the only point...i was offered the job too, dispite the fact that I shouted at the HR person...but not on my terms....and it adds to the pathetic behaviour....

Didnt wanted to state anything...just felt better sharing such gaucherie experience...thats it !!

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