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Those of you lucky enough to be in the trial area for Netway in Navi Mumbai would have noticed the sample pricing in the monthly bills online.

For the rest of you (this is VERY much subject to change without notice):

  • Rs. 100/month flat fee (base rate) - from Jan 2005 onwards
  • Rs. 50 /mth for each movie downloaded (unlimited views/replays in that billing cycle) - from Jan 2006
  • Rs. 25 /mth for each music video or song (unlimited replays in that billing cycle) - from Jan '06
  • Rs. 5-10 / mth / TV channel (depending on usage - you only pay what you watch!) - from Apr 06

You can actually see how many min you watched EACH of the 75 odd channels left (there were over 125 at the peak).

Also the stmt has the timestamp for each movie download.

So my monthly bill (not due yet) is about Rs. 100 (base) + Rs. 100 (TV) + Rs. 200 (VOD) = Rs. 400-450 + taxes (currently not computed).

The threshold levels seem to be about 1 min / channel / month and 10 min / movie after which they are billed.

They have not yet started billing additionally for broadband on the STB so assume that its unlimited access for the 100 flat fee which may well not be commercially viable when they launch...

PS: The rumors are that further price cuts for movies & songs could be expected for the launch to about Rs. 25 & Rs 10 / mth respectively

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what does "unlimited views/replays in that billing cycle" mean?

After that billing cycle does all the downloads get erased?

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