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Reliance Communications, Intel Join Hands

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For faster net connectivity

In a joint venture, the Reliance Communication along with Intel is offering yet another value-added service to its customers.

This new package offers instant and uninterrupted net connectivity in 25 selected cities or towns across Tamilnadu.

Announcing the new initiative during a joint press meet yesterday. the company officials said this new package is meant for the people of B and C class towns. And the new package already launched in Karnataka will be widen its base to other States soon.

According to company sources, the new package offers the customers an easy accessibilty and could be widely used for ATMs too. Another redeeming feature is Reliance Mobile handsets can be used as wireless modems to connect the internet from personal computers, laptops or hand-held devices, even while on the move. Rural customers stand to gain from this new package since they can get easy net connectivity.

The activation charge is Rs 1,200 with a four months free use.

V G Somasekhar, circle CEO, Reliance communications Tamilnadu said, 'Internet connectivity in India especially in the B and C class towns has lagged behind due the poor quality networks and high access costs. CMDA wireless connectivity will now bridge both-access and cost gaps-and revolut-ionise internet usage.

Our expanding Reliance Netconnect use base has already established us one of the largest ISPs in the country and is growing every day. With our third phase network expansion underway, Reliance Communications services are covering the far-flung interiors of the state and this tie-up will help boost the rural and small town economy by increasing internet penetration.'

Ashok Nair, sales manager, Intel, said that through this tie-up intel will ensure the uncompromised access of technology to every one. It would mainly focus on three key areas of accessibility, connectivity and education.

Manu Khera, head, wireless internet access, Reliance communication was present on the occasion.


is it unlimted 144k for 400 RS / month ????? :help:

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riiight....and do u really think these B and C grade cities are going to have ppl who are willing to pay even 400 bucks a month for getting internet through a handset? Reliance has purely gone mad. B and C grade cities first need to solve BASIC problems like road, water, electricity and jobs...

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Only a few sets like LG RD 2030 offers 24Hr net connectivity. Hope u know what I mean...

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The Hindu

Friday, Jun 23, 2006

National sales manager, Intel Technology India Private Limited, Ashok Nair said the tie-up with Reliance was in tune with the company's "World Ahead" programme that aimed at furthering access for technology and Internet across the country. In their presentation to the media, Reliance said they currently had over 13 lakh wireless customers spread across 600 towns in Tamil Nadu. Of them, there were over 2.05 lakh customers accessing Internet using Reliance Netconnect services. The average data exchanged per user per month was around 248 MB. The maximum download speed possible through their Internet service was 144 kilobits per second.

The average data exchanged per user per month was around 248 MB

Interesting... they sure are earning a lot if thats the average data transfer per month !

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y the hell are they still stuck up with 144 kbps :angry::angry:

mr ambani WORLD is way ahead than us!! PAPA ka sapna pura karna hai ki nahin :punk:

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Intel, MAFCOCS Combine Forces

At a press briefing in Mumbai today, the Maharashtra State Federation Co-operative Credit Societies Limited (MAFCOCS) and Intel India signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly deploy 10,000 Community PCs across 80,000 co-operative societies in the country.

As per the MoU, the two will jointly campaign to increase IT awareness amongst the 80,000-odd co-operative credit societies that cater to approximately 30 million people in the country. Intel will help MAFCOCS to set-up a datacenter in Pune that will cater to the future needs of co-operative credit societies.

Intel sees this as a significant step forward in its World Ahead program, which aims at taking computing accessibility to the next best level.

Also according to the MoU, Intel will advice MAFCOCS on various aspects of technology including selection and deployment, and will readily share its experience both in consumer premise equipment and connectivity infrastructure. Besides, Intel will support MAFCOCS in its mission to deploy common ICT infrastructure for co-operative credit societies, and to educate the state federation team on relevant and upcoming software and hardware technologies.

In return, MAFCOCS will help enable the software content of co-operative credit societies' on Intel architecture.

Lalit Gandhi, chairman, MAFCOCS, said, "The entire deployment structure is divided into three phases. As part of the first phase, 10,000 PCs will be deployed to 3,000 co-operative societies in Maharashtra in 2006-07 but the actual work will start by end of July. In the second phase, we will target nine states, while in the third phase, we will look at covering all co-operative societies across the country."

Gandhi said, "MAFCOCS seeks to provide co-operative credit societies in Maharashtra information technology that will enable socio-economic development of the community. Our association with Intel will ensure these societies get greater access to affordable and advanced technology."

Amar Babu, newly-appointed managing director - sales and marketing, Intel (South Asia), said, "We understand the impact of research and innovation required to address the socio-economic situations prevalent in rural communities in India. Intel has, in the past, in consultation with various grass root operators, designed a Community PC to meet rural computing needs. This association with MAFCOCS to deploy the Community PC will further strengthen Intel's initiatives in allowing technology to empower the community."

Recently, Intel launched the rural PC, deigned and attuned to work in a rural environment. This PC has special filters to ensure that dust does not enter the machine.

Madhav Koparkar, technical director, MAFCOCS, said, "The maintenance and service will be provided by particular vendors, for which the tender has already been floated. Wipro has been signed as one of the vendors, and we are in talks with some more."

Koparkar said, "The cost of the PC has not been finalized as yet but the initial target will be around Rs 45,000 for each society, along with a complete package including Monitor, CPU, Printer, UPS, and Application Software."

Intel firmly believes that India plays a pivotal role in its World Ahead Program. As such, the country would only benefit from these and other initiatives of Intel. The company designs technology solutions to meet the specific needs of the developing world, and the Community PC is one such example.

In addition to these technologies, Intel also announced several new steps to drive technology accessibility, Internet connectivity, and effective education.


whats up with INTEL these days ??

its tying up wid TATA , RELIANCE , MAFCOCS to boost PC + broadband penetration!!! what is INTEL targeting to get from India with these kind of ventures :angry:

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