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The Basics

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What is a NAM?

NAM stands for Number Assignment Module. The NAM is the EPROM that

holds information such as the ESN, MIN and SIDH. Cellular fraud is committed

by modifying the information stored in this component.

What is an ESN?

ESN stands for Electronic Serial Number. The is the serial number of

your cellular telephone which is transmitted to the cell site, and used

in conjuction with the NAM to verify that you are a legitimate user on

the system.

What is a MIN?

MIN stands for Mobile Identification Number. This is the phone number

of the cellular telephone. Well, not exactly phone munber, but a hash of your phone number. Sending a fixed size hash simplifies the packet structure by keeping the field size fixed and independent of number of digits in your phone number.

What is a SCM?

SCM stands for Station Class Mark. The SCM is a 4 bit number which

holds three different pieces of information. Your cellular telephone

transmits this information (and more) to the cell tower. Bit 1 of the

SCM tells the cell tower whether your cellphone uses the older 666

channel cellular system, or the newer 832 channel cellular system. The

expansion to 832 channels occured in 1988. Bit 2 tells the cellular

system whether your cellular telephone is a mobile unit or a voice

activated cellular telephone. Bit's 3 and 4 tell the cell tower what

power your cellular telephone should be transmitting on.

Bit 1:

0 == 666 channels

1 == 832 channels

Bit 2:

0 == Mobile cellular telephone

1 == Voice activated cellular telephone

Bit 3/4:

00 == 3.0 watts (Mobiles)

01 == 1.2 watts (Transportables)

10 == .06 watts (Portables)

11 == Reserved for future use

What is a MTSO?

MTSO stands for Mobile Telephone Switching Office. The MTSO is the

switching office that connects all of the individual cell towers to the

Central Office (CO).

The MTSO is responsible for monitoring the relative signal strength of

your cellular phone as reported by each of the cell towers, and

switching your conversation to the cell tower which will give you the

best possible reception.

What is a SIDH?

SIDH stands for System Identification for Home System. The SIDH in your

cellular telephone tells the cellular system what system your cellular

service originates from. This is used in roaming (making cellular calls

when in an area not served by your cellular provider).

Every geographical region has two SIDH codes, one for the wireline

carrier and one for the nonwireline carrier. These are the two

companies that are legally allowed to provide cellular telephone service

in that region. The wireline carrier is usually your local telephone

company, while the nonwireline carrier will be another company. The

SIDH for the wireline carrier is always an even number, while the SIDH

for the nonwireline carrier is always an odd number. The wireline

carrier is also known as the Side-B carrier and the non-wireline carrier

is also known as the Side-A carrier.

SIDH is often abbreviated to SID.

Please help keep this thread clean. Post your comments/questions in the thread meant for discussion.

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MSC = Mobile Switching Centre

SDCA = Short Distance Calling Area

LDCA = Long " " "

TSS = Temp Subscription Service

MSS = Metro Subs Srvc

EVDO = Evolution Data Only

3G = Third Generation

J2ME = Java 2 Micro Edition

WAP = Wireless Application Protocol

MTBF = Mean Time Between Failures

RTFM = Read the F***ing Manual!


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What is a SCM?

SCM stands for Station Class Mark.  The SCM is a 4 bit number which

holds three different pieces of information.  Your cellular telephone

transmits this information (and more) to the cell tower.  Bit 1 of the

SCM tells the cell tower whether your cellphone uses the older 666

channel cellular system, or the newer 832 channel cellular system. The

expansion to 832 channels occured in 1988.  Bit 2 tells the cellular

system whether your cellular telephone is a mobile unit or a voice

activated cellular telephone.  Bit's 3 and 4 tell the cell tower what

power your cellular telephone should be transmitting on.

<span style='font-family:Courier'>

Bit 1:   

0 == 666 channels

1 == 832 channels

Bit 2:   

0 == Mobile cellular telephone

1 == Voice activated cellular telephone

Bit 3/4:

00 == 3.0 watts (Mobiles)

01 == 1.2 watts (Transportables)

10 == .06 watts (Portables)

11 == Reserved for future use</span>

where is SCM stored?


I mean Is It READ-ONLY or Canbe Modified?

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What is R-UIM?

What is the difference between GSM & Reliance CDMA technology?

How our calls are handled?

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What is a NAM?

NAM stands for Number Assignment Module. The NAM is the EPROM that

holds information such as the ESN, MIN and SIDH. Cellular fraud is committed

by modifying the information  ................................      for the nonwireline carrier is always an odd number. The wireline

carrier is also known as the Side-B carrier and the non-wireline carrier

is also known as the Side-A carrier.

SIDH is often abbreviated to SID.

What is R-UIM?

What is the difference between GSM & Reliance CDMA technology?

How our calls are handled?

For more info pls log on to



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Any Direct Way That I Can Take Out My EEPROM And Read XYZ ofset and then modify it directly?

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Taking out E2PROM and reading is'nt the most direct way ;)

Try it with UniCDMA, it's wuite straightforward this way.

The chips BTW, as expected, are not mounted in sockets. And so it'll be a bit messy to try to read E2PROM. Specially when you can do without it. I will post internal photographs to RD2030 sometime later today.

If you do have the right equipment, do post a dump of ROM here. That will reaveal many interesting things... including clues to NAM codes.

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i had got my hands on a blown out phone(the oscillator circuit had blown) and had bought a MSM5015 chip from lamington road.

check out this topic


but alas i do not recollect where are those bin files which i had recovered.

i'll check for a backup...

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The SCM is a 4 bit number which

holds three different pieces of information

Well above it says that SCM is a 4 bit number. Now when I read through UniCDMA it shows SCM as an 8 bit number. What does this mean is UniCDMA readin it wrong or is it also possible to hava an 8 bit SCM. I've attached a picture of what I found maybe one of you techies could make some sence out of it.

Heres the link attach didn't work


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can u reduce the size of the image or cut the exterior unnecessary portion such tht it can be viewed decently even?

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RD2030 back view..



By the way whatz its for????

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