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Dear Infocommers,

[deleted as per request]With best wishes,

Edited by radha

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If its really bothering people, I can easily stop posting (less work for me!).

I'm not here to defend or justify any particular point of view.

Think of me as the messenger...

If you have a point/comment to make, just try do it without getting too personal ('bull****'?).

If any illegal activity is detected, kindly report it to the relevant police dept ('hiring goons', etc).

If its not illegal but still bothers you, pls lodge a complaint to the chairman directly ('not sending the bills').

I don't represent RIL/RIC in any way.

I'm not sure what else I can do to make it more clear that this is a QUOTE and not my personal opinion.

Kindly redirect your frustrations/anger elsewhere ...


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Thanks Radha for posting it..

We dont want you to stop this...

Well regarding the post..

It shows that chairman is not silent

with the bad customer service offered by some employees

We shall hope that atleast now their dudes give some respect to solving issues :)

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customer care is not just about attitude.

The customer care exucutives have to empowered. At webworllds and at *333 they are not.

My own experience with reliance customer care has been so terrible - not once but many many times i have simply given up up on many of my problems.

Can you believe that i got a call from from the BJP and so did several of my freinds last month? How can any phone company give/sell its customers phone numbers to any other organisation/individual?

This shows not just "some bad employees" but the Corporate philosophy of reliance info-con. The customer does not matter here!!! This is not a descision taken by a samll fry in the organisation but obviously at the highest level.

<edited out>

Besides if these are really internal memoranda, than its illeagal to post them here.

Well best of luck to people still dreaming the 3GCDMA dream.

Edited by city02

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Sorry Radha. I was not getting personal. Sorry, if it came out that way. I was talking about that letter... world class service... from reliance??? Now, this is something which I cant very easily believe. But as ashokjp said, lets hope they give some respect to customer issues and try to solve it instead of just sending messages to employees and customers.

Sorry if I have offended you. Please dont take it the wrong way. You are doing a great job by posting items and opinions here. Keep it up.

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Hey where did u get that letter from radha do u work with Reliance or sumthin, pls tell me where u got it from I hope theres more cumin here Just wanna say keep posting :)

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Can you believe that i got a call from from the BJP and so did several of my freinds last month?

How can any phone company give/sell  its customers phone numbers to any other organisation/individual? 

This shows not just "some bad employees" but the Corporate philosophy of reliance info-con.  The customer does not matter here!!! This is not a descision taken by a samll fry in the organisation but obviously at the highest level.

Radhas "work" is apparently posting these messages which is a total PR spinup. Whether he/she has less or more work is really of no concern to anyone on this forum who has genuine problems with reliance info-con.  Besides if these are really internal memoranda, than its illeagal to post them here.

OK, fine you have made your point (however irrational and absurd it might be).

This is my last and final post to this forum.

You will not see any more letters from me.

I thought it would be interesting/helpful to get a different point of view

but judging by the responses, I was wrong.

But I would also like to clear up the ignorance (I'm not going away quietly!):

Have any of you heard of 'predictive dialers'?

Most RIM users have their numbers in a public directory on RWorld.

Even if they delete/delist their number, the devices simply dial each number in sequence until they get through (e.g., 3456-0000 to 3456-9999) so its trivial to be able to get your # without paying RIM anything at all.

Paranoia aside, most large corporates do not actively seek to alienate their customers - they would be out of business by now.

No organisation on this planet has a corporate philosophy that states their customers don't matter so just get over it.

There is no secret conspiracy to 'screw' any individual over personally by any major company!

I would argue that its not just 'bad employees' but bad processes, training, procedures, etc.

The staff feel helpless stuck in a large system and take the 'safe'/low risk option which does not help the end customer.

The primary goal of such letters to employees by any organisation is to let them know its OK to take a few steps 'outside the box' and go the extra mile in resolving complaints.

This is not the first or last time such letters will be written in any large retail organisation ANYWHERE.

Your arrogance is quite amazing - after you get over the fact that YOU or this site is not the centre of the universe, you might realise that if RIC wanted a PR spin, they would have bombarded virtually all media outlets not one single site.

The P stands for PUBLIC in PR which implies all mass media.

I agree it might be considered illegal so I'm deleting the 2 letters.

Hopefully you can get a grip on yourself now and avoid getting totally carried away.

Its unfortunate that people create and hang on to such strong beliefs without a shred of evidence.

I actually thought it would be good to get the other side of the story...

Best wishes to the rest of you!

I really didn't mean to rock the boat (try to belive that).

Its time to move on with our respective lives ...



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But I would also like to clear up the ignorance (I'm not going away quietly!):

Way to go girl - speak your mind!


Hey where did u get that letter from radha do u work with Reliance or sumthin

I think that was clarified in an earlier topic - 'not affiliated in any way' or something similar was the post.

Sorry if I have offended you. Please dont take it the wrong way.


I also don't think you were overly offensive - maybe it was a little unexpected at most...

Whether he/she has less or more work is really of no concern to anyone on this forum who has genuine problems with reliance info-con. Besides if these are really internal memoranda, than its illeagal to post them here.

I agree internal communications SHOULD not be posted publicly but then again neither should hacks, cracks, cloning, etc.

In any case we should have a consistent stand on all such issues.

The point about more or less work is totally irrelevant since that seemed to have been made in jest to begin with (IMO).

I really didn't mean to rock the boat (try to belive that).

Its time to move on with our respective lives ...

I actually enjoyed the little flame war that broke out! :clap:

Keeps everyone on their toes I guess but no harm - no foul is my take on it.

We'll miss ya!

My first multi-quote post!

Chirag aren't you proud!!


PS: I badly need a spell checker - where's F7 when you need it?!

If you don't use MS Word you won't get it so just let it slide...

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But I would also like to clear up the ignorance (I'm not going away quietly!):

Have any of you heard of 'predictive dialers'?

Most RIM users have their numbers in a public directory on RWorld.

Even if they delete/delist their number, the devices simply dial each number in sequence until they get through (e.g., 3456-0000 to 3456-9999) so its trivial to be able to get your # without paying RIM anything at all.

much before these calls started , newspapers in bangalore had already announced that this was going to happen to reliance subscribers. however you are right - autodialers might have been used.
Your arrogance is quite amazing
why would you asume that???
- after you get over the fact that YOU or this site is not the centre of the universe, you might realise that if RIC wanted a PR spin, they would have bombarded virtually all media outlets not one single site.
you need to know PR doent mean the same as campaigning. It can be more directed. An internal comm. is not PR. But its being posted here is!!

Call it advertising if you will.

Paranoia aside, most large corporates do not actively seek to alienate their customers - they would be out of business by now.

No organisation on this planet has a corporate philosophy that states their customers don't matter so just get over it.

There is no secret conspiracy to 'screw' any individual over personally by any major company!

If this is true then reliance infocon has really got its work cut out for it!!!! Wonder why so many people on the web think otherwise. If you want i can post links to other sites where people have expressed their opinion since
this site is not the centre of the universe

This is my last and final post to this forum

If that is true than good bye and best of luck


Edited by city02

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you need to know PR doent mean the same as campaigning. It can be more directed. An internal comm. is not PR. But its being posted here is!!

Call it advertising if you will.

I wish it was advertising - at least we'd get some money to support this site!

Actually its no more or less 'PR' than all the corp press releases and news articles we also post here in any case so I feel it was not out of line.

why would you asume that???

I think it was because you claimed the post was a 'total PR spinup' and assumed she worked for Infocomm...

In any case we should give this one a quiet burial.

Edited by Ashokjp

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when i took the connection i was in chandigarh and i was working in panchkula, which is only 10kms away from chandigarh. first problem was with bill. reliance people started sending my bills to my company address. i requested the CC(CUST DARE) not to do that. but even now i am at kerala still my bills go there sometimes.

State OF The ART CC.


I gave a written request for the same that be bills must be issued to my residance address and mind it that i had given address proof of my residance with the application for connection. they demanded address proof again. i told them that already i provided the proof and its with them. then my duplicate bills with some bills of current time came to that address.


Again i had to change my residance and i gave a new address proof to them with all valid documents. it took 4 months again to get my bills to new address. i had to collect my bills from my old company address, from where i resigned..hmmm

another headache to bribe the peon there and get them.


They one day called me up and told my address proof is to be verified, and they never came there to verify. after some time i came back to my home town from chandigarh, i did a SDCA transfer. the sdca transfer was done with my passport address. after that, when i called the CC on *333 for some bill related query, he told me that my address is not clear. i told him that i provided all the address proof with attested and originals.( well guys i did that meeting a gazetted officer at each time for getting attested originals, since i was a native of kerala living in chandigarh).


I went to RWW and they told that they have done their part by forwarding the address proof. when i came to kerala, the RWW people told me that my address remains the same chandigarh address. and the most funny part was the chandigarh address contained AMBALA CITY in it. i said them that i had given a request there to get my sdca and adderss too changed. but in my native place i had to resubmit it again. still i dont receive hard copy of my bills

To Be Continued.........

seems i am losing patience and going to get out of reliance service soon

Edited by Chirag

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I would argue that its not just 'bad employees' but bad processes, training, procedures, etc.

The staff feel helpless stuck in a large system and take the 'safe'/low risk option which does not help the end customer.

That is precisely why (taking the low-risk option) cuxstomer service is very poor in all organizations, not only in Reliance. Management spends countless hours and bucks on training and development. Yet, the public seems to be getting the raw deal always.

Edited by jusmail

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