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Does Mobile Rays Attracts Lightning In Rain

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If you get caught in a storm and you have nothing to shelter under, here are a few tips that might help.

Beware!!! If it is an electrical storm ( lightning and thunder), try to stay away from tall objects such

as trees, poles and other tall objects, this will help as lightning will find the shortest way to earth

i.e.:- a tall tree, if you are standing under that tree the electrical charge that is caused by the lightning will injure or KILL you. Don't use mobile phones these could attract it. If you are in the open and there are no trees or other things around try to make your self the smallest object around, crouch on the ground, huddle in a hollow ( make sure the hollow is not a drain or water run off channel ) If you are hiking remove any pack packs that may have a metal frame. A good thing to remember is that if you feel your skin or hair tingle drop to the ground, this usually means that a lightning strike is about

to strike near you.

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Thx Greens, :blink:

Now little question remains is, when electrical storm ( lightning and thunder) starts we should not use our mobiles :(


Also metrocities like Mumbai will it cause any problem.

This problem with lightning is same for both GSM & WLL phones :)

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Hey a small doubt .I live on the 6 th floor and there a gsm tower right next to my window will it cause any probs , bcos my system is locate d right next to the window

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Normally High rise buildings & and Mobile towers are fitted with lightning protectors. So dont worry.

Check the link,


Lightning doesnt discriminates between technologies, whether GSM OR CDMA OR PSTN.

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Lightning doesnt discriminates between technologies, whether GSM OR CDMA OR PSTN.

Correct me if i'm wrong but i think it does . Because cdma uses broadcast so there are a lot of signals being transmitted and recieved so making the tower a hotbed of signal activity.so the brighter chances of getting hit by ligtening comp to gsm or pstn (local BSNL if thats what greens meant).

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Nope, my friend has suffered a lightning attack while talking on a BSNL line (PSTN), luckily she survived the attack.

So the probabilites may differ, but the chances are always there.

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